Suddenly the Caliphate of ISIS has disappeared from the headlines all across the United States. It is like some giant hand has pulled a giant switch toward “off” before the weekend. From cable TV to the major networks to printed media. Even online: the headlines are no more about ISIS or Kenji Goto. Even Benyamin Netanyahu and his not-very-diplomatic sleeper mole deep inside the U.S. Congress have been pushed back.
Back in Mosul and Raqqa the pious Jihadi upper echelon huddle over maps and headlines trying to figure it out. What has sucked the air, media air, from the Caliphate? At least in America, Reagan’s city on a hill they dream of sacking, they are below the radar now. Abu Bakr al-Samarrai and his Wahhabi and Chechen and European aides point the finger at a small point on the map. A place they, and most other people on earth, have never heard of: Phoenix.
What is this holy Super Bowl that now pre-occupies America? Is it like the funny little bowls their priests dip their fingers in during their Satanic rites? Is it like their other holy shopping seasons? Christmas? Black Friday? And who are these Seahawks and Patriots and Goodell? And what are New England and Seattle? What about Deflategate and Las Vegas odds? What about this new mantra I hear:”I’m just here so I won’t get fined, boss“? What do these strange words mean?
One young man, a graduate of another faraway place called Tempe, whispers in the ear of the Caliph. He nods, strokes his beard, looks thoughtful and summarizes it:
“I see. It is a temporary deliberate madness created by a powerful cabal called the N.F.L. They aim to get the people to spend more money buying things they would be embarrassed to wear for the rest of the year. To create the illusion of common interests and equality. And to divert attention away from the glories of the Caliphate. Let’s us wait until after Sunday. Meanwhile, we should all watch this Super Bowl tomorrow. I root for Seattle, WTF that be……..“.
Mohammed Haider Ghuloum
Category Archives: Culture and Sports
The Taliban Invade the Rose Parade……….
Woke up early, too early today on this very cold first morning of 2015. Watched the Rose Parade in Pasadena (on TV from the Northwest of course). Getting ready to watch the Ducks beat the WTF they’re called in Florida State (maybe the Seminoles that they killed off?). One nice float had a Sikh motif, with a bunch of Sikh people on it. Sikhs of India, and maybe elsewhere, wear turbans, sort of like some of us Muslims. Sort of like the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
I switched quickly to Fox News, expecting one of their Five, or is it Six, geniuses complain about the Taliban or other Muslim terrorists taking over the Rose Parade.
It has a ring to it if you are a regular watcher, occasionally with tragic results…………
Mohammed Haider Ghuloum
Human Rights: Building the Pyramids of Doha and FIFA without Moses………
Have Yourself a Merry Little——-> Kenny G. Holiday
“Nepalese migrants building the infrastructure to host the 2022 World Cup have died at a rate of one every two days in 2014 – despite Qatar’s promises to improve their working conditions, the Guardian has learned. The figure excludes deaths of Indian, Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi workers, raising fears that if fatalities among all migrants were taken into account the toll would almost certainly be more than one a day. Qatar had vowed to reform the industry after the Guardian exposed the desperate plight of many of its migrant workers last year. The government commissioned an investigation by the international law firm DLA Piper and promised to implement recommendations listed in a report published in May. But human rights organisations have accused Qatar of dragging its feet………….”
If you have seen the old Ten Commandments films of Cecil B. DeMille, either one of them, you’d recognize something here. That was when Charlton Heston rebelled on behalf of the Jewish slaves who were building the Pharaoh’s (Yul Brenner) tomb. The slaves were ancient Jews, including Edward G. Robinson who probably looked ancient at birth, instead of Nepalese, Bengalis, and other South Asians. Many of them died on the job, at least in the Hollywood version of the story. Ditto for the most recent version featuring Big Moses and Little Yahweh.
Now back to earth and our current age. If the figure of one dead every two days is accurate that is suspiciously excessive, to grossly understate the tragedy. And it is only for one nationality of migrant workers, one of several. A crime either by negligence or callousness toward the value of certain lives. With temperatures in the forties Centigrade and in the 120’s Fahrenheit, labor should be curtailed, especially at daytime. Not that the evenings are that much cooler in summer on My Gulf (I bet you didn’t know it is mine and not some king’s or potentate’s).
FYI: there is no Moses on the Persian Gulf, nor is there likely to be one anytime soon. These are not captive forced labor, not until they land in the host country. Besides, if there were a Moses, some Pharaoh would buy him off. If they can buy off governments of big democratic world powers like Britain and France, they can buy off almost anyone.
Mohammed Haider Ghuloum
What Qatar and North Korea Have in Common: the Crowd is Not Wild……..
Have Yourself a Merry Little——-> Kenny G. Holiday
“The men grappled with each other to board the quickly filling bus. Others wriggled in through the windows, scaling the outside, using the large wheels as footholds and leaving scuff-marks on the white exterior with their shoes. These weren’t refugees fleeing disaster. They were migrant workers in 2022 World Cup host Qatar, fighting to earn a few dollars. The job: Pretend to be a sports fan. Qataris boast they’re mad for sports. The ruling emir of the oil-and-gas rich Gulf nation is so fond of football he bought Paris Saint-Germain, now France’s powerhouse team………. Thirty Qatar riyals – equivalent to $8 – won’t buy a beer in the luxury waterside hotel in Doha, the capital, where Qatari movers-and-shakers unwind. But for this pittance, workers from Africa and Asia sprint under blinding sun in the Doha industrial zone where they’re housed and surround a still-moving bus like bees on honey……………..”
During the FIFA World Cup games in South Africa, there were many groups, including families, rooting for the North Korean team. Which seemed odd, given that individuals in North Korea are not allowed to do any private travel overseas. If they could afford it. Then came reports, some of them credible, that these were Chinese crowds, including families with children, hired by the ruling dynasty in Pyongyang to pretend to be North Koreans.
Now we come to Qatar, where temporary foreign laborers are more than 87% of the population of about 2 million. Most of them are from South and Southeast Asia. There are just not enough people in Qatar to fill any stadium, even if expatriate laborers were willing to pay for tickets. Which they are not because they can’t afford it and most are not interested in football/soccer. Hence this practice of hiring foreign spectators. The ruling family of Qatar will spend billions for the privilege of being the only Middle East country to host the FIFA World Cup games in this century. Until somebody offers bigger bribes to FIFA officials.
This item was eagerly highlighted by Saudi semi-official Alarabiya, but only in its English edition. Gulf GCC media are rarely critical of other Gulf GCC countries and regimes. Which means tat Saudi-Qatari differences and tensions have not vanished, they were just swept under the rug for now. of course the fact that Qatar beat Saudi Arabia to win the Gulf Cup last month may also have something to do with this.
Mohammed Haider Ghuloum
From FIFA to FIBA: Qatar Seeking to Buy the Rest of World Sports………..
Have Yourself a Merry Little——-> Kenny G. Holiday
“Qatar is among six bidders to host basketball’s World Cup in 2019 or 2023. The International Basketball Federation (FIBA) says China, Germany, the Philippines and Turkey also want to host one of the next two tournaments. FIBA says Germany may bid alone or with France. The FIBA ruling board will choose the 2019 host in June, and may pick the 2023 host from the remaining bidders………. Qatar will host football’s World Cup in 2022……………”
I wonder how much they are going to pay to get this basketball event? Are world basketball officials more or less greedy than FIFA soccer officials?
Mohammed Haider Ghuloum
A Sporting Fatwa, a Wahhabi Kosher Fatwa………
Saudi Arabia is in the throes of a profound theological controversy that evolves around sports. Saudi Prince AbulRahman Bin Musa’ed Al Saud is the president of local sports club Al Hilal (many if not all heads are princes because they can deliver the goodies and they like to lord it over lesser beings). The prince had asked his fans and supporters to pray and beseech Allah to grant his club victory in its coming soccer match against an Australian club.
Enter Herr Doctor Shaikh Sa’ad Al Drayhim, apparently some senior cleric, who issued a fatwa that it is not ‘permitted’ or Halal or Kosher to seek divine intervention in soccer games. This has created the controversy. Apparently most Wahhabi clerics would permit seeking divine intervention, provided it is done within the legal Shri’a rules. Meaning? If it is done after getting permission of the Wahhabi clergy.
And these are the people Mr. Obama said he is proud to “stand shoulder to shoulder” with in Iraq and Syria. These are the people who seek to liberate Syria for democracy and freedom and modernity, preferably via a Caliphate.
Mohammed Haider Ghuloum
Globalized Thieves of London………
“UAE risk map calls Oxford Street, Soho and Piccadilly districts ‘dangerous’ after recent attacks but police insist crime has fallen. Scotland Yard insisted on Wednesday that there was “absolutely nowhere” in London that should be avoided after the United Arab Emirates advised its citizens against visiting certain “hazardous” and “less secure” parts of the city centre, including some of its most popular tourist destinations.……….. Using Google maps, areas identified as dangerous under the UAE guidance were Marble Arch tube station, running north to Edgware Road and beyond the Metropole Hotel, as well as an area including Piccadilly, Bond Street, Soho, Leicester Square, Oxford Circus and Tottenham Court Road……………“
Bustling West London has been a notorious place for robbing Arab and Middle East tourists. Especially for Gulfies who are seen as rich (not all are) and hence easy prey. London is the only Western capital I was ever robbed in: in fact it is the only city anywhere I was ever robbed in, and I have been to many cities and towns around the world. Mainly pickpockets and credit card fraud in my case: they see the name and bingo, easy prey. Not anymore, that was two decades ago.
Of course this does not mean the thieves are necessarily ‘English’, very likely not. I also get funny emails offering to share millions with me, mostly from London, but the offered easy money is usually Nigerian. Thievery, like its corporatist sister, has been globalized.
Mohammed Haider Ghuloum
Egypt Salafi Leader Bans World Cup, Urges ‘Funner’ Diversions…….
“Vice-Chief of the Salafi Dawa Yasser Borhamy has issued a religious edict, saying that Muslims are forbidden from watching football matches in the World Cup as it could be seen as admiring disbelievers. In his edict posted on Ana Salafi, the official website of the Salafi Dawa, Borhamy said, “the World Cup matches distract Muslims from performing their [religioius] duties. They include forbidden things that could break the fast in Ramadan as well as others fobidden in Islam like intolerance and wasting time. Football lovers like disbelievers of foreign teams’ players and others, which is rejected.” Borhamy also called on football lovers to focus on their religion and stay away from such forbidden things……………”
FYI: he was kidding when he said that intolerance is forbidden (it is, but not for Salafis).
The shaggy Salafi leader was asked: “In that case what can we do in the evenings for fun instead?“.
He is reported by my eccentric reporter to have winked, cracked a lascivious smile, and replied: “If you need me to tell you about fun, then you are as hopeless as a Shi’a in Mosul“.
Then he added: “There is at least one other thing that is ‘funner’ than watching a bunch of other guys kicking a FIFA ball around“.
UAE Kayak One: Gulf Potentates and their Very Expensive Toys………
“Le yacht “Azzam” acheté par la famille royale des Emirats arabes unis est désormais le plus long au monde avec une dimension de 180 mètres, selon le classement annuel du magazine Yachts France……….. “Azzam”, tout juste terminé par le constructeur allemand Lürssen Yachts, est doté de six ponts et d’un salon de 550 m2 décoré en style Empire par un designer français. Son propriétaire, le président des Emirats, cheikh Khalifa ben Zayed Al Nahyane, pourra atteindre à son bord 31,5 noeuds, une prouesse technique, écrit le magazine. Les plus nombreux restent en 2013 les ressortissants du Moyen-Orient (31 yachts), suivis des Russes (19) et des Américains (17). On retrouve ainsi en troisième position le yacht “Dubai” de 162 mètres, propriété de l’émir de Dubaï cheikh Mohammed ben Rachid al-Maktoum, suivi en quatrième position du “Al Said” de 155 mètres sous les couleurs du sultanat d’Oman……………….”
“Motor yacht Azzam is probably built for Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Emir of Abu Dhabi and President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE – Emirates). ………. Azzam means ‘determination’ in Arabic. So Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan is probably the owner of luxury yacht Azzam. His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, referred to as Sheikh Khalifa, is the President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and emir of Abu Dhabi. Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan is considered to be one of the world’s wealthiest monarchs, with a net worth of USD 15 billion. Sheikh Khalifa also runs the world’s second-largest sovereign wealth fund, with reported assets of more than USD 600 billion. In 2010, the world’s tallest man-made structure, originally known as Burj Dubai, was renamed to Burj Khalifa, in honor of the Sheikh. Sheikh Khalifa is an active philanthropist. Among several donations, the Sheikh has pledged USD 150 million to the University of Texas… …………….”
It is a good think most Saudis are land-lubbers, desert people rather than sea-going people. It is a good thing the Al Saud are not sea-going types, otherwise you can imagine the size of ship King Abdullah will order. He’d have to make sure it is bigger than that of the UAE rulers, his manhood will be at stake. It has to be, given the size of his kingdom: he rules over some 15 million natives compared to about 1 million natives in the UAE. Imagine the poor shaikh (now king) of Bahrain: if it is to be proportional he would have to get a lifeboat for a yacht. He may still need a lifeboat one of these days, just to bail out.
Modestly they call it Jalboot Force One, others call it Kayak Force One. Modestly.
WTF UAE: Shaikhs Bin Technocrat and Manchester City Club, from King to Wali……..
“She said: Kings, when they enter a land, they ruin it, and make its noble people its meanest, thus do they behave…….” Holy Quran (Saurat al-Naml: The Ants)
“Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed (Bin Technocrat) al-Nahayan, Head of State, congratulated Shaikh Mansour Bin Zayed (Bin Technocrat) al-Nahayan on the occasion of the victory of Manchester City Club in the English Premier League. His highness also congratulated all managers of the team and the technical staff as well as the players as the players………….”
Wow! Verstehen?
I can’t think of anything else the people of the UAE, the 15% of them who are native citizens and the 85% them who are foreign laborers and housemaids, needed to boost their morale better than this. They didn’t even need all their bought JDAM Bunker Busters or high-tech fighter
jets or their Blackwater-led foreign mercenary brigade from Colombia and Australia and other faraway places to achieve it.
I imagine the GCC summit in Riyadh tomorrow will take time to congratulate Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Bin Technocrat al-Nahayan, on this victory. That will come after they congratulate the current king (former shaikh and future satrap or wali) of Bahrain on giving his countgry to the al-Saud princes without the consent of most of his people.