Category Archives: Sharia

A Wahhabi Coming of Age in Indonesia and Malaysia?……

Shuwaikh-school1 Hiking Sharqeya-Baneen-15


“FOR decades, South-East Asia has had two lucky bulwarks against militant Islam: the peaceful, tolerant form of their faith practised by most South-East Asian Muslims; and the relative incompetence of local jihadists. But South-East Asia’s tradition of syncretic Islam has been threatened by stricter forms imported from the Middle East, seen as more modern and correct. Violent jihadism seems to be following the same pattern, if the bloody violence in central Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital, on January 14th, is anything to go by…………  In Malaysia, however, the government itself has thoroughly politicised Islam, leaving little room for dissent from its harshest rules. A study last year found more than 70% of Malaysia’s ethnic-Malay, Muslim, majority support hudud laws such as stoning for adultery…………….”

Southeast Asia has been largely under the radar as far as Wahhabism and Jihadi terrorism is concerned. Saudi madrassas (meaning schools but here ones that stress Wahhabi ideology, manned by Saudi clerics-teachers) have been around for a couple of decades, and a new crop of young terrorists are coming of age.

Mohammed Haider Ghuloum

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Al Azhar and the Academic Laws of Physics: Sharia Rules on Human Gases………

Shuwaikh-school1 RattleSnakeRidge Sharqeya-Baneen-15


They are mocking Islam and the Sharia. No, not the usual European bigots and the usual suspects among extremist American Islamophobic pop-intellectuals. This is a report on once-respected institution turned nearly ridiculous. Al Azhar, established almost a thousand years ago by the Fatimid Dynasty in Cairo.

Egyptian media are very obedient and respectful toward the regime and all its institutions these days, but other Arab media report an interesting alleged new development. The staid and usually respectable Al-Azhar has awarded a doctorate degree to a Shaikh F.S. (?) in Sharia and the Law. He received an overall A for his thesis which dealt with what he called “benign gases” that are emitted by humans (and other animals), also popularly known “fart”, or ضراط in Arabic (no insult intended to the Arab League and its meetings). His thesis dealt with these gases from a theological point of view. He argued that there are certain rules in the Shari’a that specify carefully the smells of the gases that would nullify the pre-prayer ablutions, as well as the number of seconds that the “fart” lasts in which case it is considered nullifying for pre-prayer ablutions.

Shaikh F.S. (you figure the name out) specified the smells (of emitted human gases) that would nullify pre-prayer ablutions as follows: farts that have the flavor/smell of eggs, onions, Pastrami, or cabbage. Every other emitted gas is considered benign gas, unless the emission lasts more than 4 seconds and the sound it makes is higher/louder than 30 decibels.

I thought you might want to know. That the once venerable Al Azhar is trying to keep up, encouraging the use of the laws of physics into the Sharia………..

If all this is in fact true…………

Mohammed Haider Ghuloum                          Follow ArabiaDeserta on Twitter
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Death Penalty: Oklahoma Seeks Revival of Gas Chambers, Eschews ISIS Methods and Sharia………

Shuwaikh-school1 RattleSnakeRidge Sharqeya-Baneen-15


“Facing dwindling supplies of lethal injection chemicals and increased legal scrutiny of the practice, some states are considering a return to antiquated execution methods like firing squads and gas chambers — and Oklahoma is considering using a new type of gas. But experts warn the problem with both new and old methods is the same: They may violate the Constitution’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment………… Last month, the U.S. Supreme Court delayed execution for three Oklahoma prisoners while it reviews the state’s protocol. In response, Oklahoma legislators recently advanced bills that would authorize “nitrogen hypoxia” — which causes death by depleting the oxygen supply in the blood — as a gas chamber alternative to poisonous hydrogen cyanide gas……….…”

Europeans decided some time ago to ban exports of lethal chemicals to those God-fearing American states that use them too kill convicts who are unfortunate enough not to afford good lawyers. That was after the Europeans realized what they were being used for. As a result some of these states have been scrambling desperately, experimenting with various drugs to find the best killers, experimenting on the convicts. At least a couple of them took a long time to die in pain. Cruel and (mostly) unusual punishment. Hence the idea of reviving the mini gas chamber. After all, it worked in Europe in the early 1940s.

While at it, why don’t the mostly good people of Oklahoma try to save money by using the economies of scale. Why not erect a larger gas chamber that can hold, say, ten people. They can rent out space to other states that also fear God and like to execute people who can’t afford good lawyers. Then they can put up a paraphrased old sign at the entrance to the chamber: Tod Macht Frei

Dare I suggest using beheading as done in Saudi Arabia and the Islamic States of the Caliphate? I do, although these are states that are so terrified of Allah and Sharia they have passed measures to protect themselves……

FYI: the Death Penalty, Capital Punishment, should be banned in the US and elsewhere, just as it is banned in Europe and Latin America. Certainly crime rate, especially murder, has not responded “positively” to executions.

Mohammed Haider Ghuloum                          Follow ArabiaDeserta on Twitter