Category Archives: Women

Made in India, Legalized Gang Rape in India………

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“A 14-year-old girl was dragged into a forest and raped on the orders of a village council in remote eastern India in retaliation for a sex assault blamed on her brother, her family and police said Friday. Jitendra Singh, a top local police official, said two men have been arrested in the rape case. They include the village headman and the main suspect, identified as the husband of the woman who was allegedly molested by the victim’s brother. The victim’s brother has also been arrested on charges of molestation. The girl’s mother told CNN-IBN news channel that she pleaded with the council and other villagers when they ordered the rape ……………….”

Mohammed Haider Ghuloum

Human Trafficking: Iraqi Parliament about to Legalize Islamist Pedophilia………


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“Iraq’s Council of Ministers should withdraw a new draft Personal Status Law and ensure that Iraq’s legal framework protects women and girls in line with its international obligations. The pending legislation would restrict women’s rights in matters of inheritance and parental and other rights after divorce, make it easier for men to take multiple wives, and allow girls to be married from age nine. The draft law, called the Jaafari Personal Status Law, is based on the principles of the Jaafari school of Shia religious jurisprudence, founded by Imam Jaafar al-Sadiq, the sixth Shia imam. Approved by the Council of Ministers on February 25, 2014, it must now be approved by the parliament to become law……………….”

will be a crime against humanity because it will legalize and enable many multiple crimes of pedophilia in Iraq. Child marriage is a barbaric practice and a crime against humanity and it robs the victims of their childhood. It is an act of human trafficking, since the ‘bride’ is too young and has no power of decision and is effectively sold by her male guardian. Some Muslim states are hesitant, nay are afraid to enact laws against child brides, because of something that allegedly happened about 15 centuries ago. But that was then, this is now.


Stoned in Abu Dhabi: Stoned Women, Stoned Shaikhs……….


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“ABU DHABI // An adulteress no longer faces being stoned to death after proving to a court she is not a Muslim. J D, from the Philippines, admitted adultery at the Criminal Court today but told the judge that she was a Christian. After the judge confirmed her statement from his case files, he cancelled an earlier decision to appoint a defence lawyer to represent her. If the woman had been a Muslim, she would have faced the possibility of being stoned to death if convicted of adultery. But Sharia penalties apply only to Muslims, so she now faces a minor custodial sentence and deportation…………”

Interesting interpretation of this barbaric sentence of stoning adulterous women. It is usually women who get stoned, mainly because they tend to confess quicker under beatings and other forms of intimidation. The man, the jack-hole, can deny it, especially in a case of rape where the woman is the injured complaining party. That is what often happens, that is why they don’t have many court rape cases in some countries, like Pakistan. Fear.
I suspect they have mild sentences for some ‘expatriate’ women because it is good for the tourist business.
I also imagine any Muslim woman faced with a sentence of stoning to death might want to convert to avoid it. Wouldn’t you? But then she would face the possibility of being charged with apostasy (riddah) and a sentence of beheading under the bright Abu Dhabi sun. Damn if you do, damn if you don’t.
(FYI: there is nothing about stoning in the Quran. We probably got this barbaric type of punishment from the Old Testament. That means from you people, indirectly).

Israeli Salafi Feiglin to Mufti and Mullah: Hey, it is Halal and Fun to Touch a Woman’s Hand!………


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“Knesset Member Moshe Feiglin ( Likud) who is commonly associated with extremist political and religious views, made a surprising announcement on Thursday: “I decided to shake hands with women. There is no halacha against it if it’s done out of courtesy.”The issue arose after Feiglin was photographed shaking the hands of female Yesh Atid MKs, following his debut Knesset speech. The pictures were discussed in religious websites, causing Feiglin to post an explanation on his Facebook page: “In the past I used to not shake hands until I found out there is no prohibition against when it is a gesture of courtesy as opposed to a touch to demonstrate affection.”…………..”

Clearly this guy Moshe Feiglin doesn’t like affection, especially the type that is aimed toward women. Normally our preferred kind of affection. Which makes me think that little Moshe had issues of affection with his mom as a child: something about him did not agree with her. At least she did not wrap him in papyrus and float him away down a river where Mr. Morsi could find him.  Which makes me wonder wtf he got Mrs. Feiglin (if there is still one) for Valentine’s Day, if anything. I mean besides the recently rediscovered (questionable) magic of his touch.
Can you imagine the equivalent on our side? Imagine a mullah, or better yet the Saudi Mufti Shaikh Al Shaikh, may his large tribe increase, switching sides? One day grinning through his beard into the Alarabiya cameras and extolling the ‘virtues’ of touching a woman’s hand (then shaking it)? Presumably one of his wives, to start with. But he ought to be warned that this thing can become addictive (I guess he knows it, hence the multiple wives and the usual periodic rotation that some practice).


PR Nation: Saudi King Appoints Women to Advisory Council………….


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“Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, ruler of one of the most restrictive countries in the world for women, appointed the first female members Friday to a top advisory body that is the closest thing the kingdom has to a parliament. The 30 women named to the 150-member body will be required to wear proper hijab, or covering, and will have a separate entrance and section within the council’s main chambers, the royal decree announcing the appointments said. “It’s a big, big step forward,” said Thuraya Obaid, a former United Nations undersecretary-general from Saudi Arabia who was appointed to the council. In terms of women in Saudi Arabia, she said, “we will not be able to achieve everything at once … but this will give strength to the voice of women in the country……..”……”

Actually not only women members will be required to cover their heads. There is some equality here: both sexes, men and women, are required to wear a head cover. When they show a photo of the appointed advisory council, you’ll see that all members, both males and females, are wearing head covers, but with different names. It is called hijab for women and something else for the men. What separates the two sexes is probably the goatee, the royal fuzz on the royal chin, the (saksooka) which may become a requirement, but only for the men. As for separate entrances, I can’t imagine what will happen if some confused male member takes the wrong turn.

This appointment of women to this advisory council
is a positive departure from past policy. But it is a tiny symbolic step
that is meaningless in terms of any move toward freedom and democracy
and, as important, accountability.
The Saudi regime has become masterful at creating diversions, at public relations stunts. It is good at making meaningless moves that attract headlines, especially in the West, even as the regime is tightening its controls. Even as it is cracking down at growing dissent and protests against repression across the Arabian Peninsula, from Qatif to Najd to Hijaz.
This council is appointed by the king, and last year his majesty arbitrarily decided to renew the appointment of all current members. Just like that. The late prince Nayef once famously remarked something to the effect that “I look at these members of the council, and I know that no electoral system can come up with better people than these”.
