Egyptian newspaper editors and chiefs have never been a brave lot. They usually follow the official line, whoever is in power. The only recent exception has been during the Morsi era of one year when the Egyptian media had its freest period of the modern era. Criticism and disrespect of Morsi was rampant and allowed freely during that one year. Imagine: the freest era of journalism was under the brief Muslim Brotherhood MB rule. That might have changed if the MB rule had continued, but we will never know that for certain.
Recently Egyptian newspaper editors have issued a pledge to refrain from publishing criticism the regime of Al Sisi. They said criticism would support “extremists”. A group of 350n reporters issued their own petition against this attempt to further cub freedom of the press.
Why do I feel that a lot of Egyptian journalists will be seeking new jobs soon? Of course they can always say that they were merely “advising” their bosses………..
Mohammed Haider Ghuloum
[email protected]
Category Archives: Media
Gosh, Al Sisi! Comparing the Generalisimo to Caesar and Jefferson and Steinbeck……..
“No longer tainted as a former general who ousted Egypt’s first democratically elected president, Mr. Sisi was finally recognized by the international community as a respected statesman and regional leader, Egyptian commentators say. Mr. Sisi even “changed the way presidents make speeches at the United Nations,” the talk show host Amr Adeeb proclaimed, showing a video clip of Mr. Sisi ending his speech late last month by chanting his nationalist campaign slogan. “Long Live Egypt!” Mr. Sisi said to what Egyptian viewers saw as raucous applause from the assembled world leaders. “A thing of genius,” Mr. Adeeb declared, suggesting the assembly had consecrated a marriage. “Abdel Fattah el-Sisi was the groom of the United Nations, and Egypt was the bride.”……………..”
Gosh, what a gushing article in the New York Times. Cute and breathtaking: you’d think the Times writer (David D. Kirkpatrick) was a teenage girl and Al Sisi was Justin Bieber or One Direction.
Rarely do I see so much bullshit packed into one article in a major reputable American newspaper. This ‘Professor Fahmy’ of the American University at Cairo he mentions here is apparently typical of many academics in the stagnant Egypt of the past four decades. Perhaps most of them, he is a “kisser”, and don’t ask “kisser of what”. It doesn’t matter as long as it is in power. They did it to Mubarak and his cronies for decades, and now they are joining the cult of Kim Jong Al Sisi.
The man was “elected” with the usual Arab 97+% of the vote, under the guns of army tanks. Only the sort-of-president of Yemen Hadi Al Zombie outvoted him with 99.8% of the vote in 2012, but that was through a Qatari-Saudi-UAE organized transfer of power. Al Sisi had one hapless opponent, almost acting as a shill, and the voter turnout was reported by critics to have ranged between single digits or at best in the low twenties.
As for comparing Al Sisi to Nasser, it is equivalent to comparing Pope Alexander Borgia to St. Peter. Like comparing some Saudi prince or king to one of the early Caliphs. Like comparing Ted Cruz to Abraham Lincoln or Thomas Jefferson. Like comparing Sarah Palin, with or without the proverbial lipstick, to Jeanne d’Arc. Like comparing one of these cheap N Y Times or Amazon bestseller thriller novelists to Steinbeck or Stendhal. I can go on, apparently……..
Had he ever been in a war, in any capacity, they’d probably compare him to Bonaparte (Ante-Waterloo) and Eisenhower and Zhukov. I forgot Julius Caesar who ruled Egypt for six centuries after his death.
End of this rant……….
Mohammed Haider Ghuloum
Holy Netanyahu Groupies in Washington: Unfair and Unbalanced ………
“Take Netanyahu’s appearance on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday. The host, Bob Schieffer, permitted the Israeli leader to make a lengthy case for the his military’s ground attack, guiding him along with one sympathetic question after another. Finally, after describing Netanyahu’s position as “very understandable”, Schieffer asked about dead Palestinian civilians – but only to wonder if they presented a public relations problem in “the battle for world opinion”. As if Schieffer’s position wasn’t already blindingly clear, he went on to quote former prime minister Golda Meir’s line that Israelis can never forgive Arabs “for forcing us to kill their children”…………….”
Looks like old Bob Schieffer was in kowtow mode. Most U.S. media types are in that mode when they have Netanyahu on, if they are blessed enough to have him “spread the bull” on their program. Some of them, just like most members of Congress, act like teenage groupies chasing after Justin Bieber. I strongly suspect that many of them delay washing their hands after shaking the hand of Bibi.
Yet how can anyone forget when both Obama and French president Sarkozy correctly called him a liar on an open microphone? Here is how it went:
Sarkozy: ‘Netanyahu, I can’t stand him. He’s a liar.’
Obama: ‘You are sick of him, but I have to deal with him every day.’
Can two august leaders of the free world both be wrong at the same time?
Mohammed Haider Ghuloum
Judiciary Thuggery in Egypt’s Courts: Dumb and Dumber instead of Best and Brightest……
“A judge released his reasoning for harsh sentences issued last month against three journalists for Al Jazeera’s English-language channel, saying they had been brought together “by the devil” to destabilize Egypt ………. The judge, Mohammed Nagi Shehata, convicted and sentenced the three — Peter Greste, an Australian; Mohamed Fahmy, a Canadian of Egyptian descent; and Baher Mohamed, an Egyptian — to seven years over charges linked to aiding the Muslim Brotherhood, of which Mr. Morsi was a leader. The judge said that Al Jazeera worked “in the service of a banned terrorist organization,” referring to the Brotherhood……………..”
What this Egyptian ‘judge’ said was a variation of the old saying that the “devil made them do it“.
Under Generalisimo Field Marshal Al Sisi, Egyptian courts, like Egyptian state-controlled media, have reached new laws. Judges pass sentences couched in vulgar language that even bloggers like myself shy away from (well, mostly: e all like to have some fun, but we are not all judges). Only a few weeks ago two Egyptian kangaroo courts sentenced more than one thousand people to death for being Muslim Brotherhood supporters. A political massacre.
There are reportedly some 30 thousand to 40 thousand others under arrest for their politics and awaiting trial by these same regime courts. It is a throwback to the age of Nazi Germany and Baathist Iraq, among other places.
Mohammed Haider Ghuloum
So, Which Foreigners Did You say Are Interfering in Syria?………

“More recently, however, the mainstream rebels’ allies—chiefly the United States, Britain, France, Qatar and Saudi Arabia—have begun to expand their efforts to help those they consider worthy of support. They have been chuffed by the rebels’ war on ISIS. And they are co-ordinating efforts to help them better. An increasing number of vetted fighters in both the north and south of Syria have been trained in Jordan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, given money to pay salaries, and supplied with anti-tank weapons, albeit so far in limited quantities. Meanwhile, Gulf donors are said to have cut off funds to some of the more zealous Islamist groups, including the Islamist Front, a coalition dominated by Ahrar al-Sham, a Salafist outfit…………..”
The Economist has been hawkish on Syria, but only on Syria of all the Arab uprisings. It has been pissed (to put it succinctly) by Obama’s reluctance to attack Syria for the past three years. It, like other Western and Arab media and their officials, has been critical of ‘foreign’ intervention in Syria. Not all foreign intervention in frowned upon: only Russian and Iranian and Lebanese intervention. Other sources of intervention: European, Turkish, American, Gulf GCC, Saudi, Qatari, Jordanian, and Al Qaeda intervention on the side of the Jihadists is apparently kosher and halal and seeks democracy and freedom and human rights in Syria. That has been obvious from past experience when the Jihadis took over towns and neighborhoods and immediately started to apply democracy, freedom, the chopping of heads, the kidnapping of nuns and priests, among other blessings of what the rest of Syrians can expect.
STL Censorship: a Political Court Charges Media with Contempt………
“The Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) tasked with trying those charged with assassinating Lebanon’s former Prime Minister Rafiq al-Hariri in 2005 said Thursday it had summoned two editors and two media organizations for contempt. “Karma Mohamed Tahsin al Khayat from al-Jadeed TV, as well as the station’s parent company New TV S.A.L., have been summoned to appear before the STL on two counts of Contempt and Obstruction of Justice,” the Tribunal said in a statement posted on its official website………….”
This Hariri (STL) court is now trying to muzzle Lebanese media that oppose it and report its credibility issues. It is a court that has been around for many years, and has been clearly suspect as a political instrument of foreign policy, and occasionally as a political instrument in internal Lebanese feuds. It is seen by most Arabs as a convenient sword to be waved over Lebanon whenever it is convenient. Just the leaks about its suspects have changed over the years according to Middle East political winds: Syria, Hezbollah, Iran, back to Syria, then several combinations of these ‘usual suspects’. Now it is getting in the business of muzzling the press (whatever you think of the press in question).
Does the STL have the power and jurisdiction to silence its opponents and detractors in Lebanon and other places? Can they call citizens of any country to punish them? Apparently its judicial bureaucrats seem to think so.
Canned Media and Self-Appointed Leaders of World Muslims, Rome in Najaf……..
“The visit was initially designed to mend fences with the Saudis, who claim leadership of the Sunni Arab world and, like other Gulf states, are upset about the thaw between Washington and Shiite Iran. The president hopes to smooth relations with one of America’s oldest allies in the Middle East and to better explain his Iran diplomacy to Riyadh and its neighbors. But now there are many new and – surprisingly, for the ultraconservative region – even young power players in the Gulf. And enmities between the kingdoms, emirates and sheikdoms are bubbling to the surface while their once fairly cohesive regional alliance, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), is unraveling………… ut, as a Western diplomat who often visits Riyadh and other Gulf capitals told me, the Saudis, like the Qataris, consider Assad an Iranian puppet and Iran remains their chief enemy…………….”
FYI: Similarly, Saudi media often also hints (occasionally openly claims) that Shi’as give allegiance to Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran. Which is a deliberate untruth: he
is not the leader of world Shi’as, in either a religious or especially in a political sense. Not that he claims to be (well, not openly anyway). Almost certainly the religious authority is someone in Najaf, Iraq rather than in Iran. Rome is in Najaf not in Tehran or Qom.
As for Mr. Obama’s coming visit to Riyadh, I have already posted on it once before when I mentioned the 1912 Olympics, King of Sweden, and American Gold Medal winner Jim Thorpe. Thorpe was born in Prague (Oklahoma not Czech), and became a versatile athlete. He famously told the King of Sweden who hung the gold medals around his neck and praised him as the greatest athlete in the world: “Thanks, King“. Very likely what he said was: “Gee, thanks King“.
Journalists and Syria’s Liberator-Kidnappers………
A Kenny G Holiday
“Thirteen international news organizations, including the BBC, The Associated Press and The New York Times, have written a letter to the armed opposition in Syria asking for assurances that their reporters will not be abducted. Over the past year, the letter says, the organizations have “witnessed a disturbing rise in the kidnapping of journalists while on assignment within the northern provinces of Aleppo, Idlib and al-Raqqa,” and elsewhere in Syria. The organizations estimate that more than 30 journalists are now being held, the letter said, and that as a result many of them have “decided to limit their coverage of the war.”…….. “We understand that, as in any war zone, reporters face great risk of injury and death,” the letter says, “and we accept those risks, but the risk of kidnapping is unacceptable……………….”
What a polite letter to the Jihadis. They
worry about the risk of kidnapping. The risk of being shot and getting
beheaded is apparently not so bad.
For more than two years Western media ignored the role of the Syrian opposition groups in the deaths and kidnappings of journalists and other civilians. Headlines were given only to journalists who were killed by regime forces; some others were killed by “unknown” parties and blamed on the regime. The major media fell in line with government policy in such a smooth transition that the old Pravda would have envied, that the Syrian daily Tishreen would envy. But that could go on for only so long, especially now that kidnapping rather than ‘liberation’ seems to be the major avocation of some of the armed groups. They re even kidnapping each other now, including each others’ wives.
A Mad Time for the General and Miley Cyrus and Li’l Kim: Sisi? Hell, No No………
A Kenny G Holiday
“Egyptian army chief Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has pulled ahead of pop star Miley Cyrus to claim the top spot in Time magazine’s annual reader poll for person of the year, in a vote that saw accusations of hacking for the second year in a row. Time announced the results on Friday, revealing that Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan came in second with 20.8% of the votes. He came in just above Cyrus, who had 16.3% of the vote. The vote comes ahead of the magazine editors’ person of the year announcement next week. To reach the top spot, Sisi collected 26.2% of the votes……… “Sisi’s numbers were driven by massive support from his native Egypt: the country accounted for the largest number of votes on the poll,” said the publication in a statement. “India and the United States provided the second and third highest number of responses, respectively.” Cyrus’ presence alongside two political leaders is a combination of the poll’s criteria – selecting a person based on influence rather than merit – and the susceptibility of online polls to computer-assisted trickery. Brutal dictators have also succeeded in past years’ votes. Kim Jong-un won the 2012 online reader poll. That win was pinned on the motley group of internet pranksters………………..”
They are celebrating in some Arab media this first victory by General Sisi. All this is almost meaningless: it doesn’t mean any of these celebrities and coup-makers will be on the cover of Time.
Some Gulf and Egyptian media made it sound like he will be on the cover of Time. It says here Kim Jong-Un won the 2012 person of the year ‘readers poll’, mostly through votes of pranksters in Seoul and California. None of them will be Person of the Year: even Time is not that dumbed down, not yet. Maybe the cover of Mad Magazine. I also suspect mostly Egyptians and Saudi royals voted for Sisi. They did it probably because they have a lot of time on their hands. Most other people around the world wouldn’t know Sisi from a Nono.
(The Guardian also claims Sisi “was elected deputy prime minister after the coup“. Nobody elected him: he appointed himself).
Media No-Fly Zone in Syria………….
“Now it is mainly rebel-held Syria that is a no-go zone for outside reporters. War correspondents can generally weather violence. But it is another matter if you have a high chance of being snatched at gunpoint by rebel groups that are supposed to protect you. One jihadist internet site has urged fighters to nab all journalists, whom they sometimes accuse of being spies; foreign aid workers are also being targeted. At least 16 foreign and 60 local journalists are currently missing, says Reporters Without Borders (RSF in French), a Paris-based lobby. Many more cases go unpublicised, sometimes at the request of victims’ families. (RSF also notes that at least 25 professional journalists and 70 “citizen” ones have so far been killed in the conflict.) The regime has taken advantage of this. It has become more generous with visas for Western journalists, favouring those sympathetic to its claims to be resisting foreign meddling………..”