Category Archives: GCC

UAE Kayak One: Gulf Potentates and their Very Expensive Toys………


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“Le yacht “Azzam” acheté par la famille royale des Emirats arabes unis est désormais le plus long au monde avec une dimension de 180 mètres, selon le classement annuel du magazine Yachts France……….. “Azzam”, tout juste terminé par le constructeur allemand Lürssen Yachts, est doté de six ponts et d’un salon de 550 m2 décoré en style Empire par un designer français. Son propriétaire, le président des Emirats, cheikh Khalifa ben Zayed Al Nahyane, pourra atteindre à son bord 31,5 noeuds, une prouesse technique, écrit le magazine. Les plus nombreux restent en 2013 les ressortissants du Moyen-Orient (31 yachts), suivis des Russes (19) et des Américains (17). On retrouve ainsi en troisième position le yacht “Dubai” de 162 mètres, propriété de l’émir de Dubaï cheikh Mohammed ben Rachid al-Maktoum, suivi en quatrième position du “Al Said” de 155 mètres sous les couleurs du sultanat d’Oman……………….”

“Motor yacht Azzam is probably built for Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Emir of Abu Dhabi and President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE – Emirates). ………. Azzam means ‘determination’ in Arabic. So Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan is probably the owner of luxury yacht Azzam. His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, referred to as Sheikh Khalifa, is the President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and emir of Abu Dhabi. Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan is considered to be one of the world’s wealthiest monarchs, with a net worth of USD 15 billion. Sheikh Khalifa also runs the world’s second-largest sovereign wealth fund, with reported assets of more than USD 600 billion. In 2010, the world’s tallest man-made structure, originally known as Burj Dubai, was renamed to Burj Khalifa, in honor of the Sheikh. Sheikh Khalifa is an active philanthropist. Among several donations, the Sheikh has pledged USD 150 million to the University of Texas… …………….”

It is a good think most Saudis are land-lubbers, desert people rather than sea-going people. It is a good thing the Al Saud are not sea-going types, otherwise you can imagine the size of ship King Abdullah will order. He’d have to make sure it is bigger than that of the UAE rulers, his manhood will be at stake. It has to be, given the size of his kingdom: he rules over some 15 million natives compared to about 1 million natives in the UAE. Imagine the poor shaikh (now king) of Bahrain: if it is to be proportional he would have to get a lifeboat for a yacht. He may still need a lifeboat one of these days, just to bail out.

Modestly they call it Jalboot Force One, others call it Kayak Force One. Modestly.

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Justest Bestest Wildest Court System of the UAE…………….


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“With a just judicial system the UAE’s stature is secure, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, told judges and the justice minister on Monday. At his palace in Al Bateen, Sheikh Mohammed told Dr Hadef Al Dheheri and Abu Dhabi Federal Supreme Court Justices that public attacks could not harm the country with the rule of law. “Despite some malicious voices and stances, no one can harm our stature as long as we have fair, honest and credible judicial institutions,” he said, according to Wam, the state news agency. He added that the country counts on the “independence and neutrality of the members of the judiciary” to enforce verdicts and legal principles……………..”

Yep, in the UAE they have got the best most rootin’-tootin’ system of laws and courts in the whole wide wonderful world. That is why they arrest and torture, allegedly, anyone who criticizes the government and calls for reform. It helps that the courts are nice and legal even as they are impartial to legal niceties. It is the second best court system after the Saudi one.

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GCC: Ruling Despots Ready for Massive Protests in the Repressed State of Bahrain?……


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“The highly patriotic stand of the National Unity Assembly (NUA) was commended by the Premier. He hailed the gathering at Al Fateh Mosque, organised by the NUA at the height of the unrest, to re-emphasise their loyalty to the nation and thwart attempts of conspirators to hijack the nation. His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa said this as he visited the NUA headquarters yesterday. “As we foiled the conspiracy together, we have to stand together now in one trench to eradicate terrorism,” he said, urging solidarity with the government in confronting terrorism and toughening punishment on its perpetrators and instigators. He stressed the government’s resolve to carry out the will of the Bahraini people to protect society from the dangers of terrorism……………….”

Also sprach Gulf Daily News, one mouthpiece of the repressive ruling kleptocrats of Bahrain, as the people of that country get ready for more massive protests in the capital Manama on August 14. The Bahrain uprising started on February 14, 12011, and is halfway through its third year, but it is opposed by most Arab governments including those of countries that allegedly have experienced so-called uprisings and revolutions (Egypt, Libya, Tunisia). Official Arab institutions, never known for their courage or love of freedom, also side with whoever the Arab despots support and often with whoever has the money (the acronym for money would be G-C-C).

, Persian Gulf potentates and their tame and controlled media are lining up behind the rulers against the people. Governments, absolute rulers, their merchant class allies, Salafi Wahhabis, tribal types, and others are calling on the regime to crush what some of them call the “terrorists“. “Terrorist” is an epithet used by the rulers and their media for most of the people of Bahrain. Even some on the Gulf who demand freedom in their own countries are opposed to the Bahraini people’s demands (it is the sectarian-tribal instinct). Even European expatriates, especially the British, are doing their bit for the side of the rulers (the absolute Shaikh of Bahrain is reported to have traveled four times to Britain this year alone and he certainly does not go to attend soccer games).


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From the Gulf with Lust: Young Summer Girls for Rent in Egypt…………


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“Each summer, wealthy male tourists from Gulf Arab states flock to Egypt to escape the oppressive heat of the Arabian Peninsula, taking residence at upscale hotels and rented flats in Cairo and Alexandria. Many come with their families and housekeeping staff, spending their days by the pool, shopping, and frequenting cafes and nightclubs. Others come for a more sinister purpose. In El Hawamdia, a poor agricultural town 20 kilometres south of Cairo, they are easy to spot. Arab men in crisp white thawbs troll the town’s pot-holed, garbage-strewn streets in their luxury cars and SUVs. As they arrive, Egyptian fixers in flip flops run alongside their vehicles, offering short-term flats and what to them is the town’s most sought-after commodity – underage girls……….. A summer-long misyar or “visitor” marriage runs from 20,000 Egyptian pounds (2,800 dollars) to 70,000 Egyptian pounds (10,000 dollars). The legally non-binding contract terminates when the man returns to his country. The “dowry” that Gulf Arab men are prepared to pay for sex with young girls is a powerful magnet for impoverished Egyptian families in a country where a quarter of the population subsists on less than two dollars a day…………..Some 75 percent of the respondents knew girls involved in the trade, and most believed the number of marriages was increasing. The 2009 survey indicated that 81 percent of the “spouses” were from Saudi Arabia, 10 percent from the United Arab Emirates……………”

Misyar, the part-time for-sex-only no-commitment marriage is quite common in Saudi Arabia, its birthplace, and has spread across the other Persian Gulf monarchies. It is almost like ‘going steady’ in the West if you get my drift. As I recall, Saudi-style part-time summer “misyar” for-sex-only marriage was made legal (halal, kosher) in Egypt by Al Azhar shaikhs only a year or two before Hosni Mubarak was deposed. I commented on it in a posting here at the time. It was apparently part of, the icing on the cultural shift that Egyptian society experienced under thirty years of the Mubarak regime and his opening of Egypt to Wahhabi cultural and religious influences of his Saudi allies.
Misyar in itself, like the Mut’a among some Shi’as, is not necessarily harmful or criminal. If it is done between consenting adults, except that it is not in this Egyptian case. This report here deals with a more criminal version of Misyar, basically pedophile trafficking in poor underage Egyptian girls. Selling and buying them as sex salves.


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Field Marshal Bandar of the Caucasus, Lebanon, and Syria, and Qatar………


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In a country of the blind, the one-eyed jack is kingNot Nietzsche

“Many of these Russian fighters and their Syrian comrades are (theoretically) under the command of a single man: Bandar bin Sultan. For one thing, the top Saudi security man is their main financier, arms source, and their virtual political spokesperson, whether directly or through his deputy, the head of the Syrian National Coalition Ahmad al-Jarba……….. His most recent experience of a military nature took place in Lebanon, after 2006, when Bandar convinced the Saudi king to bankroll a militia for Saad Hariri. Some observers familiar with that experience say that Bandar spent more than $200 million to build this paramilitary force, only for the whole plan to meet a catastrophic defeat in less than 20 hours of fighting, in May 2008. In Syria, Bandar bin Sultan did not deviate from his usual approach. He has set very high expectations, and today, according to some who met him over the past few weeks, he sees no issue more important than Syria. For instance, Bandar rarely mentions Yemen, Iraq, or Lebanon, except from the standpoint of defeating Iran and Hezbollah in the Levant……… Nevertheless, these concerns did not prevent Bandar from wagering on his fighters’ achievements over the next few months. For instance, the Saudi prince wants to see breakthroughs by the rebels in northern Syria, starting in Aleppo, and in the south, where he will try to convince the Jordanian regime to allow fighters and weapons to flow into Daraa and the Golan….……”

No doubt Prince Bandar fancies himself some kind of strategist. He wants to be known as such rather than just another corrupt prince (you know: BAE Systems, Al-Yamama, SFO, Tony Blair, etc). And he is a strategist by Al Saud standards: the one-eyed jack is king in a country of the blind. He can plan and strategize (do strategery, as he learned serving in the Bush White House). On more than one front. He can liberate Syria and Lebanon (maybe the two are related) while keeping Iraq highly unstable and Bahrain under control and the Al-Thani of Qatar in their rightful place playing second or third fiddle. Putting Iran on the defensive until the USA or Israel come to their senses and start a new war in the Middle East. In the meantime keeping the captive peoples of the Arabian Peninsula (aka the Saudi people) under tight control.
It should be easy: Hitler did it by declaring war on Russia and America in the same year and making it stick for more than one whole year. Until his natural stupidity caught up with the fake aura of invincibility. But Hitler was never before defeated by the ragtag barely-armed Houthi tribal clan of Yemen, his Stalingrad was further north than Yemen or Syria or Lebanon.


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Rock Star Appointed Saudi Deputy Defense Minister…………….


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                              Rock star turned deputy minister
“Saudi king Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz appointed on Tuesday Prince Salman bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz as deputy defense minister, Al Arabiya television reported. Prince Salman has occupied the post of assistant secretary general of the National Security Council (NSC) for intelligence and security affairs. He is now replacing outgoing deputy defense minister Prince Fahd bin Abdullah……………..”

It looks like the King recently fired one nephew, Prince Khalid Bin Sultan, as Deputy Defense Minister and replaced him with his own (the King’s) son Fahd. Now, barley a few months later the king has fired Fahd and replaced him with another son of Prince Sultan, a brother of the man he fired last spring. The new deputy minister has chubby cheeks (face cheeks) and looks like one of those Saudi singers or wtf passes for a local rock star, if you will. But he was born to this job.
It is nice to be a king of Saudi Arabia, it is great to be  a prince in Saudi Arabia. Of course, you still have to look in the mirror every day, and live with it.


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Owning the GCC: What is in a Name? Burj WTF and Al Einstein……..


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My last post about Saudi Arabia.

That is a common phenomenon all over the Gulf GC states. Most streets are named after members of the ruling families, dead or alive. Most public institutions like hospitals, schools, airports, etc, are named after members of ruling families, dead or alive. Most new townships and suburbs are starting to be named after members of the ruling families, dead or alive. Sometimes, when they run out of names of family members, they name them after their in-laws, usually those who supplied them with wives. Dead or alive.
They have even resorted to naming some buildings after the potentates: remember when Burj Dubai was changed to Burj Khalifa? I know somebody who now privately calls it Burj WTF.

If things get really tough and they can’t find enough family names for all the streets and highways, they discover brotherly and sisterly love toward neighboring ruling families. They name a lot of streets after rulers and crown princes and other potentates of other Gulf GCC countries.
A lot of streets and highways are named Al Saud, Al Khalifa, Al Capone, Al Gore, Al Kapong, Al Einstein. But since the Al Saud have more kings and crown princes and princes, they tend to get the most names. Who knows, some day their might be a street named prince Bandar Bin Sultan Al Yamama Avenue.
The people have no chance, do they?


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On King Abdullah Strasse: What is In a Name……………


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“The King Abdullah Sport City Stadium will be completed by the end of this year, said Ahmad Abdul Aziz Al Al-Salem, engineering support supervisor at Saudi Aramco. “More than 8,400 workers are working on the project, clocking around 12 million working hours on construction activity,” he said at a press conference. “They are working day and night to complete the project as per schedule.”……………..”

King Abdullah Sports city is not too far from King Abdullah Avenue (or Avenida el Rey Abdullah). It is within driving distance from King Abdullah Township (or KönigAbdullahStadt). You can even easily get to King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KönigAbdullahHochschule). On the way, you probably pass near King Abdullah Mosque (definitely NOT KönigAbdullahKirche), which is on the edge of King Abdullah Shopping Mall. Across the street you’d pass near King Abdullah Elementary School.
And all that is only in Saudi Arabia: wait till you get to Bahrain.


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German Leopards: Qatari Panzers Facing Saudi Religious Police…….


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“Qatar aims to buy 118 more Leopard tanks from Germany before the football World Cup championships in 2022 for several billion euros, a German newspaper reported on Sunday. It also plans to buy 16 tank howitzers, Bild am Sonntag reported citing government sources in Qatar. The equipment is made by Krauss-Maffei Wegmann and Rheinmetall. Spokesmen were not immediately available for comment in Qatar or at Krauss-Maffei or Rheinmetall. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government approved the purchase of 62 Leopard tanks and 24 howitzers in the spring..……….”

I can’t believe the Qataris need the 118 tanks and howitzers for the FIFA World Cup of 2022. Some football (soccer) fans can be rowdy, but not that rowdy. Even the worst of them, the English fans, are not rowdy enough for tanks and howitzers. North Korea is unlikely to invade Qatar if they get to the World Cup and get knocked out.
Qatar is a small peninsula that is surrounded by Gulf waters on all sides except for one unfortunate side. That one side is the border with Saudi Arabia. The Qataris can’t be afraid of little Bahrain with whom they have had offshore territorial disputes (which they won). The Bahrain regime can’t even put down its own people’s uprising without foreign mercenaries and Saudi troops. The other Gulf GCC states are too far for any border disputes with Qatar. The Qataris share a huge offshore natural gas field with Iran, but they seem to get along with that. The Iranian mullahs, contrary to Saudi and some Western propaganda are not likely to storm across the Gulf and attack Qatar. Besides, they would have to deal with the huge American armada in the Persian Gulf before crossing the water. Not easy, going through the U.S. Navy.
Which brings me back to the Qatari border with Saudi Arabia.
Of course Gulf GCC countries often purchase expensive weapons that they could never use. They do that partly for the fat commissions (kickbacks) some of their influential potentates get. Or maybe they like having the most advanced weapons sit in their warehouses.
Or maybe in case they need their Panzers to liberate Syria from the Al Assad regime, single handed and without any help from NATO.


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GCC Population Restructuring Calls: Mostly Illusory, or Dishonest, or Both…………


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“Abu Dhabi is not the only place in the region to be pushing more locals into the job market. Kuwait announced earlier this year that it would reduce by a million the number of foreign workers in the country over the next ten years. More drastically, it has begun to deport foreigners for traffic violations, though it has denied that that is part of a policy to reduce their number. Saudi Arabia has also long pursued “Saudi-isation”, whereby firms are made to replace foreigners with Saudi workers. Under the current law, known as nitaqat (“categories”), companies are classified by green, yellow and red labels that denote the extent to which they have complied with employment quotas. All firms, even those with fewer than ten employees, are supposed to hire at least one Saudi citizen. The three other members of the Gulf Co-operation Council—Bahrain, Oman and Qatar—have their own variations on the theme of making their citizens work. Across the region, a further cull of jobs for foreigners looks likely……………”

Also sprach The Economist.
this talk in the Gulf GCC countries over the past decades of changing the demographic structure is either illusory or insincere, most likely both. Talk of Saudi-ization, Emirati-zation, Kuwaiti-ization is basically wishful thinking or propaganda beyond the public sector. Here is why the potentates and those that control economic power are not sincere about this goal even as they repeat it:

  • A serious move to reduce the population of expatriate labor would wreak havoc with commercial real estate. Many thousands of apartment buildings and rental property have been built specifically with a certain level of demand in mind. They are mostly owned by influential potentates and merchant families and they are mainly rented to expatriates. Imagine commercial property prices from Dubai all the way to Kuwait, imagine what would happen to them with a few million less expatriates. Imagine the population of, say, the UAE cut back by 40% (assuming about half the foreigners remain).

  • The same applies to trade, the import business. Goods are imported and ports and airports are designed to meet a level of demand that includes millions of foreign workers. Reducing the level of foreign labor would cause demand for goods and services and airline traffic to crash. Merchant families, close partners of the ruling families would not, cannot, allow that to happen.

  • Other businesses, especially services like restaurants, have been established to serve a certain population. Reducing the population would cause a severe recession, nay depression, in these sectors. On the other hand, these sectors employ mostly cheap foreign workers, and would suffer increased costs.

  • Public policy of the GCC states encourages native population growth through subsidizing births. This has led to even more demand for foreign labor. Every new citizen born will require the services of some foreign labor, from nurses to housemaids to cooks, etc. The policy has caused the share of foreigners in the total population to grow.

  • This is seen as more a cultural issue than an economic one. Most GCC countries have more foreigners than citizens. In the UAE and Qatar foreigners form about 90% (more than 80% are non-Arab), and the ratio for Kuwait is more than 60%. Even Bahrain has seen an explosion of foreign residents mainly because the rulers are importing foreign mercenaries and security agents instead of giving jobs to their own Shi’a citizens. Even Saudi Arabia has somewhere between 7-8 million foreigners among its people.

  • Import of foreign labor to the Gulf serves to create a balance within the Middle East, where some states now have labor shortages and others have high unemployment. Ironically, some Gulf states with labor shortages also have very high native unemployment (Saudi Arabia, UAE). Any major policy shift would impact other regional economies and probably impact GCC foreign relations as well.

A tough problem with solutions that are either not feasible or not desirable or both. I expect we will be still reading promises (or threats) about it twenty years from now…………


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