GCC: Ruling Despots Ready for Massive Protests in the Repressed State of Bahrain?……


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“The highly patriotic stand of the National Unity Assembly (NUA) was commended by the Premier. He hailed the gathering at Al Fateh Mosque, organised by the NUA at the height of the unrest, to re-emphasise their loyalty to the nation and thwart attempts of conspirators to hijack the nation. His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa said this as he visited the NUA headquarters yesterday. “As we foiled the conspiracy together, we have to stand together now in one trench to eradicate terrorism,” he said, urging solidarity with the government in confronting terrorism and toughening punishment on its perpetrators and instigators. He stressed the government’s resolve to carry out the will of the Bahraini people to protect society from the dangers of terrorism……………….”

Also sprach Gulf Daily News, one mouthpiece of the repressive ruling kleptocrats of Bahrain, as the people of that country get ready for more massive protests in the capital Manama on August 14. The Bahrain uprising started on February 14, 12011, and is halfway through its third year, but it is opposed by most Arab governments including those of countries that allegedly have experienced so-called uprisings and revolutions (Egypt, Libya, Tunisia). Official Arab institutions, never known for their courage or love of freedom, also side with whoever the Arab despots support and often with whoever has the money (the acronym for money would be G-C-C).

, Persian Gulf potentates and their tame and controlled media are lining up behind the rulers against the people. Governments, absolute rulers, their merchant class allies, Salafi Wahhabis, tribal types, and others are calling on the regime to crush what some of them call the “terrorists“. “Terrorist” is an epithet used by the rulers and their media for most of the people of Bahrain. Even some on the Gulf who demand freedom in their own countries are opposed to the Bahraini people’s demands (it is the sectarian-tribal instinct). Even European expatriates, especially the British, are doing their bit for the side of the rulers (the absolute Shaikh of Bahrain is reported to have traveled four times to Britain this year alone and he certainly does not go to attend soccer games).


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