Category Archives: France

Hollande Triggers Syrian Retaliation: From the Gulf to Paris to Kentucky…………..


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Media report that French President has decided today to “elect” the new Syrian National Coalition as the sole representative of the Syrian people. The French president is also reported to have recognized the Al-Saud clan as the sole representatives of the “Saudi” people, and the Al-Khalifa clan as the sole representative of the Bahrain people, and Saad Hariri as the sole representative of all the Lebanese people. 
The Al-Assad regime for its part, in retaliation, has decided to recognize Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni as the sole representatives of the French people. The Syrian regime has also threatened that if the Obama administration recognizes the new Syrian National Coalition as the sole representative of the Syrian people, Damascus will retaliate accordingly. The Syrians will announce that Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), Elaine Chow, and Newt Gingrich (WTF-Georgia) are recognized as the sole representatives of the true American people.


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Most WTF Court Ruling of the Month: the Ghost of Arafat in New York, a Catharsis…………..


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“The BBC has been ordered by an American court to surrender unused footage filmed for a documentary about former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat to American victims of suicide bombings in Israel. In a ruling which raises questions about the ability of the American justice system to seize material held by media organisations outside the United States, a judge in New York said the Corporation was obliged to hand over outtakes from interviews with two Palestinian fighters. It now has until 1 October to lodge a further appeal or produce the material along with a sworn statement from a BBC employee confirming its authenticity. The Corporation said yesterday it was still considering the ruling…………..”

WTF does a court in New York have to do with the death of Arafat, who lived in Tunisia then Jericho then Ramallah, before dying in Paris?
For that matter WTF do courts in New York have to do with affairs in the Middle East, outside Israel of course?
To be even more specific, WTF does a court in New York have to do with, oh I dunno, the conflict between Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Ahmadinejad?
And WTF does a court in New York care whether Prince Salman will ever become Saudi king and whether the next senior Saudi prince will die on schedule, right eight months after the last one departed and sixteen months after the one before the last one to die?
For that matter WTF does a court in New York have to do with whether the prime minister of Bahrain is more of a thief than a faithful husband or both equally?
And, a last shot (I promise), WTF does a court in New York have to do with such mundane things like whether Salafis shave their ‘private’ hair (they do but I can’t prove it yet) while letting their facial hair grow wild and free.
There, that sounded almost like some kind of catharsis, didn’t it?


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Predictable Syrian War: Iranian Suleimani to Assad, French Anti-Aircraft to FSA……………


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                          Neck of the woods

“Western intelligence officials say that Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has personally sanctioned the dispatch of the experienced officers to ensure that the Assad regime, Iran’s most important regional ally, survives the threat to its survival. In addition, Iran has shipped hundreds of tons of military equipment, including guns, rockets, and shells, to Syria through the regular air corridor that has been established between Damascus and Tehran. Intelligence officials believe the increased Iranian support has been responsible for the growing effectiveness of the Assad regime’s tactics in forcing anti-government rebel groups on the defensive. In the past few weeks, pro-Assad forces have seized the offensive by launching a series of well-coordinated attacks against rebel strongholds in Damascus and Aleppo. The Iranian operation to support Mr Assad is being masterminded by Qassem Suleimani…………”

“With opposition forces consolidating their hold over enclaves in the country captured from the regime, Francois Hollande’s government senses an opportunity for the West to give the rebels military assistance for the first time, a diplomat has said. Until now Western powers have insisted on giving rebel fighters only “non-lethal” aid, fearing that the armed opposition’s chaotic and fractured organisational structure could allow weapons to fall into the hands of radical Islamist groups. While acknowledging that arming the rebels remains potentially hazardous, France is impressed with the way the opposition is administering towns under its control after it set up local revolutionary councils to impose law and order………”

These Iranians, all they seem to have for export, besides oil and gas and carpets, is the same poor old Qassem Suleimani (and some weapons to to allies in Syria and Lebanon). He flies around more than Ahmadinejad, more than McCain and Lieberman: from Damascus to Yemen to Bahrain to Iraq and Lebanon (never fear, he is always near). Playing the favorite bogeyman of the West, of our oligarchs, of the Salafis, and of the Gulf Wahhabi-liberals. No sightings of him in Tel Aviv or Riyadh yet; but the Likud are looking for evidence that he was in Bulgaria a few weeks ago, maybe dressed as a long-haired teenage tourist with a backpack loaded with explosives
. So predictable, the mullahs: you’d think this Suleimani would delegate for once and send one of his deputies or flunkies.
But then we can say the same for the Europeans: what they mostly export to our region as solutions are weapons. Arms for the FSA bands, arms and chemical weapons for Saddam Hussein, tear gas and bullets for the despots in Bahrain, etc, etc. Even weapons to the Assad regime if only he had played his cards right (and the Syrian people be damned). I bet they would send the same stuff to Iran if the mullahs play their cards right and go kosher.
Meanwhile the Syrian regime is pissed at Egypt’s president Morsi for calling for the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad (and his replacement with the Muslim Brotherhood, of course). It is not clear what Hajj Erdogan of Turkey thinks of all these developments nowadays.


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France after Nazism: the Massacre at Sétif………


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“On the European side, vague anxiety was succeeded by real fear. Despite all the changes, the idea of treating Algerians as equals was intolerable, to be avoided at all costs……… In Sétif the trouble started when police tried to seize the PPA flag, now the Algerian flag, and banners calling for the release of Messali Hadj and Algerian independence. It spread to the surrounding countryside, where tribes rose up. In Guelma the events were triggered by arrests and the actions of the militia, which provoked tribes to take revenge on local settlers. The European civilians and the police responded with mass executions and reprisals against entire communities. To remove all traces of their crimes and prevent investigations, they opened mass graves and burned the bodies in the lime kilns at Heliopolis. The army’s actions caused a military historian, Jean-Charles Jauffret, to say that its conduct “resembled a European wartime operation rather than a traditional colonial war” (4). In the Bougie region about 15,000 women and children were forced to kneel before a military parade. The final toll is speculative, as the French government closed the commission of inquiry directed by General Tubert and the killers were never tried………….”

The Pieds noirs, the European colonists, not only wanted to keep the myth that Algeria was French and that Algerians were “French. They also did not want the Muslim Algerians to have equal political rights. Messali Hadj later formed a movement against the FLN and was demonized by Arab nationalists (he died in exile in France). Ferhat Abbas went on to become first president of the Interim Algerian Government in exile after the FLN started its revolt in 1954. He was replaced later. After independence in 1962 Ahmed Ben Bella came out of a French prison to became president. He was overthrown in 1965 by a coup plotted by Boumedienne and Bouteflika (the current president) and others.
Later on, Ben Bella, after he was released from his ‘Algerian” prison, visited Hadj’s grave.

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Arab ‘Literary’ Awards: Good Writer in April in Paris, Bad Writer in June……….


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“A celebrated Algerian novelist was given a top French literary prize on Thursday in a ceremony that was marred by the withdrawal of its Arab sponsors. Boualem Sansal had been due to receive the Editions Gallimard Arabic Novel prize for his book “Rue Darwin” [Darwin Street] earlier in June. The 15,000 euro prize was to be given by the Paris-based Arab Ambassador’s Council, which founded the award in 2008. But between being nominated and being awarded his prize, Sansal attended the Jerusalem Writers Festival in May – as guest of honour. Militant Palestinian Islamist group Hamas called it, “an act of treason against the Palestinian people.” By the time the writer was due to receive his award, the Ambassadors Council had permanently withdrawn its support for the award………… Speaking on France Inter radio on Friday, Sansal said it was “completely unacceptable” that the ambassadors should interfere with their own jury’s decision ………..”

This is a strange case, not an easy one, involving politics and literary merit. If his book was good and deserved the prize in April, what has changed in the book to make it undeserving in June? Did he revise the book to make it less deserving during that period? Regardless of what you think of his visit to Jerusalem. Perceptions of the man’s work changed in some ways because of his visit, but the criteria for the award would be the same.
Now he won’t have the 15,000 euro to spend in Paris. That is a shame, a big fat dommage: I can think of no better place to spend 15,000 euro than Paris (the one in France not the one in Texas, assuming this guy is not into giving to charities).
All they did was to make his novel better known: I shall order a copy for my iPad or Kindle this afternoon.


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Blond Turks, Iranian Issues, and the New European Maginot: Ils ne Passeront Pas………….


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In the past, Turkey defended what it called Iran’s peaceful nuclear energy program and even voted against U.N. sanctions on Iran two years ago. But Turkey’s relationship with Iran has changed, as it began aligning itself with its Western allies on a series of issues. Richard Howitt is a member of the European Parliament’s committee on Turkey. “Turkey has come back into line on Iran. Turkey really lost some trust on the Iran issue and suffered in public relations terms by its opposition to sanctions, which frankly we worked very hard for at the U.N. and EU,” he said.
A factor in Turkey’s changing role is Syria, an important regional ally of Tehran…………

The Turks can all dye their hair blond and adopt German or French as their national language. They still will not be admitted into the European Union. The Turks fought with the West faithfully for more than sixty years, from Korea to being the southern bulwark of NATO during the Cold War. They supplied the labor that post-war Germany needed to revive its economy. Yet the old enemies of the former Warsaw Pact are being quickly admitted into the EU, but not the Turks. Eastern European gangs that deal in drugs, human trafficking, and murder are more welcome than the Turks. They are not considered a threat to Europe’s “culture”, but Turkish mosques are.
Now the Turks are being accommodating again, on the Iranian issues, hoping for some morsels from the European table, hoping for approval “There is a good Muslim boy”. They still won’t allow them in. As the Maginot Line said: Ils ne Passeront Pas.
Of course the old Maginot Line did not work as it was supposed to: it forgot about Bel
(Q: Do the Turks need to be in the European Union?)

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French Elections: President Nicolas Sarkozy Bling-Bling………..


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“A onze jours du premier tour de la présidentielle, alors que les marchés restent nerveux face à la crise, Nicolas Sarkozy a agité le spectre d’une «France à genoux» si François Hollande, qui a confirmé sa volonté de renégocier le traité budgétaire européen, était élu……. Sounds like Romney.

After his first election in 2007, Sarkozy-Past enjoyed a celebratory vacation on the sumptuous multimillion-dollar 200-foot-long yacht of his billionaire buddy, Vincent Bolloré, off the coast of Malta. Quickly dubbed “President Bling-Bling,” Sarkozy’s nouveau riche image was consolidated when, in the early months of his presidency, he gave a 10 percent tax break to the country’s wealthiest 20,000 people (reducing their total tax burden from 60 percent down to 50 percent and adding to France’s burgeoning debt). The president’s main justification was not one of trickle-down economics. It was based on a sort of economic morality: All people, even billionaires, should retain at least half their gross income. This early Sarkozy, who promised the French that they would “work more to earn more” set his own salary at more than $300,000 annually — a 172 percent raise from the previous president……………”

They say Carla is his third wife, He may think France is his fourth, but I doubt it; he ain’t de Gaulle. I have a feeling the fifth one is waiting in the wings somewhere out there……


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Le Pen and the Emir of Qatar……………


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PARIS – Far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen on Friday lashed out at Qatar for investing in “Muslim” areas of French cities and for taking over Paris Saint-Germain football club. “The massive investments which it has made in suburbs are made because of the very high proportion of Muslims who are in the French suburbs,” she told reporters. “I think this situation could be very dangerous,” she said. “We are letting a foreign country choose its investments with regard to the religion of this or that part of the French population or of French territory.” The tiny but very wealthy Gulf state of Qatar late last year set up a 50-million-euro ($67-million) fund for entrepreneurs from France’s often-deprived suburbs to set up businesses………….

This extreme right wing lady pretends in public that she is pissed simply because the Qataris are investing in parts of France where French corporations (and government) refuse to invest. She would rather have the French Muslims live permanently under what conditions the right wing deems right for them. It is just election year garbage.

Then she added that in general Qatar was “playing a double game by presenting itself as an “enlightened” country while at the same time supporting Islamist groups in the Middle East and North Africa.” On that last paragraph, I have no comment today: it requires some pondering. Some Gulf potentates do dabble in fundamentalist politics, some of them more than others.

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Cinquante ans plus tard: how France Dodged an Algerian Bullet …………


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If they lacked reasonable arguments, the French Parliament has just provided them with another argument by passing the law penalising any remark undermining the Harkis , the Algerian auxiliaries of the French army during the occupation. Moreover, in December, the French Right-wing had attempted to deposit the ashes of General Bigeard, former torturer during the Battle of Algiers at the Musée des Invalides in Paris. For their part, the Algerians have refused an entry visa to the pieds noirs , the former French colonial settlers in Algeria, who wanted to make a pilgrimage to their birthplace. These are small spikes to remind each other that one can be moderate but not amnesiac. Whether we like it or not, the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the independence of Algeria will not fail to crystallize all resentments and unspoken terms of the common history of the two countries that still continue to modulate memory 
according to politic issues

Until 1962 many Frenchmen insisted that Algeria was part of France, that Algerians were French. They also thought that some Algerians, the non-Muslim whites, were more French than others, with more ‘French’ rights than other Algerians. Just imagine how things would be now, if the Algerian revolution had failed. If France had won, it would have been a classic pyrrhic victory. Imagine how things would be now:

France would have a population of about 100 million, of which about 40 million would be Muslims of Algerian (and other African descent). Forty percent of all French would be Muslim, with the percentage growing. Just think of the possibilities. From a certain French point of view, they truly dodged a Muslim bullet, and they have Charles de Gaulle to thank for that. This is of course based on certain undeniable assumptions on how the French feel about Muslims in their country.
These French right-wingers who still admire the hardline colonialists of old Algeria would feel differently about them now had Algeria remained French. Wouldn’t you say?


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Sarkozy as Big Brother: Lurking at Jihadist and Terrorist Websites……..


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French President Nicholas Sarkozy means well. In the wake of horrific antisemitic murders reportedly pulled off by a Qaida-trained killer, Sarkozy is proposing to lock up frequent visitors to pro-terrorist websites. However understandable, the move would cripple open source attempts at understanding terrorism trends without stopping terrorists. “Anyone who regularly consults internet sites which promote terror or hatred or violence will be sentenced to prison,” Sarkozy argued to a political rally in France on Thursday. “What is possible for pedophiles should be possible for trainee terrorists and their supporters, too.” But terror porn doesn’t work like kiddie porn. For one thing, visitors to jihadist websites like the al-Shmukh forum aren’t just terrorist wannabees. They’re also lurking terrorism researchers or, um, journalists like us. And there’s law enforcement and intelligence officers monitoring them to discern the next moves of potentially dangerous people. ………….

No doubt Sarko is electioneering. He is in a tough race against the socialist Francois Hollande, and he always veers to the right when in trouble, just like any good Republican candidate in the USA. Going to a Jihadist website doesn’t make one a Jihadist or an enabler, just like going to white supremacist websites doesn’t make one a white supremacist. There is, besides the legitimate research and information value, the entertainment value in both these types of sites.

Europeans have been doing this ‘censorship’ more often lately. They have blocked and banned television networks and now websites. Yet they feign outrage when one of our dictators or despots does the very same thing, especially if that dictator or despot is not one of their allies.
This is what an American would call “sanctimonious European bullshit”. Yet there is plenty of it on this side o the Atlantic as well (you know that if you follow the political campaigns this year).

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