French Elections: President Nicolas Sarkozy Bling-Bling………..


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“A onze jours du premier tour de la présidentielle, alors que les marchés restent nerveux face à la crise, Nicolas Sarkozy a agité le spectre d’une «France à genoux» si François Hollande, qui a confirmé sa volonté de renégocier le traité budgétaire européen, était élu……. Sounds like Romney.

After his first election in 2007, Sarkozy-Past enjoyed a celebratory vacation on the sumptuous multimillion-dollar 200-foot-long yacht of his billionaire buddy, Vincent Bolloré, off the coast of Malta. Quickly dubbed “President Bling-Bling,” Sarkozy’s nouveau riche image was consolidated when, in the early months of his presidency, he gave a 10 percent tax break to the country’s wealthiest 20,000 people (reducing their total tax burden from 60 percent down to 50 percent and adding to France’s burgeoning debt). The president’s main justification was not one of trickle-down economics. It was based on a sort of economic morality: All people, even billionaires, should retain at least half their gross income. This early Sarkozy, who promised the French that they would “work more to earn more” set his own salary at more than $300,000 annually — a 172 percent raise from the previous president……………”

They say Carla is his third wife, He may think France is his fourth, but I doubt it; he ain’t de Gaulle. I have a feeling the fifth one is waiting in the wings somewhere out there……


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