Category Archives: Egypt

Egyptian Maturity with Xenophobia: Blaming Obama and Patterson…….


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Many Egyptians, on both sides, who should know better are playing a silly “point the finger game”. Each side is blaming the other and foreigners who are supposedly plotting with it. Each side claims the Americans prefer and are plotting with the other side.
Egypt is some 5,000 years old. It is older than the United States, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the GCC states, Russia and a few other countries combined. Even adding Iran to the bunch will not change that. They are a very mature nation. So they should stop the political xenophobia and blaming foreigners. They should stop pointing the finger at Obama or U.S. Ambassador Anne Patterson or the Saudis or the Turks or the Iranians or even Israel. Just follow an independent policy instead of burning foreign flags and effigies.
They are the masters of their own fate. Well, the real masters of their fate, the military, are part of Egypt

Genug, basta, assez, bass, khalas, kifaya…………

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UAE High-Level Delegation Seeks a Victory March in Cairo………..


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Speaking of Dummies books, Arab media report that the UAE is planning to send a “high-level” delegation to Egypt. Somehow the shaikhs seem to think Egyptians have plenty of time for social visits in between riots, street battles, and trying to form a government.
There are conflicting reports as to who will lead this high-level delegation or whether they will be carrying sacks of cash. One of my Abu Dhabi sources claims it may be headed by chief of Dubai police and shadow foreign minister of the UAE former Staff Sergeant Dhahi Khalfan. She reports that Khalfan believes his tweets helped trigger the anti-Morsi protests and the military putsch that overthrew the Muslim brotherhood. She reports the delegation aims to set up tents in Tahrir in a show of solidarity for the military and the overthrow of Morsi. Another source insists one of the ruling Bin Zayed Al Nahayan brothers will head the delegation. The shaikhs, she reports, may land at Cairo wearing General Al Sisi t-shirts.
My other Cairo source reports that Egyptians are not excited about this UAE delegation. Some of them think the Abu Dhabi shaikhs are in a hurry to march in their own victory parade in Cairo. Others think they are trying to rub it in the Qatari wound, adding insult to injury. Some say it might be a message to the Saudis or the Iranians, or both.
Others wonder if General Ahmed Shafiq, the old Mubarak crony who advises the Al Nahayan (not sure WTF on what) will be part of the delegation, if the shaikhs will nominate him for president of Egypt.


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An Egyptian Bestseller Book: The Presidency for Dummies……


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I saw the Twitter timeline of Egypt’s military-appointed Interim President Adly Mansoor (@Adlymansoor). I read some of the tweets, and looked deeply at his picture, well as deeply as possible in this case. Trying to see into his soul, such as it is. I suspect it may be a parody account, at least for the sake of Egypt I hope it is a parody account. I believe the photo is not a parody, alas it is real.
Still, I have seen the guy on television, so I started to wonder if there is a book titled “The Presidency for Dummies“. You know the series: Cooking for Dummies, Math for Dummies, XHTML for Dummies, Eating for Dummies, etc. Anyway, if there is such a book as “The Presidency for Dummies”: I suggest that he read it, I also wish Mohammed Morsi had read it one year ago.
Wait, I just remembered another gem. Egypt is in another unusual situation: it now has two deposed presidents both of them awaiting trial, so far. Before the end of this year there may be three of four deposed presidents awaiting trial. I suggest that the book “The Presidency for Dummies” be assigned reading for all Egyptian politicians, nay for all activists from all parties.


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Imams, Potentates, Generals, and Scoundrels………


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What is all this with “Imams” these days? Nowadays it seems Muslim Imams are coming out of the woodwork. Suddenly I found out a few weeks ago that Shaikh Yusuf Al Qaradawi is calling himself Imam on his website. Now. More recently, they are calling the Shaikh of Al Azhar the Imam, nay the Grand Imam no less, of Al Azhar. Ali Al Sistani in Najaf does not yet call himself Grand Imam, and I hope he does not. Nor does the Saudi Mufti Shaikh Al, yet. but It is probably coming.

Historically and traditionally anyone who leads people in prayer, prays in front of them, is called Imam. That is what the Arabic “Imam” word means, someone who leads in prayer. It can imply wisdom and experience, but obviously not necessarily so. Even Generalissimo Al Sisi of Egypt can be called Imam one of these days if he leads people in prayer. He just might do that someday if things get tough in Cairo. Dr. Mohamed Morsi never did and we know where he is now. Mr. Erdogan of Turkey has not taken that plunge yet. Bashar Al Assad would never consider it: he knows it won’t work in Syria.
This “Imam” business is becoming a fad. Soon the former Shaikh of Bahrain, now self-styled King, will start calling himself Imam. Or maybe the prime minister will. King Abdullah may start calling himself Imam, although he does not lead in prayer. No, not Abdullah of Jordan, the other Abdullah. It will be a problem in the UAE: the rulers of the seven emirates can’t all be Imams. Most likely one of the Al Nahayan brothers. I was just thinking of the goateed Saad Hariri of Lebanon and…………never mind.


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Morsi Emulates McCain, Urges the Western Powers to Liberate Syria but not Sudan………


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So, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood president Mohammed Morsi suddenly broke diplomatic relations with Syria, closed the embassy and declared that the Western powers should establish a no-fly zone over Syrian territory. Only one or two days after US President John McCain announces that the United States will deliver more lethal weapons to the Syrian opposition groups. McCain also called for a no-fly zone, in fact he would prefer a full-scale invasion of Syria. Of course Morsi did not mean an Arab League no-fly zone over Syria: regular Arab air forces can’t organize a piss-up in a brewery, something I have noted before, let alone a no-fly zone with all its logistics.
Meanwhile, as Morsi agonizes over the Syrian people, he is has recently returned from visiting Sudan. Morsi is set to receive in Cairo General Omar Al-Bashir, president of Sudan for 26 years. Al Bashir is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for massacres (and other atrocities) in Darfur that reportedly have killed more people than the civil war in Syria.


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Waiting for a SCAF: is Gulf GCC Petro-Money Preparing the Way for an Egyptian Military Return?………..


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“But the conventional wisdom may not be completely accurate. Washington has evidence that as much as a billion dollars has been clandestinely introduced into Egypt since the June presidential election. The money has gone to some organizers of the riots taking place, including junior Army officers in mufti, to force the regime to react with excessive force and lose what little legitimacy it retains—which is precisely what has happened. A fatally weakened Morsi government might well have to accept a new regime of national unity that would include the military, which would become the dominant force in the arrangement without having to risk the opprobrium involved in actually forming a government. The primary objective of the new alignment would be to restore order, further enhancing the military’s status. On January 29, the Egyptian Army’s commanding general, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, not surprisingly suggested that the army might have to intervene if the civilian government proves incapable of suppressing the rioting. So who is behind the unrest? The money fueling the confrontation comes from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States………………”

The Muslim Brotherhood tries to consolidate its power in the face of fear and opposition by other sectors of society. Egyptian relations with the West and Israel seem to be in a state of flux, to say the least. Egyptian relations with most Gulf potentates deteriorate. Reports and allegations and legends play a part in this political battle for control of Cairo:

  • A few weeks ago, Gulf and some British media reported about Brig General Qassem Suleimani of the Iranian Al-Quds Brigade, bête noir of the West and its allies. The bizarre report alleged that he has visited Cairo and met with Egyptian security officials at a Cairo hotel (this hotel part is very cute). A secret meeting at a hotel? Where exactly, at the hotel bar? The report alleged that the Egyptian regime was seeking Iranian help in tightening domestic security control. The “meeting at the hotel” part gave it away: clearly anti Brotherhood propaganda.
  • But the idea of that report was probably two-pronged: to discredit the Egyptian regime AND to discredit the local Muslim Brotherhood of the GCC Gulf states. They have done this before on the Gulf. The Bahrain and Saudi regimes always associate their protesters with outsiders: the Iranian regime and the Revolutionary Guard or with Hezbollah or both (occasionally Iraq and Syria are thrown in, with some salt grains). The UAE is getting into the act with enthusiasm.
  • Fast forward: two or so weeks ago Saudi deputy minister of defense, Khaled Bin Sultan was reported to have visited Egypt. He was reported to have met with Egyptian military commanders.
  • Fast forward to these days: there are a lot of tweets and other media reports now praising the Egyptian military. Some of them calling for a military intervention to “save the revolution”. This last one is not a joke, they are serious. Mubarak’s military to save the revolution that overthrew Mubarak! A mixture of Kafka and Orwell.
  • Fast forward some more: some are increasingly trying to paint the military as an acceptable alternative to the elected regime of the Muslim Brotherhood. That means Mubarak-ism without Mubarak again. No doubt this is the ideal outcome for the potentates of the Gulf states. It is also favored in Western capitals as well, at least in Washington and London, but they can’t say it openly now, can they?
  • Perhaps some Egyptians think the military is safer because it is not ‘dogmatic’, and it does not have a menacing political base and organization, unlike the Muslim Brotherhood. Therefore it is easy to confront and send back to the barracks. This goes against Egyptian history of the past 60 years.
  • There is always the reasonable fear of the Hitler precedent of 1933. One election that ends all elections, to be won by the Islamists. This has happened in many countries in the past.


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Jackasses of the Middle East: Agents Provocateurs of Upper Egypt……..


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Another jackass starts a war. A district in Minya in Upper Egypt was the scene of a dispute that erupted into a deadly battle. The battle was caused by an ass (of the donkey variety) trespassing family farms without permission. As a result a gun battle ensued between two families in adjacent villages in which a cattle trader and a farmer were killed and three others wounded. Three cattle barns were also burned. Investigation showed that the dispute was started when the unnamed ass (donkey) trespassed the farmlands of Ali and consumed a quantity of fresh feed. Ali got pissed and started a fight with Mohammed who called his relatives for help. Thus ensued the violent incident.
I know I have not posted much on asses (donkeys) lately, even though I am partial to the four-legged variety. I am also quite familiar with the two-legged asses (donkeys) even though I am not fond of them. We have plenty of both in our region, and this statement should not be taken as a comment on anyone in Syria or Bahrain or Saudi Arabia or even Jordan and Lebanon.
Anyway, I have decided to add links to some of my previous posts that are related to asses, jackasses and donkeys (and others):

Donkey Milk, Donkey Brain: Middle East Gender Gap

African Zebras and Middle East Donkeys, Asses and Power from Damascus to the Gulf

Those Underrated Powerful Asses of the GCC States

Cities of Asses: from Damascus to Conquered Hispaniola

Valentine and Equus Asinus in the Middle East- Damascus The Ancient City of Asses- The Revered Donkeys of Egypt- What About George Washington?

Those Underrated Powerful Asses of the GCC States

Rumi: Iranian Cleric Mixes Bestiality with Politics

Political Animal Planet: An Assembly of Jackass Penguins of Patagonia

Obama’s Colombian Donkey Gift, Asses of the Middle East

Political Donkeys of Kurdistan, Jackasses of the Gulf, Harry Belafonte

When Saudi Asses Opined on Egyptian Happiness, Cyprus Donkeys

The Dog, the Cow, the Ass, and Arab Leaders

Middle East Anthropology: Abused Donkeys, Elite Jackasses, Rabbits and Rats

A Churchillian Twist on Bush Economics- On Plebeian Jackasses, Middle East Politics, Netanyahu, and CPAC 2009

Noble Donkeys of Egypt, Real Middle East Assess, Vive le Roi

King of Bahrain Congratulated for Paying Gulf Newspaper to Award Him Meaningless Prize


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Morsi to the Descendants of Apes and Pigs (and Prophets): I was Kidding……………


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“A spokesman for President Mohamed Morsi said on Wednesday that inflammatory comments that he made about Jews before taking office had been intended as criticism of Israeli policies toward the Palestinians but had been taken out of context. The spokesman said that Mr. Morsi respected all monotheistic religions and religious freedom. It was Mr. Morsi’s first public response to news reports that as a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood he had made anti-Semitic statements about Jews and Zionists. A recently resurfaced video of a speech that Mr. Morsi gave at a rally in his hometown in the Nile Delta nearly three years ago shows him urging his listeners “to nurse our children and our grandchildren on hatred for them: for Zionists, for Jews.” In another video of a television interview he gave the same year, Mr. Morsi criticized Zionists in recognizably anti-Semitic terms, as “these bloodsuckers who attack the Palestinians, these warmongers, the descendants of apes and pigs….……….”

Nothing was taken out of context: it is what he said. Morsi said it some time ago, before the presidency was even a dream for him. I posted on this last month. But to put it in perspective: calling Jews the “descendants of apes and pigs” is common among most of the Muslim Brotherhood and all Salafis. Egyptian-Qatari Muslim Brother cleric Yusuf Al Qaradawi once famously added in a video clip that Hitler was God’s instrument to punish the Jews”. Everybody does it; that is almost everybody who is Muslim Brother and Salafi. I am not sure where it came from: I have not seen it in the Holy Quran or Hadith. Somewhere along the way these fundamentalist baboons created this term to refer to the Jewish people.

(FYI: This reminds me of a true story. When I first came to study in the USA as a teenager, I had colleagues and a few friends at my school back East who were Jewish. We used to kid each other. They used to ask me what we thought of Jews back home. I used to tell them that we thought they had tails, but it was something I made up. I had never heard of this “descendants of apes and pigs” thing. That was before the fundamentalist virus spread across our region and into our once-tolerant societies. The term must be something exclusive to these clowns. ).


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Muslim Brothers and Israelis: Their Land from the Tigris to Beyond the Nile……….


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                             Neck of the woods

“A delegation from the Iraqi Muslim Brotherhood and its political party visited the headquarters of the Freedom and Justice Party Saturday to meet with FJP leaders. The meeting was attended by Ayad al-Samarrai, secretary general of the Iraqi Islamic Party; Saad al-Katatny, former speaker of Egypt’s People’s Assembly; and Essam al-Erian, acting head of the FJP. Samarrai, who also serves as the speaker of the Iraqi parliament, said he came to Egypt to visit a number of political leaders, including President Mohamed Morsy, as well as Al-Azhar Grand Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayyeb and Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Mohamed Badie……… He added that the delegation explained to the FJP the Iraqi initiative to resolve the crisis in Syria…..……”

There is allegedly a quote, an alleged quote, supposedly inscribed outside the Israeli Knesset that says something to the effect that (roughly): “Your land, O Israel, is from the banks of the Nile to the Tigris River (or is it the Euphrates, or both?)……” This quote has been widely repeated for decades in the Arab world to indicate that Israel has expansionary ambitio
ns that includes territory well beyond the historic land of Palestine. I have never seen this quote so I can’t vouch for it, but it has been quoted by Arab politicians frequently, especially by the late Yasser Arafat.
This Iraqi visit to Cairo was a sightseeing one, for other Muslim Brothers to inspect their new Egyptian acquisition. Now there is no doubt that the Muslim Brotherhood is realizing its own long ambitions to control the Arab lands well beyond this Euphrates-Nile boundary. In fact it is trying to, maybe it is poised to, control the Arab world from the Atlantic Ocean to t
he Persian-American Gulf. With a few exceptions in Iraq and Lebanon and maybe Syria, maybe.
Now, to be truly Iraqi the delegation should have included representatives of the Sadrist current, the Da’awa Party, the KDP (Kurdish), PUK (without an “E” but also Kurdish), the Kurdish Donkey (Ass) Party (it exists but is widely ignored for some reason), PKK, and the Emir of the Un-Islamic State of Iraq  who can be Saudi or Egyptian or Libyan or Sudani…………

(These Samarrais, several of them, and other Islamists, served the Baath Party under Saddam quite well, thankyouverymuch. Now that the dictator is dead they, are suddenly rediscovering that they are really Muslims. Not just any Muslims, but Sunni Muslims. Not just any Sunni Muslims, but Muslim Brothers, with a few wild bomb-strapping Salafis thrown in for flavoring).

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Egypt: An Iranian Shi’a Woman in Nasser’s House?……….


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                          Neck of the woods
Was Tahiyya Kathim, the woman of Iranian origin and wife of Gamal Abdel Nasser a Shi’a originally but abandoned her sect and her Persian roots? That is the question of the Saudi semi-official Alarbiya network asked. Alarabiya is obsessed with two things more than anything else: fending off an imagined spread of Shi’ism and destroying the memory and legacy of Egypt’s late president Nasser. Nasser came closer than anyone else to overthrowing the al-Saud regime. He even charmed and got several princes to defect to Cairo and denounce the al-Saud clan. The princes have not forgotten this even over 40 years after his death. Nor have the Muslim Brotherhood who tried to assassinate him more than once in the 1950s. The Muslim Brotherhood leaders went into exile in Saudi Arabia and some other Gulf states. Yet they returned to Egypt largely unconvinced of the Wahhabi doctrine, which put them at odds with the Saudi regime later on, especially after they tried to challenge Hosni Mubarak politically.
Tahiyya Kathim was an Egyptian of Iranian origins, but then there are many Egyptians of Iranian origin, more than you would think. A simple DNA test could prove this. Egyptians also come from many other origins, including Arabs and ancient Egyptians and Jews and Italians and Greeks and Turkish and Albanians, among others. So all this is no big deal.

All this is not the point. The point is that Alarabiya, which specializes in stoking sectarian fires mostly along the Gulf GCC states but also across the Arab world, may be tying the legacy of Nasser to the al-Saud’s more modern target, Shi’ism. The report does, however, introduce an interesting history of her ancestors and how they migrated from Rasht in Iran to Egypt. I did learn a bit of history from it.

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