A New Dickensian American Century?………..

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“From early in its history, the United States rested on the notion of a large class of small proprietors and owners. “The small landholders,” Jefferson wrote to his fellow Virginian James Madison, “are the most precious part of a state.” To both Jefferson and Madison, both the widespread dispersion of property and limits on its concentration—“the possession of different degrees and kinds of property”—were necessary in a functioning republic. Jefferson, admitting that the “equal division of property” was “impractical,” also believed “the consequences of this enormous inequality producing so much misery to the bulk of mankind” that “legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property.” ………. For this group, the rest of society, he suggested, exists only “as images and stereotypes.” Progressive theorists, such as Ruy Texerira, have suggested that, in the evolving class structure, the traditional middle and working class is of little importance compared to the rise of a mass “upper middle class” consisting largely of professionals, tech workers, academics, and high-end government bureaucrats……………This trend has continued even in the recovery. Between 2010 and 2012, the middle sixty percent of households, did worse not only than the wealthy, but even the poorest quintile between 2010 and 2012. In the years of the recovery from the Great Recession the middle quintiles income dropped by 1.2 percent while those of the top five percent grew by over five percent.………..….”


Mohammed Haider Ghuloum

[email protected]

Foreign Marriage and Polygamy and the Frustrated Single Wahhabi……..

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“The official said Saudi men have been prohibited from marrying expatriate women from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Chad and Myanmar. According to unofficial statistics, there are about 500,000 women from these four countries currently residing in the Kingdom. Official sources said Morocco has made it conditional for Saudis wishing to marry Moroccan women to provide clean criminal records. The sources said Moroccan authorities also require applicants to provide written consent from his wife if he is already married……….”

Saudi authorities also now require for any citizen wising to marry a Moroccan woman to provide a criminal record of the woman, to prove that she has no dangerous crimes and illegal drugs in her past. The Moroccan, for their part, require that a Saudi man who is already married must provide her approval to his marriage of a second Moroccan wife.

Life is getting tough for sexually repressed and frustrated Saudi men. They are banned by their own government from marrying the nationalities mentioned above, and it has been made hard for them to marry Moroccan women. The Moroccans also have their own requirements. They are also required to get approval of the Wahhabi authorities before they can marry any foreign woman, even if the marriage is done outside the country, even on Mars.

It is a good thing for them that Generalisimo Field Marshal President Al Sisi has not come around to restricting the summer marriages many vacationing Saudi men have with Egyptian women, nor has he cracked down, yet, on dirty older Saudi men marrying underage Egyptian child brides.


Mohammed Haider Ghuloum

[email protected]

Jihadi Terrorist Roots in Mosul………

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Wikileaks 2008: “AQI/ISI insurgents will probably continue to target convoys and patrols in Mosul on the basis of their ability to effectively carry out these attacks. Insurgents may also be selectively targeting high-profile MRAP vehicles with SVBIEDs both for propaganda purposes and for their ability to defeat these heavily armored Coalition vehicles.AQI/ISI is the predominant insurgent group operating in Mosul and is affiliated with a majority of SVBIED attacks in the city. There were multiple Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces offensive operations in Mosul during 2008 that have degraded AQI/ISI’s ability to carry out attacks. However, the latest series of SVBIED attacks show that AQI/ISI still has a residual capacity to conduct high-profile attacks in Mosul…………….”


Mohammed Haider Ghuloum

[email protected]

Inspired Thoughts: Bahrain PM Not Going to Mars…………

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“Building the nation, consolidating its landmark achievements and safeguarding its security and stability require all Bahrainis to join ranks and stand united against whoever seeks to target its safety and sovereignty, His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa said…….. This came as HRH Premier received at the Gudaibiya Palace today a number of MPs, Municipal Councils’ members, clerics, scholars, intellectuals, media persons, businessmen and scores of citizens representing all segments of the Bahraini society…………..Businessmen and traders praised HRH Premier’s recent fruitful visit to Saudi Arabia, citing the smooth flow of lorries through the King Fahad Causeway. Those present extended sincere congratulations to HRH Premier for his safe return home, noting that his return has filled the hearts of the citizens with joy and happiness. They lauded his constant keenness to advance the nation in all fields……………”

Wow. Remember when I post a few weeks ago a report about the UAE sending (actually buying, or was it renting?) a mission to Mars? I was told by someone that they were thinking of a manned mission to Mars. That is when I thought right away of his highness the prime minister of Bahrain (PM in power for some 43 years, about, oh, 35 years longer than Iraq’s Al Maliki, about thirty years longer than Bashar Al Assad, about two years longer than the late Muammar Gaddafi, about 15 years longer than Joe Stalin).

Actually the mere thought of the Al Khalifa ruling family of Bahrain made me think of space colonization. It was an inspiring thought, inspired by an inspiring elite. I better quit this one while I am ahead.


Mohammed Haider Ghuloum

[email protected]

Sexual Harassment: Laughing Turkish Women, Flirtatious Saudi Women……

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“It seems in male-dominated Muslim powerhouses, women may not be entitled to mirth. First, a top Turkish official last month reproached women for laughing in public, deeming such expressions immodest and a sign of the country’s moral erosion. Turkish women laugh during a yoga session in a public garden in Ankara on Saturday, in a rebuke of a senior official’s admonition against women laughing in public. Now a Saudi social research center reports that 80% of people questioned in a national survey blame the scourge of sexual harassment plaguing the country on the “deliberate flirtatious behavior” of women……….The sexual harassment survey in Saudi Arabia by the King Abdulaziz Center for National Dialogue in Riyadh stirred a more muted reaction in the kingdom, where women remain more socially marginalized…..………”

Mohammed Haider Ghuloum

[email protected]

Luring ISIS and her Sisters: the Return of Jihad Sex……

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“The self-proclaimed Islamic State, formerly known by the acronym ISIS, is actively recruiting Western women and girls. And in the process this “caliphate” that now occupies large swathes of Syria and Iraq is showing, once again, that it’s almost as shrewd with social media as it is ruthless on the battlefield. The tweets and blogs apparently are written by Western women married to jihadi warriors. They aim to persuade would-be “sisters” in Europe and the United States to travel to the Middle East to help this al-Qaeda spinoff build its extremist vision of an Islamic society ……………”

“Tunisia, the largely moderate North African country, has struggled to stymie the flow of hundreds of young men leaving to fight alongside rebels in Syria’s more than two-year-long, bloody civil war. Now, the interior minister says, the country must also slow a stream of young Tunisian women leaving for Syria on “sexual jihad.”……………….”

The story continues. The AP reported yesterday that ISIS fighters have taken hundreds of Yazidi women in Iraq as war booty, concubines (i.e. sex slaves). Other recent reports note that the Wahhabi terrorist group is working to lure young women and girls from the West to come to Syria and Iraq for the purpose of “sex jihad”. A sort of rehearsal for when the Wahhabi cutthroats go to Paradise, as they expect, and partake of the unlimited virgin huris. If they ever make it there.


Mohammed Haider Ghuloum

[email protected]

Saudi Mission Impossible in Lebanon: Hariri Returns to Confront his Former Wahhabi Allies and Hezbollah………

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“Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri did not return to Lebanon empty-handed the way he left it three years and four months ago. After having spent his time roaming between the hotels of Europe and castles of Saudi Arabia, he crowned his return to Lebanon with a Saudi grant to the Lebanese army and security forces. Backed by the decision of King Abdullah bin Abdel Aziz, Hariri is here to spend $1 billion in support of the Lebanese Army in its fight against terrorism. He is also set to “lead the Sunni moderate movement,” as he said at a March 14 meeting yesterday, and as Future Movement officials constantly reiterate. Many questions surround the circumstances of Hariri’s return, while the answers may start in Mosul but not end in Ersal. “Hariri is back and this is final. He may travel abroad to visit someone, but he is back in Lebanon,” a source close to Hariri told Al-Akhbar, while Future Movement officials insist that he returned to lead “Sunni moderation” and [oversee] the spending of the Saudi grant……………”

A tough task entrusted by the Al Saud princes to their man in Beirut. Reset the “Sunni” movement by re-configuring relations with the Wahhabi takfiri terrorist groups that the Hariri alliance had encouraged and aided only a couple of years ago in both Lebanon and Syria. The one billion dollars in Saudi aid is read by some as a reduction of an earlier Saudi commitment which promised $3 billion of arms to be bought specifically from France. (But perhaps that French weapons deal was offered by the Saudis when they were trying to get France to help their side in the Syrian war). Others have added this new billion to that earlier three billion and talked about $4 billion total Saudi military aid. Apparently so far none of it has materialized, as far as I know.

The other task entrusted to Hariri, a task that is the main Saudi obsession, is even tougher, nay hopeless. Recent years have not been kind to the pro-Saudi March 14 bloc, and Mr. Hariri is now tasked with resuming the “fight” against Hezbollah in its own territory. The Saudis have been trying for years to stem the power of Hezbollah in Lebanon through the use of the only weapons at their disposal: oil money and Western sanctions. But facts on the ground, Lebanese political alliances, and population demographic trends have been moving against them. Apparently petro-money is not enough to get a majority of Lebanese to discover the joys of an alliance with Wahhabism.

Even the last elections of 2009, when the infusion of a lot of money managed to get a temporary majority in parliament for the Saudi-allied March 14 Movement (Hariri, Falange, etc), did not turn out as expected. The voters still awarded March 8 (Hezbollah and its Christian allies) a majority of the popular vote (about 54%). Given that political reality, it did not take long for Mr. Hariri to be forced out of power.


Mohammed Haider Ghuloum

[email protected]

Gulf SDGT: New Sanctions on Some Al Qaeda Moneybags………

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August 6, 2014: “The U.S. Department of the Treasury today imposed sanctions on three key terrorist financiers under Executive Order (E.O.) 13224. Two of the individuals designated today, Shafi Sultan Mohammed al-Ajmi and Hajjaj Fahd Hajjaj Muhammad Sahib al-‘Ajmi, are Kuwait-based and support the Syria-based, al-Qaida-linked terrorist organization Al Nusrah Front (ANF); one individual, ‘Abd al-Rahman Khalaf ‘Ubayd Juday’ al-‘Anizi, is a financier and facilitator of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), previously known as al-Qaida in Iraq (AQI). Each has been designated as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT). ANF and ISIL continue to receive donations from private citizens located predominantly in the Arabian Peninsula to fund their operations. Today’s actions target individuals who play key roles in the external financing and facilitation of terrorists in Syria and Iraq, including particularly dangerous foreign fighters……… said Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David S. Cohen……………”

June 13, 2008: “The U.S. Department of the Treasury today designated the Kuwait-based Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS) for providing financial and material support to al Qaida and al Qaida affiliates, including Lashkar e-Tayyiba, Jemaah Islamiyah, and Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya. RIHS has also provided financial support for acts of terrorism. The RIHS offices in Afghanistan (RIHS-Afghanistan) and Pakistan (RIHS-Pakistan) were designated by the U.S. Government and the United Nations 1267 Committee in January 2002 based on evidence of their support for al Qaida. At that time, there was no evidence that the Kuwait-based RIHS headquarters (RIHS-HQ) knew that RIHS-Afghanistan and RIHS-Pakistan were financing al Qaida………………”

In other words: not only funding and encouraging sectarian takfiri volunteers to massacre civilian citizens of Iraq (and Syria and Lebanon), but also ally with remnants of Saddam Hussein’s Baath henchmen.


Mohammed Haider Ghuloum

[email protected]

Lebanon-Syria: A Confusion of Alleged Gunfights at O.K. Arsal………..

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Jihadist terrorist militias have been flooding into Arsal (in the Bekaa region of Lebanon) from Syria. ISIS and Al Nusra, the two baddest Wahhabi Jihadi militias have controlled much of the town. Recent developments, allegedly:

  • ISIS attacks Lebanese army around Arsal.
  • Lebanese army fights ISIS at Arsal.
  • ISIS and Al Nusra have engaged Lebanese army forces, killing several resulted. Both Wahhabi militias have taken hostages.
  • Chief (Emir) of ISIS in Arsal (apparently a Palestinian) was killed in the fighting, which pissed off his followers.
  • Lebanese media report more kidnappings, and executions by the Jihadis in Arsal.
  • Jihadi militias fire at entrance of Arsal, preventing people and the wounded from leaving.
  • ISIS refuse to withdraw from Arsal.
  • ISIS fires other militias trying to withdraw from Arsal (al Nusra, Green Brigade, Qalamoun Freedom).
  • Iran official: we condemn movements by terrorist militias at Arsal.
  • Al Nusra Front and ISIS fight at Arsal.
  • Al Nusra pulls back, ISIS keeps firing at them.
  • Hezbollah: security and protection of Lebanese citizens at Arsal is the job of the army.
  • Saudi network Alarabiya claims that Hezbollah shells ISIS at Arsal.
  • A truce is reached through intermediation between the Lebanese Army and ISIS. ISIS breaks the truce. Fighting resumes.
  • Saudi king donates US$ 1 billion to the Lebanese Army (no, not out of his personal pocket). He presents this (very) publicly to Saad Al Hariri, his man in Lebanon (his man in Paris). But how is Hariri going to carry $1 bn all the way to Beirut? Maybe it will go straight to Paris.
  • French media gets excited about this new Saudi gift, it is not clear why.
  • More alleged news from Arsal on the way. Stay tuned.

Mohammed Haider Ghuloum

[email protected]

Will Netanyahu Visit Riyadh or Will the King do the Ghazwat Jerusalem?……….

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“No, the surprising cooperation and doors that might open to which Netanyahu referred, seems an allusion to key Sunni countries in the region, particularly Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates. Just a day before the prime minister’s comments, Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah issued a statement read out on Saudi television about the situation in Gaza. Incredibly, Abdullah decried the “collective massacre” in Gaza, but did not pin it on Israel………… Abdullah’s words were real-time proof of what American political scientist Walter Russell Mead wrote last week, that “the battle between Sunni Arabs and Israelis is no longer the most important issue on the table for key Arab governments as well as for Israel……………”

The alliance, I called it a coalition, is in place. It has been forming for some time, it was awaiting the advent of Generalisimo Field Marshal Al Sisi to return Egypt to it. Now that the Egyptian Tahrir Uprising has totally failed: he is in place. The Al Saud and their Al Nahayn sidekicks had wanted Egypt back, which they have now bought back. They have also wanted Iraq back (demographically not possible) and Syria back (their chances were ruined by their Wahhabi militia allies) and Lebanon back (demographically not possible).
A coalition of convenience, between arguably the most democratic (it still is, even with the plight of the Palestinians under occupation) and most aggressively militarized country in the Middle East and two of the least democratic countries in the Middle East, possibly in the world (Saudi Arabia and the UAE).

Egypt is now another traditional Arab military oligarchy, its fate sealed with Al Sisi engineering a victory of 97% out of the few Egyptians who bothered to vote earlier this year. The goal: on the one hand aimed at maintaining the status quo of pre-2011, and on the other aimed at pushing back the eastward expansion of the mullahs away from the Mediterranean.
Don’t expect Netanyahu to land at Riyadh anytime soon: no such invitation is likely. If he did, he might bring along a bunch of lawyers with claims to Jewish property confiscated at Madinah and Khaybar some fifteen centuries ago. The Saudi king is unlikely to fly anywhere other than Morocco, or maybe to some medical facility in the West.


Mohammed Haider Ghuloum

[email protected]