Kessab and a Tale of Two Anfals: Minorities of Syria, Kurds of Iraq, Ghost of Saddam..…


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“A social media campaign to prevent a “genocide of Armenians!” in the scenic Syrian mountain resort town of Kasab exploded recently, in the latest example of how 21st century communications technology can spread as much disinformation as it does information. The Armenian diaspora community was shaken late last month when the town of Kasab and surrounding areas fell quickly out of the regime’s control, as part of the “Al-Anfal” coastal campaign launched by rebels and jihadists………….”

Distinguishing rebels and Jihadists is just pure wishful thinking on the part of Western governments, an idea aided and abetted by tribal absolute family rulers in the Arabian Peninsula. There is no operational difference, and if there is any, it is in that the fighting is mostly done by the Jihadists.

What is ominous about this new front at Kessab is that they named it Al-Anfal, a Sura or chapter of the Holy Quran related to “Spoils or Booty of War”. It is also the name that Saddam Hussein gave his genocidal campaign against Iraqi Kurds in the 1980s. That was when he used chemical weapons supplied by European companies with Saudi and Arab money. That was when many Kurds perished, especially at Halabja. That was when most, nay almost all, Arab regimes and media either ignored or denied the genocide.

The Jihadists have a track record of genocide, not just in Syria and Iraq but across the world. Their raison d’etre is to kill off ‘the others’.



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