A Dirty Open Secret of Malaysia: the Sectarian Angle, the Wahhabi Angle……


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“In early August, Malaysia’s Home Ministry secretary-general Datuk Seri Abdul Rahim Mohamad Radzi announced the growth of the minority Shia population along with government plans to root out the movement. Radzi said, “The development of information technology is among the factors for their growth as the teachings are spreading through a range of social sites,” adding that as such, measures to curb Shia practices will “involve the Home Ministry, the police, Registrar of Societies, control of publications under the Printing and Publication Act, curbing the production of CDs and DVDs by the Film Censorship Board and monitoring by the Immigration Department.”…………..” 

This statement by a Malaysian bureaucrat titled Datuk Seri Whatever sounds like something uttered by Dr. Josef Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister of the German Reich.

Malaysia is more than just a country of incompetent feuding officials as we have seen from the fiasco of the MH370 tragedy. It is also another bi-polar Muslim state, while it tries to present a fake tolerant face to the outside world. Yet the country has been Wahhabi-ized over the past few decades. A couple of years ago in Malaysia, the Malaysian Islamic body, the regime’s National Fatwa Committee, went totally Wahhabi and announced that it is not permissible for Muslims to participate in any gathering or demonstration intended to oust a government. That is straight out of the playbook of the Saudi princes who use regime muftis and religious fatwas to stifle dissent.

is now a fully officially a sectarian society: it does have a Wahhabi problem which also has led to its “Shi’a” problem. In the sense that Shi’as are persecuted and are forced to practice their faith in secret. They usually have to practice their faith in privacy, and often these gatherings are raided by regime security police and people are actually arrested. Apparently the religious establishment in Malaysia is dominated and managed by Wahhabi hardliners. Which also means the ruling regime, the establishment, has become more intolerant and Wahhabi. It is as sectarian as, say, Egypt has been under Mubarak and Morsi and Sisi combined. 

Even though Malaysia is so far away from the Wahhabi heartland of Riyadh. Very few in the West are aware of that. This also means that Malaysia has a “Wahhabi” problem: since it is Wahhabi influence and ideology of hate that has led to its Shi’a “problem.


The country’s rulers, a bunch of Datuks and Seris, also treat its citizens, especially the women, quite different from how they treat Westerners. A few years ago there was the case of the native woman who walked into an establishment that legally serves alcohol: she reportedly ordered a beer and ended up being sentenced to death. Apparently she needed to become a foreign tourist and dye her blond to legally qualify to poison her mind and body.



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