Misogyny Emails: from Bashar al-Assad to the Mufti Al………..


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“Hundreds of emails purportedly written by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad show he sent several sexist or irreverant messages in the months before the ongoing Syrian uprising began. The French website owni.fr on Thursday published extracts from the latest cache of Syrian documents made avaiable by WikiLeaks, which on July 5 started releasing some 2.5 million emails it said were from Syrian political figures. Of those emails, 538 were supposedly written by Assad himself, sent from the address [email protected] and mostly written before the uprising that has lasted 16 months and so far killed 17,000 people. The emails shed little new information on the deadly crackdown but give a glimpse into Assad’s puerile and slightly misogynistic mindset.
“Wife: I wish I was a newspaper, so I’d be in your hands all day,” begins one of the jokes in an email dated December 23, 2010.
“Husband: I too wish that you were a newspaper, so I could have a new one everyday.”……..”

Frankly I did not read anything misogynic in this piece. There must be more of Assad’s emails to warrant that. BTW: speaking of misogyny, when will they publish the emails of the Saudi king and princes. Oh, and don’t forget the Mufti Al who supports taking child brides so long as the girl can “bear a man’s weight”. It would be fun to read their multiple emails to multiple wives, or maybe just one email and then copies forwarded to the rest. Speaking of misogyny and sexism: these potentates put the ‘sex’ in sexism.

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