On New Hampshire, Nevada, and Newt Gingrich’s Trek in the Middle East………

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Sad to report that it looks like, as of today, that Newt Gingrich’s proposed (by yours truly) hiking trip to the Iraq-Iran border is on hold, possibly looking remote, and not just in a geographic sense. The campaign is heating up and Newt is making a show of being in the thick of it (he is not, of course).

On the heels of Jon Huntsman’s threat to boycott the Nevada caucuses because of the calendar move-up, Newt Gingrich makes the same stand-by-the-Granite-State pledge. “As a citizen, I have always supported New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary………
Mr. Gingrich unveiled a “21st Century Contract With America” in Iowa, hoping to capture the spirit of the 1994 version, which helped propel Republicans into the majority in Congress……

I think not: he is not going to capture any spirit, unless it come in a bottle. Even if he doesn’t go for his suggested hike (suggested by yours truly) he ain’t never coming back. Even if he goes and evades the Iranian border guards and returns safely (as anybody who is not a Republicans candidate for president hopes). Politically he is toast, won’t get elected for a dog-catcher, not even in Georgia. That’s okay, all this will up his speaking fees, helping people overcome insomnia.
Still, things can change. I‘ll try to post follow ups on this in the coming days.


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