Kim Kardashian Invades UAE: a GCC Invitation? About Snooki of Arabia………….

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Kim Kardashian says beauty of Arab women ‘unique and exotic’. During her first visit to the Middle East, reality star Kim Kardashian told Al Arabiya morning show that the beauty of Arab women is “unique and exotic,” adding that she was inspired by their love for fashion. “I was seeing a lot of different women today and they are so stylish and so beautiful and I like how they do their makeup and just how they dress. They love fashion here, which really inspiring to me,” Kardashian said, Asked about what she does to maintain her body shape, the reality star said, “I work out a lot and I also take vitamins and supplements. I take Quick Trim if its bikini season and I want to really get in shape quickly.” The reality star and her mother, Kris, on Friday evening opened the Millions of Milkshakes store in the Dubai Mall. Regarding her reality television series “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” the reality star said it was her mom who came up with the idea brought to producer Ryan Seacrest…….. Kim was seen wearing a traditional burqua and a niqab in Dubai. She tweeted on of her pictures wearing the dress……………..Alarabiya (Saudi)

No doubt she met the potentates of the UAE. I recall Michael Jackson went to Bahrain and met the king, who seemed to be beaming with excitement. That was just before the King’s wacko son decided to sue Jacko for several million dollars he had given him with the idea that they would become an item, professionally and musically speaking. Jacko probably realized that if these people had any talent at all it is for repression, corruption, and kleptocracy.
No news yet if Kardashian plans to visit Riyadh and feast on camel ‘qoozi with the potentates over there. Who knows, with the Jordanian and Moroccan GCC membership bid going nowhere, they might offer membership to Kim. Maybe they ought to invite her to the next summit. And what about Snooki?


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