Tag Archives: US Politics

The New American Caliphate: the Swamp, the Cesspool, and Trump’s Armageddon………

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One Tweet: “Florida rally cheers when Republican predicts Trump’s Jerusalem embassy decision may usher in Armageddon…..”
Another Tweet: “Trump came to my hometown last night and promised “borders on top of borders.” My state senator said Trump’s bringing Jesus back to life. And my Congressman wants to abolish the EPA. Now you understand why I always seem angry……”

Armageddon – coin-op machines in public toilets dispensing IRA-certified “protection” in the form of Trojan guns – underage sexual abuse (Biblical-style) for the public good – corporations as our (not their) new Jesus of this age – greed and smoke as the new salvation of humanity – corporate fundamentalist-political bullshit as the new gospel.

It looks like parts of the United States are ready to replace the terrorist Caliphate of ISIS with their own. Perhaps a milder gentler more Christian version of DAESH. Jesus and Christianity, just like Islam, have been hijacked again. It also looks like this has extended now to the nation’s capital of Washington DC.

It has miraculously transformed the Old Swap into a more pungent Cesspool. The old hashtag of #DrainTheSwamp is now passe,  welcome to #TheCesspool….

Welcome to the new American Caliphate, its ideology a new Cargo Cult…..

And a Merry Christmas to you too…..  

M. H. Ghuloum


An Illegal Martian in America: the Party of Russia vs the Party of China…….

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KuwaitCox2 Hiking   christmasbellevue

A Martian who has just arrived in the United States (either a legal or an illegal alien) would think American politics are divided into two major parties:

  • The Party of Russia. We are told across much of the media to believe that the Republican Party (GOP) is the Party of Putin and Russia (with all the unpleasant accoutrements: Gulag, KGB, other extremely un-American behavior like guzzling Vodka and eating Pirozhky). Suddenly the Democrats, big losers of this election year, have developed a strange zeal for fending off a Russian quasi-Bolshevik takeover of the USA.
  • The Party of China (Chi-Com, PLA, Robber Oligarchs, Generals snapping up US real estate, industrial espionage, job-stealers, unfair Trade Surplus, Cyber Espionage, North Korea, etc). That would be the Democrat Party, and not only by default.

To complicate matters, many people in the Middle East, and in the wider Islamic world have a different view on this. They also have their own notion about US politics. Many, nay actually most people in the region, believe that both major American political parties are the Party of Israel. Or, more precisely, the Party of Likud right-wingers.

M Haider Ghuloum