Saudi Arabia: a Political Statement or a Twenty Billion Dollar Phallic Symbol………..

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SAUDI billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal has launched a project to build the world’s tallest tower at more than 1000 metres in the Red Sea city of Jeddah. The project to built a tower topping Dubai’s world’s highest building, Burj Khalifa, “will soon see the light after the signing of a $1.2 billion agreement” between Prince Alwaleed’s Kingdom Holding Co and construction giant Bin Laden Group, the Saudi tycoon said. It will take 36 months to build the tower, said the Saudi businessman, a nephew of King Abdullah and one of the kingdom’s wealthiest men. He did not say when construction will begin. Prince Alwaleed said the tower was intended to “send a message of strength” reflecting the OPEC kingpin’s economic and political stability….The tower, which will be part of a $US20 billion ($18.29 billion) project north of Jeddah, would top Dubai’s 828-metre Burj Khalifa, which was opened last year……..“Our message is political,” he said…………..

A political message at the cost of $ 20 billion.
What is all this obsession with tall(est) towers in the Middle East these days. First there was Burj Dubai, whom they changed to Burj Khalifa after Shaikh al-Nahayan who pulled the nuts of the Dubai rulers from the fire. Then there was talk of which tower is more ‘leaning’ the Tower of Pisa or some other UAE tower. Then the Saudis built the tallest clock tower in the whole fucking wide world: an ugly travesty right over the Holy Mosque, possibly built over the destroyed remains of some ancient Islamic monument (they princes have been busy destroying houses of the Sahaba of the prophet and other ancient monuments to build their high-rise money machines). Now they are going to build this: the tallest tower in the whole wide world, relegating the Khalifs (al-Nahayan) Tower to second class status. I bet the al-Nahayan will add a few stories on top of the Burj Khalifa to make it taller by about the proverbial ‘nine inches’. It is all symbolic phallic game-playing, I suspect. Maybe there are feelings of “inadequacy” somewhere and this si just another way of trying to make up for it
(I figure a $ 20 billion makes as much sense as a $ 20 billion political statement).

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Nuclear Theocratic Powers of the Middle East and Beyond…….

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Particularly worrisome in the Saudi case is the potential departure from the Gold Standard established by the UAE 123 agreement. If, as has been suggested, the Saudi agreement is concluded without an accompanying commitment to abjure reprocessing and enrichment technologies, there could be profound consequences for the administration’s nonproliferation objectives and for the long-term stability of the Middle East. Although Saudi Arabia has not previously been judged to be a proliferation threat, as it “lacks the technological expertise, industrial base, and disciplined commitment required to develop an indigenous weapons capacity,” recent developments may have altered this assessment. The alacrity with which the United States dispensed of its long-standing support for the regime of Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak no doubt gave pause to the House of Saud, which continues – 30 years later – to be troubled by American abandonment of the Shah on the eve of the Iranian revolution. Nor is Saudi threat perception likely to be relieved by the regional meddling of its frequent ideological competitor. This is to say nothing of the Kingdom’s concerns regarding Iranian weaponization. Indeed, Saudi Arabia appears increasingly unnerved by the trajectory of the Iranian program, a trend that can be seen in the country’s shifting characterizations of its own nuclear ambitions. ……..

  • There are fears that Saudi Arabia may try and shift any nuclear program toward military use. In fact that is exactly what Prince Turki al-Faisal warned about last month. There is now this fear, but the difference is that the Saudis will need American (and maybe other) help in any nuclear plan they have.

  • There are, there have been, fears of the Iranian nuclear program. These fears are based on possibilities that the Iranian may be trying to either build nuclear weapons or, more likely, reach the point ehre they can build nuclear weapons.

  • Then there is Israel. Everyone knows that Israel has many nuclear warheads, although no one can prove it. Israel is not a signatory of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), hence it is not under any Western pressure to allow international (IAEA) inspection.
  • Pakistan has several nuclear weapons, and it is not an NPT signatory either. Pakistan was created as a quasi-theocratic state: it was carved up as an Islamic state from parts of India. The country has been veering toward fundamentalism and back over its history. It may be closer now than at any other time.

What do all these West and South Asian countries have in common? No, not the geographic proximity. They are all either declared theocracies, undeclared theocracies, quasi-theocracies, or threatened theocracies. They are all within one of these categories I noted above. Scary, no? (The United States is not a theocracy, although the Tea Party and other elements would like it to be and try to push it that way).

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Jordanians Space out with Star Trek, about that Missing Humor…….

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A Star Trek-themed attraction is set to boldly go ahead in Jordan, as US$1.5 billion of funding has been secured for a major tourism and theme park development. Construction work on the 74-hectare Red Sea Astrarium project in Aqaba, which will include four hotels and 17 entertainment developments, is expected to start early next year. The project is being funded by investors from the US and the Gulf, according to a partner in the project. The Amman company Rubicon Group Holding, which makes animated films, said in May it would design and produce the entertainment elements of the resort. The total investment in the project will be $1.5bn (Dh5.5bn), said Randa Ayoubi, the chief executive of Rubicon. “They have a group of investors. The main Jordanian investor is the King Abdullah Fund,” Ms Ayoubi said, in reference to the King Abdullah II Fund for Development (KAFD). “There are many American and investors from the Gulf [as well],” she added, without giving further details……..”

I guess there will be no more travel for the king and queen of Jordan. They may move the palace into the theme park. Not even another invitation to address a joint session of the U.S. Congress would lure the king away from Spock and Kirk and Uhura.
Fine and dandy, a good way to spend Gulf aid and investment money, but that still leaves out what Jordanians, including their king need the most: humor. The country, even with a funny Star Trek theme park will still lack the sense of humor necessary to make it a true first class tourist attraction like, say, Egypt. Maybe they can hire William Shatner (Captain Kirk) away from Priceline to work at the park?

On a more serious note: I don’t believe Jordan gets the massive volume of tourism that would make a Star Trek park profitable, especially not on the Red Sea where most Jordanians probably don’t go. It is just too far from the population centers. Unless they think they can lure a big chunk of the Saudi tourism that now prefers Lebanon, Dubai, Cairo, and Bahrain. Not clear when the hookers (les girls) will be back on the beat in Bahrain, with the uprising still in full swing: the Jordanians need to import some of those to Aqaba to attract enough of the Saudi male tourism. All this after Ramadan of course.

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A Saudi and his Jinn and his Hairy Exorcists: Try to Beat that, Mr. Ripley………….

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A Saudi man is believed to have been gripped by jinn (ghosts) during a picnic with his friends in a valley which is reputed to be haunted. But he was later treated in an exorcist-style session by the Gulf Kingdom’s religious police. The unnamed man and seven friends from the western town of Makkah were vacationing in the nearby Taif city when they decided to descend into Wadi Al-Amak (the deep abyss) despite warnings by local people. After a short evening trip in the valley, the colour of the man’s began to change and his behavior became aggressive before he lost balance and fell down. When his friends tried to talk to him, he shouted and pushed them away while his eyes were fixed at an area deep in the valley. “Friends then overpowered him and washed his face with cold water…it was clear the man was haunted by a jinn,” Sabq Arabic language daily said. “They then decided to carry him back to town…they were told that the valley is haunted and that there were two similar cases in the past.” The paper said the man was taken to the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, the most influential Islamic law-enforcement authority in the conservative Moslem Gulf nation. “The Commission brought experts in such cases and subjected the man to a session of Koran recitation and incense burning until the jinn was forced to get out of the man through his hand………

This guy’s friends first waterboarded him (splashed water on his face, my eye). Then they handed him to the religious police (Commission for the Promotion of Vice) who may cure him or they may decide to send him to trial for consorting with jinns (genies) outside legal marriage. An extramarital affair with a jinn (genie) could get a man a beheading sentence in Saudi Arabia. In end it seems like they smoked the jinn out of the man through the stink of cheap incense, or maybe the man came down from his “high” as a result.
I like that part about the jinn “getting out of the man through his hand”. Could it mean the man gave the religious police exorcists the proverbial middle finger, flipped them the birdie, “made a gesture” as polite Brits would say, and they misunderstood? Or, better yet, maybe the Jinn (Genie) gave them its own middle finger.
(I am beginning that a lot goes on in Taif, Saudi Arabia, a lot more than meets the eye).

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Chopping Season Premiere: Saudi Arabia Chops Three Heads Publicly……..

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Three Saudis were beheaded on Saturday in the western city of Taif after being convicted of killing fellow citizens in two separate incidents, state news agency SPA reported. Mahfoudh bin Ali Al Kenani was beheaded by the sword for stabbing to death Ali Saeed al-Khazmari because of a feud between them, SPA said. Meanwhile, two brothers, Mohammed and Saud al-Jaeed were also executed for shooting dead fellow citizen Hilal bin Sayel al-Harthi, SPA said in another statement…….

It looks like the beheading season has started again in Saudi Arabia, just in time for the holy month of Ramadan. That “event” in Taif was the premier gala, sort of like the opening gala of the San Francisco Opera season. More to follow.

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The Real Battle for Iran and Arabia: Tribe and Nation and Islam……….

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The people of the ancient Persian Empire, which in 500 BC stretched from the Indus as far as Libya and the Black Sea, are believed to have celebrated the Persian New Year festival at Persepolis with their ruler. In recent years, modern Iranian families have also started to gather here to celebrate Nowruz, the festival that marks the start of spring, camping on the roadside for miles around. Some 100,000 people visit Persepolis every year. Twenty years ago it was around 8,000…….. “My son,” Darius wrote in his testament, “pray always to God, but never force anyone to follow your faith. Always bear in mind that all people should be free and may follow their own faith and conviction.”……. However, what is more significant than the bad economic situation is the lack of exciting new ideas, the inability of the clerical nomenklatura to propose new objectives, ones for which people would be prepared to be patient and make sacrifices. Instead, the orthodoxy is fighting a paralysing battle to maintain its hard-won position. One man has realised how dangerous this intellectual wasteland could be for the regime, and he has now become one of the figures most hated and feared by the conservatives: Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei, President Ahmadinejad’s friend and chief of staff. Should a theocracy, of all forms of government, be permitted to rely solely on practical power – in this case, armed troops and the secret service – and do without spirituality and visions for the future? At present, the Green Movement is seen as representing people’s dreams of a better future, and the Sufis, who are also combated by the orthodoxy, as the locus of spirituality. Mashaei is feeling his way towards filling the ideological gap with a mixture of rationality and re-ideologisation. He has declared political Islam to be obsolete and its most important symbol, the hijab or veiling of the female body, to be a woman’s free decision. Statements like these are taboo……….

This is not just an Iranian issue, this dichotomy between ethnicity/nationalism and Islam. Islamists across the Middle East have been pushing the idea that “national” identity does not matter, that Islam rules supreme. It is almost a throwback to the European pre-nationalism days a few centuries ago. Yet in reality people identify themselves by other things first: nation, ethnicity, even tribe (as in Africa and Saudi Arabia). In some ‘special’ places like Lebanon people are identified by their faith and sect: Shi’a, Sunni, Maronite, Orthodox, Armenian, etc. Yet there are so many sects that people always identify themselves as Lebanese in the end, especially vis-à-vis the outside world. The ongoing Arab uprisings, from North Africa to the Gulf have tended to strengthen this “national” identity: be it Tunisian, Egyptian, Syrian, Bahraini, etc or just “Arab”. The revolutions of 2011 are called “Arab” revolutions all across the region, never the “Islamic” revolutions. The Iranian mullahs and Arab Salafis (of the Saudi school of thought) have tried to push an Islamic “identity” on the uprisings, each for their own purposes, but it is not working.
Iranians will always be Iranians first and Muslims (or Zaroastrians or Christians) afterwards. Egyptians will always be Egyptians first and Muslims or Copts afterwards. Saudis, somewhat like the Lebanese, are different: they still identify themselves with their individual tribes first, before being “Saudi” or even “Arab” or Muslim. Even the Taliban consider themselves Pushtun first, then Afghans, (or Pakistani?), then Muslims. Most, nay all, Salafis of the Gulf and Arabian Peninsula identify themselves with their tribes first, even as they outwardly push an “Islamist” agenda.
The issue may look somewhat different in Europe, with the growing racism and the difficulties of assimilation and the mosque becoming a spiritual and social refuge in “exile”. Besides, to use a cliche, all Muslims may look the same to many Europeans.

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U.S. Tea Party Nation: the Democrats’ Date Rape………….

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While much of Congress is upset at the prospect of downing such a bitter brew, the new political faction known as the Tea Party doesn’t abide any compromise, no matter the stakes for the country. With just two more days on the debt clock, the machinations on Capitol Hill grew ever more surreal on Sunday. Reid’s initial compromise failed to get the required 60 votes to overcome a Republican filibuster……… As the deal evolved with more than $2 trillion in cuts, equal to or more than the amount needed to extend the debt ceiling through the next election, and with no additional revenue, the clear winner was the Tea Party. The newcomers held their ground, dictating the terms of the debate and extracting a historic victory in the scale of deficit reduction. Yet many who ran under the Tea Party banner could end up voting against it because it doesn’t go far enough. These members’ refusal to back down on any new revenue, not even closing tax loopholes for special interests, took the nation’s economy to the brink. And it left some Democrats feeling like they had been extorted ………..”

“Feeling extorted” is the wrong term to use for Democrat legislatures. The Democrats undressed, lied down (presumably on their backs but not necessarily so) and opened their legs just wide enough. Can they call it rape now? Absolutely not: they were intimidated, became the “chicken” in the unusual game of chicken, but they could have kept their clothes on, could have said “NO”.
(There is no such thing as a “Tea Party”: it is a major wing of the GOP now and soon it will be all of the GOP).

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Gulf King also Hailed by Current GCC Secretary and Former Retainer…….

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GCC Secretary-General Hails HM King Hamad’s Keynote Address. Riyadh- GCC Secretary-General Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani today the keynote address of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa marking the submission of the National Consensus Dialogue results.”HM the King has affirmed that King of Bahrain would witness a new era on the road to development and construction”, he said, pointing out that the National Consensus Dialogue visions would open the door for more reforms and progress in all political, economic and social fields for Bahraini people’s aspirations and hopes to be achieved…….Bahrain News Agency

Okay, the secretary general of the GCC is a member of a Bahrain family that is close to the al-Khalifa ruling family. In other words, a retainer of the royals who nominated him for the job. He is here praising the absolute king of Apartheid, mainly for nominating him to the even more absolute king of Saudi Arabia.

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West Wing of Arabia……..

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As Allison Janney’s C.J. Cregg once fumed on “The West Wing” about Saudi Arabia: “This is a country where women aren’t allowed to drive a car. They’re not allowed to be in the company of any man other than a close relative. They’re required to adhere to a dress code that would make a Maryknoll nun look like Malibu Barbie. They beheaded 121 people last year for robbery, rape and drug trafficking. They have no free press, no elected government, no political parties. And the royal family allows the religious police to travel in groups of six carrying nightsticks, and they freely and publicly beat women. But ‘Brutus is an honorable man.’ Seventeen schoolgirls were forced to burn alive because they weren’t wearing the proper clothing. … Saudi Arabia, our partners in peace.”…….

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On My Gulf: a Small State of Thuggery and Fake Terrorism……..

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Bahrain has sentenced eight leading political activists to life in prison on charges of conspiring to overthrow the Government in a move likely to intensify unrest and discredit a proposal by the king for a national dialogue. One of the 21 defendants – dressed in grey prison uniforms as they faced a military court – shouted: “We will continue our peaceful struggle,” while others shook their fists and cried: “Peaceful, peaceful.” They were forced out of the courtroom by police. Crowds blocked roads with heaps of sand and urged marches as news spread of the convictions of the group, which includes some of the island kingdom’s most popular leaders…….

Media and human rights activists report that Matar Matar, a resigned Bahraini opposition parliamentarian, was beaten up severely today inside the courtroom while there to talk to his lawyer and family. A cyber-activist was also sentenced in absentia to 15 years in prison for “cyber-activity”. Opposition and human rights leaders were sentenced yesterday to life in prison for calling for a constitutional monarchy, others were sentenced to death. Everybody who objects is arrested, most are tortured. Doctors, nurses, and teachers are arrested, beaten up, threatened with rape or raped, many are fired from their jobs. The regime is using al-Saud petroleum money to hire more mercenary thugs and goons from as far away as Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Jordan, and Syria. It is like a small state of thuggery being run by the al-Khalifa clan and their al-Saud masters and protectors. Sometimes I wonder who is calling the shots in Manama: is it the fucking king his fucking hardline relatives, or his fucking Saudi masters.
Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) leader Nabeel Rajab says that expressing one’s opinion is now considered an act of terrorism on the island.

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Multidisciplinary: Middle East, North Africa, Gulf, GCC, World, Cosmos…..