Metamorphosis of the Syrian Uprising: Another Gulf Hijacking of an Arab Cause……………


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“According to a new report, the presence of Salafi groups among Syria’s armed opposition is an irrefutable and damaging trend. In this interview with Kersten Knipp, Peter Harling talks about why the makeup and character of Syria’s opposition has changed………There again that option was a failure, and gradually the opposition moved towards an ever more religious and fundamentalist narrative and also towards increasingly violent tactics of their own. We had some large bombings for instance causing considerable casualties among civilians. In some urban areas we’ve had kidnappings and other kinds of criminal activity cloaked as opposition to the regime. Gradually I think the evolution of the opposition was very much a result of how the regime responded to the initial challenge that the uprising posed. That evolution has been self-reinforcing. The more Islamist, the more thuggish the opposition became, the fewer people were willing to support it. In fact, in some places its base of support has narrowed to those people who have been subjected to such forms of violence on the part of the regime, that will support anyone fighting it………………….”

Unfortunately the bitter fact is that the Syrian uprising was undone by the people who claimed to support it the most. Once money and volunteers started flowing from the Persian Gulf GCC states into Syria early last year, I knew the cause was doomed. Nothing kills revolution more effectively than infiltration of  counter-revolutionary forces.
I know the Gulf, its potentates and its Salafis: whatever they are, they are not supporters of freedom or tolerance or democracy. At the forefront were the Salafis, Muslim Brothers, and other Jihadists. In addition to the absolute tribal petroleum monarchs whose main goal was (is) to change regional strategic alliances rather than free the Syrian people from a decades-long dictatorship. Which made sense from their perspective: all they wanted, all they want, these potentates on my native Gulf, is to hand the Iranian mullahs a defeat, restructure Lebanon, and recreate a new Syria in their own undemocratic image. A repressive Syria minus the fake socialist or revolutionary pretensions of the Ba’ath Party. They want a Syria that is like Yemen or Jordan or Bahrain, with phony pretensions to democracy. A Syria that is hungry enough for their money to toe the line.

I think I just shocked myself. I said a moment ago that “whatever they are, they are not supporters of freedom or tolerance or democracy”. I meant many on my Gulf, but you know something? This also applies to almost every major Western government. Just look at the record in our region: from Damascus to Riyadh to Manama and Doha and Abu Dhabi. As an example, Mr. David Cameron visited the region this week, peddling democracy and freedom in the Gulf region, but only for Syria. Not democracy and freedom for the peoples of the countries he is visiting, not for the peoples of the Gulf or the Arabian Peninsula. Those, the rest of us, can always buy more expensive weapons systems, with all the attendant bribes, as a substitute for freedom and democracy.

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Intern Drones over the Gulf: More on the War of Drones…………………..


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“Barbara Starr, CNN’s Pentagon reporter (more accurately known as: the Pentagon’s reporter at CNN), has an exciting exclusive today. Exclusively relying upon “three senior officials” in the Obama administration (all anonymous, needless to say), she claims that “two Iranian Su-25 fighter jets fired on an unarmed US Air Force Predator drone in the Persian Gulf last week,” while “the drone was in international airspace east of Kuwait . . . engaged in routine maritime surveillance.” The drone was not hit, but, says CNN, “the incident raises fresh concerns within the Obama administration about Iranian military aggression in crucial Gulf oil shipping lanes.” First things first: let us pause for a moment to extend our thoughts and prayers to this US drone. Although it was not physically injured, being shot at by the Iranians – while it was doing nothing other than peacefully minding its own business – must have been a very traumatic experience……………”

Was the drone in training? Was it an expendable “intern” drone? Was it testing Iranian reaction? Was it playing a ‘game of chicken’ with the Iranian fighters? Some might say “You Betcha”. Personally I am tempted to suggest that the “Iranian” fighters and naval units ought to stop patrolling the “Persian” Gulf, straying so many thousands of miles from their homeland, harassing the natives of NATO.

I have posted my insight and wisdom on this escalating War of Drones here:
World War Drone: Patience of Job and Ayub with Israel and Iran……

Israel and Hezbollah and UN Resolutions, Goose and Gander and Racism…..

Drones Over Israel: Iranian or Hezbollah?……..

New International Band: “Barack Obama and the Drones”……


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Another Prison Death in Iran…………..


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“Iran has been accused of torturing to death a blogger who was arrested last week for criticising the Islamic republic on Facebook. Iran’s cyber-police, known as Fata, picked up Sattar Beheshti from his home in Robat-Karim last week on suspicion of “acting against the national security” because of his online activities on social networking sites. He was then taken to Tehran’s notorious Evin prison. Beheshti’s family heard no news of him until Wednesday, when they were phoned by prison officials asking them to collect his body from the Kahrizak coroner’s office. The opposition has accused Iranian officials of torturing the 35-year-old blogger to death. Beheshti’s body was washed according to Islamic rituals on Thursday in Behesht-e-Zahra’s cemetery, south of Tehran, and later buried in his home town amid a tight security presence. Only one family member was allowed to attend the ceremony, carried out by security officials..………….”

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Rabbi Nejad of Iran, President Flower of Turkey: Iranian Rabbis vs. Israeli Rabbis…………..


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“After former Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni disclosed personal details of her former career in Mossad, Rabbi Ari Shvat, one of the most famous rabbis of Israel, allowed Israeli women to have sex with the enemy in exchange for information, but Iran’s Grand Rabbi Mashallah Golestaninejad described adultery as forbidden in Judaism, and stressed that Shvat should be stoned to death. In an interview given 14 years ago but published in full for the first time last Friday in a pro-Livni newspaper and then cited by the British Sunday Times weekly, she described working undercover for Bayonet, Mossad’s elite hit squad, where she answered the question if she had ever had sex to get information. “If I’d been asked to do it, I don’t know what I’d have said. In the office (Mossad’s term for itself) there is a job tailored for everyone.” After the release of Livni’s remarks, Rabbi Ari Shvat, one of the most famous rabbis of Israel, allowed Israeli women to have sex with the enemy in exchange for important information, claiming that Jewish law permits this type of action. His remarks created chaos in the Jewish world and the Rabbis from different parts of the world reacted to Shvat’s comments. “The sources of Judaism have not allowed such a deed at all and it (adultery) is forbidden in our religion and based on the explicit instruction of the Ten Commandments, no one can embark on adultery at all,” Iranian Grand Rabbi Mashallah Golestaninejad said……………”

Iran’s Chief Rabbi is named Golestan-Nejad: Golestan means some kind of flower garden in Persian. Gol or Gul also means flower in Persian and Urdu and Turkish (Turkey’s President Gul is Mr. Flower). But the Rabbi is presumably no relation of Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad. Although the semi-official Saudi Alarabiya network has tried for some years to spread in the Arab world the story that the Iranian president is a converted Jew. The idea is to “discredit” him by their standards. Most Iranians and Arabs don’t pay any attention to these Anti-Semitic stories; it only excites the Wahhabi clerics and their Salafi base.
Frankly Ahmadinejad doesn’t look THAT smart, although he is smarter than the folks at Alarabiya. No doubt.


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GCC: Francophone or Hindi-Phone Qatar, South Asian Gulf, Le Dauphin Salman, Le Roi Hamad WTF……………


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“There was a time when most French couldn’t place Qatar on a map. Now, Qatar – a small Gulf state with marginal ties to French culture – is a member of an international Francophone organization. Some have raised eyebrows at Qatar’s new Francophone identity since it has just expelled the director of a secular French lycée from its borders………….. Qatar became a Francophone country with a blink of an eye. Without fulfilling any of the conditions to become part of the organization, the IOF gladly obliged the emir’s request and officially inducted Qatar as a full “member-state” last month. This caused quite an uproar within the IOF and the French media, especially in light of the fact that Qatar was immediately accepted as member-state, without having to go through the “observer” stage that many of the new inductees had to go through. Some news sources reported that Qatar “created a pressure group within the IOF – particularly among some African countries – to support its membership bid.” Meanwhile, frustrated IOF officials pointed out that Qatar was not even a Francophone country to begin with to deserve directly becoming a member-state.…………..”

I believe that the languages spoken by an overwhelming majority of people in Qatar are Hindi and Urdu and Bengali (with some Tagalog and Persian and Pashtu). That is because some 80% or so of the people in Qatar are foreigners and a majority of these are Asians who are not speakers of Arabic (or French for that matter). Clearly the Qataris, who are focusing on investments in France, have bought themselves an undeserved but quick membership in the Francophone group. I wouldn’t b surprised to see the Al-Nahayan brothers who own and rule the United Arab Emirates (UAE) decide to join the Francophone group: they also have an overwhelming majority of Asians who do not speak Arabic. And they also have deep pockets.
Come to think of it: an overwhelming majority of people who live on the southwestern shores of the Persian Gulf are not Arabic speakers. How does the Indian Gulf sound to you? How does the United South Asian Emirates sound to you? How does the South Asian Gulf Cooperation Council sound to you?
Question: will we soon have French-ified names and titles for our Gulf potentates? Will Qatar be rule by L’Emir Hamad 1er? Will Bahrain be ruled by Le Roi Hamad WTF? Will Abu Dhabi be ruled be Les Frères Al-Nahayan? Better yet, will Saudi Arabia be ruled by Le Roi Abdullah et Le Dauphin Salman?
Finally: how does one say WTF en Français?


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Clarification of the Gruntgrunt Tribe (With No Flag) of the Gulf……….


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Re. my earlier post on Anthropology and the stone-age weapons trade between Europe and the Persian Gulf. I just want to emphasize that this was just fanciful speculation. There is no such tribe as the Gruntgrunt tribe in the Gulf region, not that I know of. It is a generic “tribe” name that does not refer to any existing tribe that I know of, not necessarily. I apologize if I stepped over any tribal sensibilities (or on any tribal senselessness or insensibility, which is probably more likely).
FYI: the largest tribe in the Gulf region is not on the Arabian Peninsula. It is the Bakhtiari tribe in Iran that numbers more than a million. This is true, although Iran is not a ‘tribal’ society, except for the ruling Mullah tribe. I was not referring to them either with the Gruntgrunt thingy.

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Stone-Age Military Industrial Complex: Eurpeans and Gruntgrunt Tribe of the Gulf…………….


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“The date when stone-age humans first invented the lethal technology of spears and arrows has been set back many thousands of years with the discovery of small stone blades dating to 71,000 years ago. Archaeologists believe the “bladelets” were used as the sharp tips for arrows or spears and were made by a relatively sophisticated technique involving the heat treatment of stone before shaping the final cutting edges. The fine stone blades were excavated from a prehistoric site called Pinnacle Point on the southern coast of South Africa and are between 6,000 and 11,000 years older than the previous oldest known samples of spear and arrow blades, scientists said. The discovery suggests that the invention of lethal projectile weapons came far earlier in the course of human prehistory than previously realised and that, once invented, the knowledge was passed down the generations, according to a study in Nature led by Curtis Marean of Arizona State University..……………..”

Everybody loves Anthropology, no matter what their major. Well, maybe there are exceptions: some ayatollahs, Wahhabi clerics, Orthodox priests, Salafis, Muslim Brothers, and most U.S. Republican Congressmen, among others.
Do you think they did in those days what they do now? Do you think leading Western cavemen from Europe traveled to the Middle East peddling their axes and stone (obsidian) spears to our leading cavemen of the ruling “Gruntgrunt” tribe? Is it possible that someone who looked like Mr.Cameron, all hairy and clad in animal skin (no underwear of course) walked to the Gulf to sell sharpened stones attached to pieces of wood as well as rock-encrusted clubs as defensive weapons? And what about ‘crowd control’? There was no tear gas in those days, no stun weapons. Did he advise the use of human waste as
the second best thing to tear gas? Use of “stink bombs” as opposed to the modern version of crowd control weapons?
Did he advise the leading cave-men that, after bashing their fellow cavemen’s (and cavewomen’s) brains with his clubs, they ought to start thinking about considering the possibility of looking into the idea of perhaps allowing them to entertain thoughts of being allowed to tell them that they stink and perhaps ought to dunk themselves in the Gulf waters once in a while.
Fanciful but interesting speculation. No?


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David Cameron Supports Safe Passage for Syrian, Saudi, and Other Arab Leaders……………


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“Bashar Assad, the Syrian President, could be allowed a safe passage out of his country and immunity from prosecution, David Cameron said today. Although the move would enrage human rights campaigners, Mr Cameron said it would be worthwhile if it ended the bloodshed in Syria which has resulted in the death of up to 40,000 people. Speaking in Saudi Arabia during his three-day visit to Gulf states and the Middle East, the Prime Minister said it “could be arranged” for President Assad to flee his country. He did not suggest where he might be given sanctuary but made clear that Britain would not offer to be a safe haven. Asked by Al Arabiya television what he would say if the Syrian President asked for asylum, Mr Cameron replied: “Done. Anything, anything to get that man out of the country and to have a safe transition in Syria.” He added: ”Of course, I would favour him facing the full force of international law………………”

If Mr. Al-Assad ever leaves Syria, and he probably will have to at some point, his options are limited. Of course he might just hang on to power  by force and terror, the way the Al-Saud and Bahrain and other Arab potentates do. The money is just too good for them to leave the massive prisons they have created. He can go to Russia or Iran or possibly Venezuela or South Africa. Maybe repair to one of the Hariri o Saudi palaces in France. He definitely wouldn’t want to go to Mexico: remember Leon Trotsky!

Back to Cameron: British governments, be they New Labor or Tory or New New Labor or Roundheads, practice a breathtaking level of hypocrisy when it comes to the Middle East. There is no need for me to repeat a list, a litany, of their offenses in this regard. From Tony Blair to David Cameron, and back all the way to Winston Churchill, the last admirable male Tory prime minister. But they are not alone, of course. They are joined in that by American governments, Iranian governments, and many others (including Arabs).

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Iranians Gloat over Netanyahu’s November Defeat……………


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“Wednesday was “not a good morning for Netanyahu,” as one of his deputies Eli Yishai of the religious Shas Party said, when results showed that Bibi’s friend Mitt Romney had lost the presidential race. Netanyahu had at times confronted Obama or even tried to undermine him by making direct relations with the Republican-dominated, Israel-friendly Congress and during the election campaigning, had driven Obama into a tight corner by challenging his positions about Iran’s nuclear energy program and the recent developments in the Arab world. On Wednesday, however, the primer invited the US ambassador to Tel Aviv to his office to give his painful congratulations…………..” Press TV (Iran).

Press TV is an official Iranian English-language television news network that is banned in Britain (and possibly some other European countries).
Interesting take: they seem to be gloating over this. Yet it is true: Netanyahu worked as hard as Fox News, nay harder than Fox News, to undermine and defeat Barack Obama. He went around him to deal with his friends in the right-wing controlled Knesset Congress for policy coordination (extremists like Ros-Lehtinen, Kantor, and Goh-mert, among others). The Israeli right has developed a certain hubris in its relations with the USA, no doubt fed by right-wing leaders of some Jewish-American organizations that do not represent the political views of their constituency. Obama got about 70% of the Jewish vote, which shows how popular” Netanyahu is in the United States.


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WTF is UNIAAC? An Arab “MANIAC”: League of Despots and Thieves……………


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“The Union of Arab Ambassadors for Children (UNIAAC) hailed the decision to revoke the Bahraini citizenship of 31 people involved in the destabilization of the country, misleading children into terror acts and engaging them in political rallies.
The union’s General Coordinator Faraj Al Qasimi slammed at the union Board of Directors meeting in Cairo the phenomenon of exploiting children, engaging them in unauthorized marches and sit-ins and attacking the expatriate workforce. This, he said, is “an obstacle to growth”. He also stressed the union’s support to the decision to strip those offenders of their Bahraini citizenship……………”

This is the first time I read that there is such an entity as UNIAAC. And it is supposed to be “for children”, but I bet they will never speak against childbrides in countries blighted by the princes! The Arab ambassadors, yes-men of unsavory dictators and tribal absolute polygamous princes, are unionized! How about that? Even if their regimes do not allow the people, the workers, to be unionized!
And these unworthy worthies
do things like “hailing” all measures taken by their detestable employers. The leaders who have their own union: the Union of Arab Dictators and Absolute Tribal Princes. Also known as the League of Arab States. The League of Arab Despots and Thieves.
This is truly the WTF of the day, so far.


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Multidisciplinary: Middle East, North Africa, Gulf, GCC, World, Cosmos…..