Babylonian Jews of Afghanistan? Avigdor Ibn Qutada Al Lieberman? WTF…………


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“A batch of 1,000-year-old manuscripts from the mountainous northern reaches of war-torn Afghanistan, reportedly found in a cave inhabited by foxes, has revealed previously unknown details about the cultural, economic and religious life of a thriving but little understood Jewish society in a Persian part of the Muslim empire of the 11th century…………The texts are known collectively as the Afghan Geniza, a Hebrew term for a repository of sacred texts and objects. They were written in Hebrew, Aramaic, Judeo-Persian, Judeo-Arabic and Arabic, and some used the Babylonian system for vowels, a linguistic assortment that scholars said would have been nearly impossible to forge. One text includes a discussion of Hebrew words that are spelled the same but have different meanings. Another is a letter between two brothers in which one denied rumors that he was no longer an observant Jew. There are legal and economic documents, some signed by witnesses, recording commercial transactions and debts between Jews and their Muslim neighbors, and other mundane yet illuminating details of daily life like travel plans. One missive between two Jews, Sheik Abu Nasser Ahmed ibn Daniel and Musa ibn Ishak, dealing with family matters, was written in the Hebrew letters of Judeo-Persian, but had an address in Arabic script on the back, presumably for the benefit of the Muslim messenger. One document has a date from the Islamic calendar corresponding to the year 1006. The most important religious text among those acquired by the National Library is a fragment of a Judeo-Persian version of a commentary on the Book of Isaiah originally written by the renowned Babylonian rabbinic scholar Saadia Gaon, a previously unknown text. A sliver of it has been sent to the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot for carbon dating. The exact source of the documents is murky………………”

Sheik Abu Nasser Ahmed ibn Daniel and Musa ibn Ishak? Indeed: Jews of those days often had Arabic or Muslim first names, or at least they were known by some Muslim first name. Just as they often have “Christian” first names in the West now like Richard or Steven or Jedediah or Etienne (wtf). Come to think of it, so do the Chinese or Cambodians and others in the West.
Now if the ancestors of Lieberman, Avigdor not Joe, had not wandered and ended up in Molodva or thereabouts, then he’d probably be known as Avigdor ibn Qutada Al Lieberman (okay, scratch the Lieberman part). Come to think of it, even Joe Lieberman would probably be known as Yusuf ibn Ikrimah ibn Saud Al Lieberman (again, scratch the Lieberman part). And he’d probably have a better looking chin than he does now.


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Saudi Arabia: a Popular Revolution or a Potential Palace Revolt by Princes…………..


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“You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it’s evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don’t you know that you can count me out
Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right………..

You say you’ll change the constitution……….”

Revolution (The Beatles)

“Unfortunately, notwithstanding the stakes, the United States has no serious option for heading off a revolution in the Kingdom if it is coming. Since American interests are so intimately tied to the House of Saud, the U.S. does not have the choice of distancing the United States from it in an effort to get on the right side of history. Nevertheless, you should try to reestablish trust with the King and urge him to move more rapidly on his political reform agenda, while recognizing that this effort is likely to have limited results………. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a proven survivor. Two earlier Saudi kingdoms were defeated by the Ottoman Empire and eradicated. But the House of Saud came back. They survived a wave of revolutions against Arab monarchies in the 1950s and 1960s. A jihadist coup attempt in 1979 seized the Grand Mosque in Mecca but was crushed. Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda staged a four-year-long insurrection to topple the royal family and failed less than a decade ago. Nevertheless, al Qaeda cadres remain in the Kingdom and next door in Yemen…………. Much more disturbing to the royals would be protests in Sunni parts of the Kingdom. These might start in the so-called Koran belt north of the capital where dissent is endemic or in the neglected Asir province on the Yemeni border. Once they start they could snowball and reach the major cities of the Hejaz………………”

Reform will not do it in the Arabian Peninsula. There is no such thing as a “political” reform in an absolute tribal monarchy that is also a theocracy. Nor can meaningful “reform” happen. When you have thousands of princes living in a certain style by effectively looting the wealth of the country, it is nearly impossible to get them to give it up for “reform”.
Saudi Arabia has the biggest and most generous entitlement program in the world, but it is welfare for the Al Saud princes and their retainers. (I must add that it is not for all princes, just for a few thousand of them, the ones that matter. I was told by a source that there are some ‘distant’ princes who are “middle class”). No serious attempt at reform and accountability is possible under the Al Saud system. For the princes, accountability and freedom of speech would kill the Golden Goose. Any monarch or potentate that tries serious reform will face a ‘palace revolution of princes’. Can you ask the Forty Thieves to give up the cave and its treasures to Ali Baba? Besides, they are not only “forty” thieves, they are thousands of thieves and hence it is impossible to get a consensus.
There can and will be some cosmetic reforms. Women will be, they are, used as a substitute for real change. Women appointed to the appointed Shoura Council. Women allowed to drive within certain areas. Limits will be put on a girl’s marriage age (I am guessing 12 or 13 will be the best limit they can do, for historical reasons). These will be cheered in the West as “reforms” while the princes monopolize the politics, such as they are, and continue to rob the resources (oil and land) of the people.
I have opined (succinctly and insightfully, I might add) in the recent past on the prospects for a Saudi “revolution”. Some of my more recent posts on this topic are linked here, both for my archival purposes and for your dubious reading pleasure:

The Saudi Uprisings: Shi’a Opposition, Wahhabi Opposition, Lost Liberals

Gangs of Arabia: Oil Fiefdoms and Turf Wars, Ivanhoe and Isaac of Qatif

Saudi Legs and Bellies: Roots of Instability, the Coming Age of Warlord Princes

The Coming Brawl for Saudi Succession: a Kingdom of Principalities

Saudi Arabia: the Most Ignored Arab Uprising

Lion of Sunnis, King of Falafel, Pious Prince of Baba Ghannouj

Who is Running Saudi Arabia: Retainers or a Cabal of Desperate Housewives?

Saudi Mufti Diagnoses Arab Uprisings: Sectarian Fitna, Sinful Anarchy, Ali and the Umayyads

PR Nation: Saudi King Appoints Women to Advisory Council

Holy Greed: Paris Hilton Does Mecca, Takes Over Prophet Mohammed’s Childhood Home

A Saudi Timeline for Arab Spring: Omitting Bahrain and Qatif and Hijaz and Nejd

Impact of Lower Oil Prices on Gulf Potentates, Gross Princely Product

Gulf Poverty: Ali Baba and the Potentates, Shameless Hungry Saudi Kingdom of Arabia

The Mufti as Theoretician of Arab Uprisings and Activist of Private Lives

A Saudi Al-Basoos War on Twitter, Mujtahidd and the Royal Court

Saudi Activist Goes Mad, Claims All Princes Want Democracy, Wants Future King Tried

Battle of Saudi Succession Heats Up, Rectal Prince Promoted


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Morsi to the Descendants of Apes and Pigs (and Prophets): I was Kidding……………


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“A spokesman for President Mohamed Morsi said on Wednesday that inflammatory comments that he made about Jews before taking office had been intended as criticism of Israeli policies toward the Palestinians but had been taken out of context. The spokesman said that Mr. Morsi respected all monotheistic religions and religious freedom. It was Mr. Morsi’s first public response to news reports that as a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood he had made anti-Semitic statements about Jews and Zionists. A recently resurfaced video of a speech that Mr. Morsi gave at a rally in his hometown in the Nile Delta nearly three years ago shows him urging his listeners “to nurse our children and our grandchildren on hatred for them: for Zionists, for Jews.” In another video of a television interview he gave the same year, Mr. Morsi criticized Zionists in recognizably anti-Semitic terms, as “these bloodsuckers who attack the Palestinians, these warmongers, the descendants of apes and pigs….……….”

Nothing was taken out of context: it is what he said. Morsi said it some time ago, before the presidency was even a dream for him. I posted on this last month. But to put it in perspective: calling Jews the “descendants of apes and pigs” is common among most of the Muslim Brotherhood and all Salafis. Egyptian-Qatari Muslim Brother cleric Yusuf Al Qaradawi once famously added in a video clip that Hitler was God’s instrument to punish the Jews”. Everybody does it; that is almost everybody who is Muslim Brother and Salafi. I am not sure where it came from: I have not seen it in the Holy Quran or Hadith. Somewhere along the way these fundamentalist baboons created this term to refer to the Jewish people.

(FYI: This reminds me of a true story. When I first came to study in the USA as a teenager, I had colleagues and a few friends at my school back East who were Jewish. We used to kid each other. They used to ask me what we thought of Jews back home. I used to tell them that we thought they had tails, but it was something I made up. I had never heard of this “descendants of apes and pigs” thing. That was before the fundamentalist virus spread across our region and into our once-tolerant societies. The term must be something exclusive to these clowns. ).


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Genocidal Salafi Militants of Pakistan: Spawned by Wahhabi Petro-Money and Madrassas……………..


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“The attack on the Hazara Shia community hall in Quetta has finally shocked the Pakistani state into taking action against the slaughter of that community in Balochistan. Haji Abdul Qayyum Changezi, a senior community leader, described it best on Sunday. “Our people are being massacred — 1,100 have been murdered in the last five years,” he said while speaking in a televised meeting with Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf. “That’s out of a total population of 500,000 — a rate unprecedented anywhere in Pakistan.” While women and children have been killed, the high risk age group remains young males. Increasingly, the Hazara youth prefer to choose the life of the illegal immigrant. Certain death awaits them at home. All Hazaras fear that they could be the next target of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. For Pakistan’s deadliest militant group’s Baloch incarnation — they are the ideal target on both ethnic and religious basis…………The LeJ’s story is well-known — created in form of the Sipah-e-Sahaba in the mid eighties by militants and extremist demagogues by harnessing rising anti-Shia feeling in the Punjab. While the province has remained home base, the LeJ has slowly but surely spread its tentacles across the country. Its sectarian poison also found a fertile ground in the soil that was prepared post 9/11.…………”

Pakistan’s sectarian war of genocide preceded September 11 and its aftermath. Its seeds were planted in the 1970s, when Wahhabi petro-money started flowing into impoverished Pakistan, mainly from Saudi Arabia. With the money came clerics, shaikhs committed to spreading the intolerant Wahhabi doctrine of hating and excommunicating “others”. The new madrassas did their assigned job over the past decades.
By the 1980s the Wahhabi inroad has deepened. Pakistan started seeing sectarian hatred in the open, and soon after sectarian killings spread, aimed at Shi’as. There are other minority faiths and sects in Pakistan that were also demonized by the Wahhbai ‘teachers’ and their disciples, but most of them are Shi’as (about one quarter of the population of Pakistan are Shi’as). And it is not confined to Baluchistan and not just against the Hazaras: it is widespread and suicide terror bombs often hit Shi’a mosques or funerals in Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city. There are occasional retaliations, but the terror and murder traffic is mostly one way.
It is a shame that such a beautiful Arabic word, Madrassa, has taken a sinister meaning outside the Arabic and Islamic world. It simply means a school, a place where lessons are taught and learned. It was not intended to mean a place where imported hatred is planted in young minds to spawn future terrorist monsters.


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Bipolar Gulf and Syrian Confusion: Ahmadinejad Wants Tighter Ties with Damascus………………


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“Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on Tuesday for enhancing relation with Syria in different fields. Urging comprehensive ties with the Arab state, the Iranian president said that “The relations between two countries in different areas is for the advantage of both nations and the regional people.” Iran and Syria should use their economic potentials for the benefit of their people, he said in a meeting with visiting Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi here Tuesday. Al-Halqi arrived in Iran’s capital Tehran on Tuesday to exchange views with Iranian officials on matters of mutual interest as well as regional and international issues. Referring to the hard times of the Syrian people, the Iranian president expressed hope that the “plots” against Syria will come to an end “soon” and peace and security will be restored in the country. With no doubt, the Syrian people will come out of the current hard situation, he said, adding that the best solution to the Syrian crisis is to stop conflicts and to hold free elections…………..”

Mr. Ahmadinejad wants to get “closer” to Syria, even closer than he has been for years. If he wants to get closer to Syria, he better do it fast, for there are many countries working hard to push him far away from Syria. There are also now many in Syria working to push him away. Unless he wants to get even closer to whatever regime comes to power in Damascus if and when Bashar Al-Assad leaves office. The man was supposedly on the verge of losing power more than a year ago. He is still allegedly on “the verge of losing power”, and he may still be around next year sticking his tongue out at someone.

Well, according to some Gulf media, mainly UAE and Saudi media, the Iranians are cooperating with both the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda in the region. Since both the Muslim brotherhood an Al-Qaeda dominate the Syrian opposition, then Ahmadinejad is already on the right track. Even if he is supporting Bashar against these Islamist groups. Come to think of it, many on the Gulf (Qatar, Saudi, Salafis) also support these two Islamist opposition groups in Syria, which means they are also helping the Iranians. No? This can be confusing. Maybe they are all Bipolar (speaking psychologically, not politically).

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There They Go Again! US Nuclear Experts and Netanyahu have new Slam Dunk Date Estimates for Iran………..


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“Iran to reach ‘key point’ for atom bomb by mid-2014. Islamic Republic could produce enough weapons-grade uranium for one or more nuclear bomb by mid-2014, US experts say, urging Obama to emphasize military option. Iran could produce enough weapon-grade uranium for one or more nuclear bombs by mid-2014, and the United States and its allies should intensify sanctions on Tehran before that point is reached, a report by a group of US nonproliferation experts said. The 154-page report, “US Nonproliferation Strategy for the Changing Middle East,” produced by five nonproliferation experts, was expected to be released on Monday. “Based on the current trajectory of Iran’s nuclear program, we estimate that Iran could reach critical capability in mid-2014,” the report said…………….”

Here we go again. I worry that they will be wrong again and break our hearts, these experts. They have done it so often, that I feel like a fool if I believe them (I could also feel like a fool if the Iranians do develop a nuclear bomb next year). Every year, sometimes every few months or weeks for the past 15 or twenty years, some respected kook in the West or in Israel has warned that the Iranians are months away from having a nuclear weapon. They go on Slam-Dunking us about the mullahs’ nuclear plans.
It doesn’t say so in this latest “slam dunk’ report. But my funny special source on nuclear matters claims that this most recent report was co-written by the David Albright in cooperation with John Bolton and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Minister Field Marshal Al Khalifa Bin Technocrat of the Bahrain Defense Forces (
not sure how he fits in, but that is what she claims or maybe it seemed like fun to include him). She tells me Albright and his co-writers swear that this time they are getting it right, unlike 1995, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 (this last one looks suspicious). Those were the times when they all swore that Iran was months away form a nuclear bomb, cross their hearts and hope to die. Iran never developed the bomb on schedule and these experts did not die.
I hereby issue a Fatwa, I Fatwa, that come December 31 of 2014, the Iranians will still not have their bomb(s) ready. I also issue a supplementary Fatwa that: come December 2015, Western media groupies. In fact, I can go a step or two more, and I Fatwa that: come December 2016, with Bubba and Hillary Clinton ready to re-enter the White House, the Iranians will still………. ad nauseam.


Lords of Turkey, Shaikhs of Scotland, Downton Abbey of Anatolia……………


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“5,000 people in Turkey, including a number of famous figures, have obtained a “lady” or “lord” title from the Kincavel region of Scotland since March 2012, according to private broadcaster CNN Türk. A company in Scotland is selling lady and lord titles for 25 U.K. pounds, and the service was brought to Turkey last year. “While I was looking for an extraordinary gift for my girlfriend I found out that a company in the U.K. gave ‘lord’ and ‘lady’ certificates for those who bought one meter-squared of soil in the Kincavel region of Scotland. Afterwards, I contacted the company and took control of Turkish distribution in March 2012,” said Turkish entrepreneur Faruk Kurtoğlu. “Since that time, 5,000 Turks have obtained a legal ‘lord’ or ‘lady’ of Kincavel certificate,”………………”

I knew of a couple of young people in the Gulf who had purchased titles from England some years ago. That was some years ago. Apparently there is/was a way to purchase titles from some English earls who would rather have the money.
But Turks buying questionable titles? I had thought the Turks had more sense than parting with Lira’s for that. That was a shocker when I first read it in Hurriyet. Imagine, a manor in Anatolia with Turkish lords/officers and the dames agonizing over war and peace and love and money, Downton Abbey in Turkish: Lord Ahmet Davutoğlu, Earl Erdogan, Baroness Turkish Delight (at home on the Gulf we’d call her Chabdat El-Faras which is our term for Turkish Delight, the sweet edible variety, back home).
In that case maybe some of our regional shaikhs and princes (and even mullahs) can start selling their titles, provided there is the demand.


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2. UAE and Saudis Tie Dissidents to Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda and Al Capone and……….


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“The United Arab Emirates has reported a plot to destabilize the Gulf Cooperation Council state. Officials said the UAE captured a cell linked to Al Qaida in December. They said the cell consisted of nationals from Saudi Arabia
assigned to conduct a destabilization campaign in the region…………In a statement on Dec. 26, Wam said the plot called for attacks in both Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Wam said the alleged members of what was termed a “deviant group” acquired material for the attacks. This marked the first time that Abu Dhabi reported an Al Qaida plot. Officials said the plot appeared to represent a regional effort by Al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula. Officials said Abu Dhabi and Riyad cooperated in the counter-insurgency investigation………….”

Tying their regional enemies to Al-Qaeda is an old trick by potentates along the Gulf. The Saudis started it by trying to tie the Iranian mullahs (all good Shia’ heretics to the Al Saud) to Al-Qaeda (all good Wahhabi cutthroats: domestically to discredit Al-Qaeda in the eyes of the Wahhabi faithful for cooperating with the Shi’a mullahs, and internationally to further discredit the Iranians in the West. The Saudis probably got the idea from Dick Cheney who tied Saddam Hussein to Al-Qaeda in 2002. But unlike the Cheney fabrication, the Saudi one did not work.
Now the UAE potentates are using that old trick, trying to hook up their Muslim Brotherhood enemies with the Salafi terrorists. In other words, tying the current Egyptian regime to Al-Qaeda. Actually tying their own dissidents to Al-Qaeda, thus discrediting them in American eyes. Just as they, and other Gulf GCC potentates and their media, are also tying the Iranians to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (see my previous post).
Actually everywhere Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood are on opposite sides, especially in Yemen. Ironically, the one place were Al-Qaeda terrorists and the Muslim Brotherhood see eye to eye and cooperate is in Syria. But that Syrian cooperation is encouraged by the GCC potentates and by the GCC Salafists and by the GCC Muslim Brotherhood groups. Once Bashar Al-Assad is out of the way, WTF he will be, then the two sides may decide to settle scores and fight over what is left of Syria, at the cost of thousands more Syrians dead and wounded and many more made into refugees.

Remember Afghanistan in the 1980s and 1990s?
The Mujahideen and Taliban destroyed more of Afghanistan in the 1990s than the Soviet War had done in the 1980s. Hard to believe that any force can destroy an Arab country more than Baathist rule, but it can happen.

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1. UAE Ties Dissidents to Muslim Brotherhood and Iran. Not WYSIWYG …………


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“The rapprochement is of course not without risks. Salafists, now major players in Egyptian politics, are vehemently opposed to any Iranian influence or spread of Shia Islam, which many consider “enemy No 1”. The Gulf states and their regional and international allies also oppose such rapprochement and consider it a direct threat to their security. Yet ties, even intelligence ties, are strengthening. Major Genera Qassem Suleimani, a spy chief and commander of Iran’s Quds Force, reportedly visited Cairo last month for talks with senior officials close to President Mohammed Morsi. Almost at the same time, Egypt’s ambassador to Lebanon, Ashraf Hamdy, told Lebanese newspaper The Daily Star that Egypt would pursue a relationship with Hizbollah as a “real political and military force”. The onus is on regional countries to initiate measures to prevent the most populous Arab country from drifting towards the Iranian orbit, as happened with Iraq. Any alliance between the Iranian regime and the Brotherhood is likely to be more enduring and sustainable than Iran’s alliance with Baathist Syria……………….” The National (UAE)

All dissidents in the United Arab Emirates, fully owned and operated by the Al-Nahayan brothers of Abu Dhabi, are now affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. They are not considered affiliates of Hezbollah UAE which itself is affiliated with Hezbollah Gulf. Not anymore. The rulers, actually the owners, of the UAE have decreed (issued a royal farman) that attention is now shifting away from Lebanese Shi’a residents (if there are any left over there) and toward Egyptians who are now ruled by the Muslim Brotherhood. You might ask me about others: what about Al Qaeda and the Iranians? The latter are now tied to the MB through this unconfirmed tale of Brig. Qassem Suleimani doing the pilgrimage to a hotel in Cairo. Both are now an existential threat to both Netanyahu and the Al Nahayan (and the Al Khalifa too)? Confused by this fast GCC spin of events? We call it the new Gulf whiplash. Things are not what they seem. It is the opposite of WYSIWYG (look it up if you must). Ah, stay tuned, my confusable and confused friend. This is only part one (see the title up there?).

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King of Bahrain Congratulated for Paying Gulf Newspaper to Award Him Meaningless Prize……………


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“`cause you got personality
Walk, personality
Talk, Personality
Smile, Personality
Charm, personality
Love, personality
And of Cause you’ve got
A great big heart………….”

(You’ve Got) Personality
(Lloyd Price)

“His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa has today been congratulated on being crowned as the Human Personality of the Year by a sweeping majority in a poll organized by Kuwaiti Al-Sharq newspapers. Ten thousand personalities from the GCC countries and the Arab World took part in the massive poll. The Shura Council today issued a statement, hailed the Arab honour as a recognition of HM King Hamad statesmanship and crucial role in promoting reforms and leading the march of modernization and democratization…………….”

(The Shoura Council is the group that is fully appointed by the ruling family (Al Khalifa or Al Saud or Al Capone) but pretends it represents the people).

I had thought it was a fully-paid Humanitarian prize, what I (rather irreverently but all in good humor) called in a previous post here Gulf Nobel Prize: Humanitarian Teargas Personality of the Year. Bahrain News Agency says here he won as Human Personality of the Year. Which is puzzling: I have never heard of a Simian Personality of the Year, not since the late Cheeta retired and broke Tarzan’s heart. Maybe it just means the king has a great personality (unlike his uncle), hence the great Lloyd Price song up there.
I had daydreams of nominating myself to the newspaper as Human (or was it Humanitarian) Personality of the Year. I had dreamed of finding some money, perhaps donations, to pay one of these “newspapers” to conduct a “poll” and declare me the winner of the most human or humanitarian or maybe the most popular or at least the smartest person of the year (well, the second smartest, there is always someone). But I was too late; this putz beat me to it.
The Saudi princes, having access to more money, do it in more style. They pay writers to write whole books about their king. They also pay writers to write ‘pieces’ extolling the virtues of the king and various princes, essentially reminding the faithful what great guys they are. Essentially telling the people what a privilege they have to be ruled and robbed by this family and their retainers. Even in Forbes Magazine.


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Multidisciplinary: Middle East, North Africa, Gulf, GCC, World, Cosmos…..