Category Archives: Iran

Netanyahu Trying to Blackmail Obama, Help Romney in U.S. Elections……………..


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“The White House has rejected a request by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to meet President Barack Obama in the United States this month, an Israeli official said on Tuesday, after a row erupted between the allies over Iran’s nuclear programme. An Israeli official told Reuters on condition of anonymity that Netanyahu’s aides had asked for a meeting when he visits the United Nations this month, and “the White House has got back to us and said it appears a meeting is not possible. It said that the president’s schedule will not permit that“…………”

Whining again. You’ve got to hand it to Netanyahu: as far as hitting low and dirty, he never disappoints. Even as he whines. This is clearly an attempt to blackmail Obama weeks before the presidential, and to give the Re
publican right-wing new ammunition for the campaign. I would not be surprised if this was closely coordinated with the Romney campaign. In fact I am almost certain this is the case. It is unlikely to sway many Jewish voters, but the name of the game is either Florida or cornering Obama into a promise to wage an unprovoked internationally illegal war of aggression in the Middle East. Most people in the Muslim and Arab world see it that way.
Will it work? It needn’t work: Romney looks set to defeat himself in the November elections. Yet he may get his wish to meet Obama.


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Tale of Netanyahu and the Red Line: Is It a Small World After All?………


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“It’s a world of laughter, a world of tears.
It’s a world of hopes and a world of fears.
There’s so much that we share, that it’s time we’re aware
It’s a small world after all.
It’s a small world after all.
It’s a small world after all…..

Disneyland Anthem.

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday launched an unprecedented verbal attack on the U.S. government over its stance on the Iranian nuclear program. “The world tells Israel ‘wait, there’s still time’. And I say, ‘Wait for what? Wait until when?’ Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don’t have a moral right to place a red light before Israel,” Netanyahu told reporters on
Tuesday. “Now if Iran knows that there is no red line.…….”

Except the world is not telling Netahyahu “wait, there’s still time”. The world is telling him that an unprovoked attack on another country is an act of aggression, illegal according to international law. Just like Hitler’s attack on Poland was in 1939 (to use one of his most often evoked monstrous characters). The “world” is almost seven billion people who are not quite represented by a few right-wing kooks and spineless politicians in the U.S. Congress, certainly not represented by Joe Lieberman or Bugs Bunny.
Netanyahu is telling the “world”, his “world”: “let me at him, I wanna get him. Please hold me back, I don’t wanna a hurt him“. It is getting almost tedious, boring, if it were not so dangerous. Now, if you feel that you are in the Red Zone, Bibi, then go for the TD, to use a favorite fall Sunday term. Otherwise, it is time for Bibi to STFU (a k a ShutTheFuckUp). Saying it politely, of course.


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More on Iran’s Qassem Suleimani: Solving the Mystery………………


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I wrote yesterday about Qassem Suleimani, the elusive chief of the Iranian Quds Brigade (of the IRGC). It turns out he has been traveling around the world in disguise: that may explain why he can travel freely and so quickly, and be at so many places at almost the same time. These following conflicting reports may shed more light on the man, perhaps eventually unveiling his true identity:

  • My unreliable al-Qaeda source reports that Brigadier General Qassem Suleimani has another incarnation that is, in fact, none other than Ayman al-Zawahiri, better dressed and on steroids.
  • A Syrian source suggested the ridiculous idea that Suleimani is often disguised as Colonel Riyadh al-As’ad, head of the Free Syrian Salafi Army. Perhaps thinned out and beardless.
  • My equally unreliable Bahrain source, right in one of the royal dens palaces at al-Rifa’ enclave, that in fact he is known in Bahrain as Shaikh Ali Salman. Suleimani is none other than head of the al-Wefaq main opposition bloc. (My source rejected the competing notion, pushed by Shaikh Nasser the younger son of Shaikh King Hamad, that Suleimani might be occasionally disguised as either Nabeel Rajab or Sameera Rajab).
  • My Saudi source mentioned something about Shaik Nimr al-Nimr, the opposition cleric who was shot and arrested by al-Saud security forces last month. I explained that Nimr is smaller in size, and he would need a new set of attire. He retorted angrily: “How about the Mufti Shaikh Al Al Al Shaikh as an Iranian mole?” I think he was being sarcastic, but I am not so sure.
  • A Gulf Salafi source, close to the Society for Revival of Islamic Heritage, told me that Suleimani is in fact hanging out in the GCC states, that he moves between Kuwait and Bahrain, with stopovers in Qatar to coordinate with Emir Shaikh Hamad al-Thani (cattily adding “and his wife”). The Salafi, having a Salafi’s usual priorities, added that Suleimani avails himself of both the Shi’a temporary Mut’a marriages and the Wahhabi part-time bedroom-only Misyar marriages on his travels.
  • My Israeli source sent me a terse cryptic message saying: “I know what Netahyahu will come up with, but World War II has been long over.…
  • I was also told by a GOP source that Sheldon Adelson, the family values Las Vegas and Tel Aviv man, tried to insert an item in the Republican Party platform about Suleimani, to make killing him a national goal more worthy than Killing Osama Bin Laden. It got nowhere.
  • Another source told me something unsettling: that Qassem Suleimani is everywhere, in image if not in body and soul. He pointed out something I did not know: that he is the favorite dartboard image in places as far flung as Riyadh, Manama, Tel Aviv, Washington, Arlington, and Omaha pubs (not sure about that last one). He added that some princes and potentates (both Saudi and Bahraini) in fact end up staring at the general’s image whenever they demurely excuse themselves to go and “powder their noses”.


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Netanyahu Becomes Prime Minister of Canada, Declares Iran Greatest World Threat (Ever)……


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“Canada closes Iran embassy, says Tehran ‘most significant threat’ to world peace. Citing nuclear program, hostility to Israel and assisting Assad, Foreign Minister John Baird said Canada will expel all Iranian diplomats within five days; Netanyahu: Canada took a moral step. Canada has closed its embassy in Iran and will expel all remaining Iranian diplomats in Canada within five days, Foreign Minister John Baird said on Friday, denouncing Tehran as the biggest threat to global security..…………”

No doubt the Iranian help for Assad deserves condemnation: he is, after all a repressive dictator (and a Ba’athist to boot). Yet if diplomatic relations are broken on that basis, then they should be broken as well with countries that help repressive regimes in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia (among other places). As for hostility to Israel, that is true: the Iranian regime is hostile to the Jewish state. Yet it is more than reciprocated: there isn’t a day that Israeli leaders and media (along with some of their toadies in the U.S. Congress) do not threaten an unprovoked and illegal attack on Iran.
The Canadians forgot the Hitler comparison! Bibi will have to call Mr. Harper and remind him.

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Oracles of War or Junket Kings: Three U.S. Senators Declare Two New Middle East Wars…………


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“U.S. Senators John McCain, Joe Lieberman and Lindsay Graham on Friday urged Washington to help arm Syria’s rebels with weapons and create a safe zone inside the country for a transition government. They also called for a far tougher position against Iran over its suspected, and seemingly inexorable, drive toward acquiring nuclear weapons capability. McCain blasted President Barack Obama, who defeated him in the 2008 presidential election, for recently setting the “red line” for Syria at use of chemical weapons. “If you’re (Syrian President) Bashar Assad, maybe you interpret that to mean that you can do anything short of chemical weapons before the United States will intervene,” the Republican from Arizona told the Ambrosetti Forum, a gathering of political and business leaders on the shores of Lake Como in Italy…………”

These three U.S. senators seem to spend more time in our region, the Middle East, than in the USA. More time than even some of us spend. They gave up on their early plan to establish their own private base in Iraq after the American (early) withdrawal. They would have called that a ‘settlement’: McCain and Graham violently opposed Lieberman’s suggestion of the term “Kibbutz”: they said it sounded socialistic and un-American; ditto for shtetl. They threatened to storm the beaches of Libya (along with Bernard–Henri Lévy) but were beaten by NATO. They have been trying to liberate Syria and Iran for several years (and Lebanon), but have been frustrated.
Remember: McCain had originally wanted to remain in Iraq for one hundred years (a hundred year Reich?) if necessary, and to retire after that to Arizona where he would run for the job of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Now they are all waiting for Mr. Obama to be defeated in November so that General John Bolton can march through the Middle East with his terrible swift sword again, making it the New New Middle East again.


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Predictable Syrian War: Iranian Suleimani to Assad, French Anti-Aircraft to FSA……………


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“Western intelligence officials say that Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has personally sanctioned the dispatch of the experienced officers to ensure that the Assad regime, Iran’s most important regional ally, survives the threat to its survival. In addition, Iran has shipped hundreds of tons of military equipment, including guns, rockets, and shells, to Syria through the regular air corridor that has been established between Damascus and Tehran. Intelligence officials believe the increased Iranian support has been responsible for the growing effectiveness of the Assad regime’s tactics in forcing anti-government rebel groups on the defensive. In the past few weeks, pro-Assad forces have seized the offensive by launching a series of well-coordinated attacks against rebel strongholds in Damascus and Aleppo. The Iranian operation to support Mr Assad is being masterminded by Qassem Suleimani…………”

“With opposition forces consolidating their hold over enclaves in the country captured from the regime, Francois Hollande’s government senses an opportunity for the West to give the rebels military assistance for the first time, a diplomat has said. Until now Western powers have insisted on giving rebel fighters only “non-lethal” aid, fearing that the armed opposition’s chaotic and fractured organisational structure could allow weapons to fall into the hands of radical Islamist groups. While acknowledging that arming the rebels remains potentially hazardous, France is impressed with the way the opposition is administering towns under its control after it set up local revolutionary councils to impose law and order………”

These Iranians, all they seem to have for export, besides oil and gas and carpets, is the same poor old Qassem Suleimani (and some weapons to to allies in Syria and Lebanon). He flies around more than Ahmadinejad, more than McCain and Lieberman: from Damascus to Yemen to Bahrain to Iraq and Lebanon (never fear, he is always near). Playing the favorite bogeyman of the West, of our oligarchs, of the Salafis, and of the Gulf Wahhabi-liberals. No sightings of him in Tel Aviv or Riyadh yet; but the Likud are looking for evidence that he was in Bulgaria a few weeks ago, maybe dressed as a long-haired teenage tourist with a backpack loaded with explosives
. So predictable, the mullahs: you’d think this Suleimani would delegate for once and send one of his deputies or flunkies.
But then we can say the same for the Europeans: what they mostly export to our region as solutions are weapons. Arms for the FSA bands, arms and chemical weapons for Saddam Hussein, tear gas and bullets for the despots in Bahrain, etc, etc. Even weapons to the Assad regime if only he had played his cards right (and the Syrian people be damned). I bet they would send the same stuff to Iran if the mullahs play their cards right and go kosher.
Meanwhile the Syrian regime is pissed at Egypt’s president Morsi for calling for the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad (and his replacement with the Muslim Brotherhood, of course). It is not clear what Hajj Erdogan of Turkey thinks of all these developments nowadays.


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New York New York: Ahmadinejad’s Last Hurrah in Seeb e Buzurg…………….


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“Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is preparing to make his final visit to the United Nations Headquarters in New York as president of Iran, where he is scheduled to speak at the 67th Session of the United Nations General Assembly.
Mojtaba Hashemi-Samareh, the senior advisor of President Ahmadinejad, said on Wednesday, “As this is the last appearance for Mr. Ahmadinejad at the United Nations, he will present a summary of his visits and speeches over the past eight years.” As the current chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), Ahmadinejad will also submit a report on the 16th NAM Summit, which was held in Tehran in August. This will be the eighth consecutive year that Ahmadinejad has attended the annual UN General Assembly session………..”

What this senior adviser meant to say was that “this is the last chance for the Big Apple (seeb e buzurg سیب بزرگ in Persian; التفاحة الكبيرة in Arabic; Beeg Apple in some other tongue) to enjoy the company of Ahmadinejad. After that, they won’t have him to kick around anymore, to plagiarize a Nixon phrase. Unless the mayor loses it and decides to invite him for a private visit in the future.
I have been pondering this point (for about 3 minutes): the departure of Ahamdinejad. The end of an era. Will we, the world at large, miss him after he has to hand over the office next July? Who will Bibi Netanyahu have to accommodate him? I mean Hitler, Goering, Goebbels, Himmler, and Rosenberg are all dead, long gone. Without Ahmadinejad, he will have to find a new bête noire, a new alibi if he wants to stay in power and talk many American Jews out of their money.
It all depends on who is elected to replace Ahmadinejad. If it is a cleric, then Netanyahu will have plenty of fuel to play with. So will the Saudis, come to think of it. All they have to do is show a photo of a scowling new leader (unless he is a mirthful cleric). Ever notice how Ahmadinejad is always smiling? Yet he has managed to make himself quite a few enemies in the West; imagine what a scowling ayatollah can do.
Of one thing I am certain: his will be the only UN speech this year listened to by a large world audience and broadcast live by most news networks (especially in the USA).


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Salehi Does Some Wishful Thinking on Syria………….


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“Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said on Monday that Syria will soon be at peace as the army is gradually suppressing the armed insurgent groups. “Enemies imagined that they could create a vacuum in the management of the country by triggering explosions in Damascus but the enemies of the Syrian nation have been defeated… and the army is gradually gaining supremacy over the armed opposition,” Salehi told reporters after a cabinet meeting. The foreign minister said the opposition can be divided into two groups. The first seeks reforms and its demands should be met by the Syrian government. The second, with the support of the West and certain regional countries, has resorted to violence and seeks the dissolution of the government through civil war……….”

For some reason I don’t believe that Ali Akbar Salehi is right. Something tells me he is wrong about how things will get peaceful in Syria so soon. My imaginary and real sources tell me it is going to get hotter in Syria before it cools down.

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Israel’s ‘Man in Drag’ Orders the West to Attack Iran……


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“Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak called on Wednesday for major powers to speed up efforts to stop Iran’s nuclear program, cautioning it would be tougher to confront it once Tehran managed to cross an atomic threshold. Israeli media interpreted Barak’s comments as pushing for a possible Israeli strike against Iran to stop a project the West sees as a drive to achieve nuclear weapons though Tehran denies seeking nuclear weapons, saying its program is intended solely for peaceful purposes……….”

A couple of years ago I read somewhere that a younger and lighter Ehud Barak was once disguised as a woman during a surprise attack on some PLO leaders in Beirut (he was part of a covert attack team in the 1970s). Ever since then, I have always thought of him as ‘the man in drag’. Nothing wrong with dressing as anything, of course, in certain situations.
I think with this new/old statement he was just adding to the built-up air of war-normalcy that the Israelis and the American right-wing are creating in our region. The goal: to make the war of aggression, if and when it comes, like a normal expected and unavoidable thing. Ehud Barak can never outdo Netanyahu who has been screaming “wolf” at the top of his voice for several years now. May they both continue whistling (or making other rude noises) in the wind, or as we call it “fi souq el-sofafeer: making a rude noise in the (noisy) copper-mongers market”. As we say back home.


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Muslim Summit in Mecca to Discuss Syria and Bahrain?………


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“Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast has said that if an extraordinary summit of Muslim leaders is supposed to be held in Mecca, the crisis in Bahrain should be top of the agenda. Mehmanparast made the remarks during his regular press briefing in Tehran on Tuesday in response to a question about the fact that Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal said on Sunday that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia had called for an emergency Islamic summit in Mecca on August 14 and 15 to address risks of “sedition” threatening Muslim countries. The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman stated, “We will welcome any meeting that brings together Muslim countries and will actively participate in it. But the crises are obvious, and it is also clear which countries are taking interventionist measures. If such a meeting is supposed to be held, resolving Bahrain’s crisis” should be top of the agenda…………”

If the summit covers the Syrian civil war, then the Iranians are right in requesting that it should also cover the uprising in Bahrain. I wholeheartedly agree with that. It seems only fair: one Arab uprising is equal to another Arab uprising. By “risks of ‘sedition’ threatening Muslim countries”, I take it the Saudis mean the Arab uprisings and their aftermath. They cannot mean the Western and Israeli military threats against another Muslin country, the threats of another war in our region since they are very likely pushing that (Wikileaks and ‘cutting the head of the snake’ and all that). I suspect the Saudi princes calculate that they have more friends among leaders of Muslim countries than the Iranian mullahs have (they have more money and influential Western friends). They may calculate that they can get a more favorable response.
It is also possible the Saudi princes decided to call this meeting to show that they are still active, in spite of the death of two crown princes and the ailing king Abdullah. Except the King looks near the end of his life, literally, his new crown prince is rumored to be a little slow upstairs, and the foreign minister is ailing. They need to inject new blood (al-Saud blood of course) into their regime quickly, not an easy job.
How about recruiting Shaikh Nimr al-Nimr in the cabinet?



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