Category Archives: GCC

Iranian and Arab Population Policies: It is the Quality, Stupid! It is the Economics, Stupid!………


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“Mohammadi represents a worrisome trend to the Iranian government: More young couples are wary of having babies in the climate of economic instability caused by international sanctions. The disenchantment comes as the ruling Islamist clergy, alarmed by Iran’s meager population growth rate — estimated at 1% in 2011 by the United Nations — has mounted a campaign for families to have more children. Iran’s leaders fear the prospect of an aging population that would burden the welfare system and severely diminish productivity. Without a change, Iran’s median age is expected to rise from 27 to 40 by 2030…………The desire to migrate has also played a significant role in the lack of interest among young Iranians to have children — along with a turn away by women from conservative religious values as they seek equal footing with men…..………”

I posted on this topic before regrading Iran, and also about the Gulf GCC population policies. I still suspect that the main reason for this policy reversal is economic and financial. The mullahs couch it in religious and nationalist terms because that is what their base, their political supporters, understands best. It is the same story in other places, especially Europe and Japan: as the population ages, there is more demand on retirement age-related resources and less money going in. They need to get creative and find ways of replenishing these resources and making them more productive. A huge population explosion now a la Egypt or India would only postpone the problem and have it pop up later on a larger scale.
Now there is an idea in our region that more people means strength. The rulers, especially on the Gulf, encourage population growth. It is probably a tribal-ethnic-sectarian thing. In the old days, and even now in some places, the larger the tribe the more powerful it is. Yet this is erroneous. Look at Israel with a population of around 6 million: she defeated all Arab regime armies in whatever combination one could think of, several times. Six million defeated more than 200 million. Look at Hezbollah: representing less than 50% of Lebanon, barely two and maybe a half million people, yet it defeated the mighty Israeli IDF, twice (in 2000 and 2006)! I have no doubt that they can also defeat any Arab army now (that includes the Bahrain and Abu Dhabi and Qatari and Saudi Wehrmacht combined).
It is not the quantity, stupid. It is the quality, stupid!


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Photographic Back to the Arab Future: Thinkers, Plutocrats, Former Hacks, Seat-Warmers……..


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I refer to my earlier post titled
A Pointless Arab International Conference on the Gulf: Missing Ahmed Shafiq and Adnan Arour:

This is a photo of the participants of the mentioned conference.

Back to the Arab Future…………….

These gentlemen (okay, okay, and lady) are supposed to represent fresh insights into the future of the Arab world. With these folks in charge, it’s got to be a bleak future. I discern the following assorted: thinkers (dunno of what), intellectuals (maybe a stretch), hacks, yes-men, crooks, oligarchs, plutocrats, and mischief-makers:
Ayad Allawi (briefly appointed PM of Iraq, by mistake), Fouad Saniora (cash-and-carry seat warmer for Saad Hariri), Amr Mussa (but no Kussa), Prince Turki al-Faisal, Hanan Ashrawi (Tyrannosaurus Regina). And a few more.
Same old, same old.
Too bad General Ahmed Shafiq and Mo Dahlan are body-guarding the sons of Al-Nahayan in Abu Dhabi. Could have been entertaining.

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Halloween in Bahrain: Hugely Despised Prime Minister to Supervise Media………


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“A Supreme Authority for Information and Communications is to be established – to protect freedom of expression. Chaired by His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, the weekly Cabinet meeting approved a draft decree to launch the initiative. The planned Authority will be mandated to propose information and communication policies and follow up their implementation. It will also draw up a national strategy for information and communication, and be in charge of defining rules and regulations to promote the media and communications profession….………”

I hear that his highness Shaikh Khalifa Al Khalifa will start on Valentine’s Day, since it is too late for last Halloween and too early for next Halloween.

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Controlling Syria: is the Regime as Strong as Never? Sharing a Jihadist Paradise with Bashar Al-Assad………


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“Head of Hezbollah’s Executive Council Sheikh Hashem Safieddine stressed that the Syrian government is as strong as ever, and said those waiting for the collapse of President Bashar al-Assad and its possible impact on Lebanon’s next parliamentary elections are mistaken. Sheikh Safieddine’s remarks came while certain foreign countries, including the US, Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia are trying hard to “overthrow the Syrian government” in order to influence Lebanon’s next parliamentary elections. He noted that Lebanon’s next parliamentary elections and formation of the new government in the country “will take place while Syria’s incumbent government will still be in power”, Al-Ahd news agency reported. Sheikh Safieddine said those thinking about the collapse of the Syrian government should know that pressures cannot force it to fall, alluding that President Assad’s government will survive beyond Lebanon’s upcoming parliamentary elections……………”

He said that “the Syrian government is as strong as ever”. An odd Iranian and Hezbollah assessment. This, or a position close to it, has also been repeated by some Iranian officials over the past months. Do these Hezbollah and Iranian officials know something the rest of the world doesn’t know? Something even CNN and Wolf Blitzer and the democratic shaikhs of Qatar don’t know? Or are they being delusional? Possibly putting the best face on a bad situation? So how can it be as strong as ever if it does not control a large swath of the country and if everyone outside Damascus agrees that there will be regime change ‘at some point’ in the future?
No doubt regime change is coming but the squabble may be over the “how and when and who” of it. That “how and when and who” determines the relative winners and losers in this game that goes beyond the borders of Syria. It is probably the details they are fighting over and it is true that “the devil is in the details”.

Who will control Syria: the toothless political exiles of the Syrian National Council, or is it a Coalition, (SNC) or the heavily-armed Jihadists and Al-Qaeda affiliates? Poor, poor Syrian people: their choices are all lousy. The SNC is basically a new-old bureaucracy waiting for the West and the GCC to hand it the keys to Damascus (like the Western Allies to for the Hashemites in 1918). It is the Jihadists who are doing most of the fighting inside the country, and they know the West does not want them anywhere near the seat of power (even as some Arabs do). But they don’t have to be in Damascus to exert control. Besides, many of them are foreign Arabs and not Syrians. No doubt the Jihadists are more motivated: if they live they win, if they die they expect rivers of wine and pretty Houris as reward.
Of course, my educated, well logical, guess is that they will most likely end up consoling each other in Jehannam (hell), possibly right next door to Bashar Al-Assad. Possibly sharing a hot suite with a few of the Arab potentates who support and finance them

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Bipolar Gulf and Syrian Confusion: Ahmadinejad Wants Tighter Ties with Damascus………………


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“Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on Tuesday for enhancing relation with Syria in different fields. Urging comprehensive ties with the Arab state, the Iranian president said that “The relations between two countries in different areas is for the advantage of both nations and the regional people.” Iran and Syria should use their economic potentials for the benefit of their people, he said in a meeting with visiting Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi here Tuesday. Al-Halqi arrived in Iran’s capital Tehran on Tuesday to exchange views with Iranian officials on matters of mutual interest as well as regional and international issues. Referring to the hard times of the Syrian people, the Iranian president expressed hope that the “plots” against Syria will come to an end “soon” and peace and security will be restored in the country. With no doubt, the Syrian people will come out of the current hard situation, he said, adding that the best solution to the Syrian crisis is to stop conflicts and to hold free elections…………..”

Mr. Ahmadinejad wants to get “closer” to Syria, even closer than he has been for years. If he wants to get closer to Syria, he better do it fast, for there are many countries working hard to push him far away from Syria. There are also now many in Syria working to push him away. Unless he wants to get even closer to whatever regime comes to power in Damascus if and when Bashar Al-Assad leaves office. The man was supposedly on the verge of losing power more than a year ago. He is still allegedly on “the verge of losing power”, and he may still be around next year sticking his tongue out at someone.

Well, according to some Gulf media, mainly UAE and Saudi media, the Iranians are cooperating with both the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda in the region. Since both the Muslim brotherhood an Al-Qaeda dominate the Syrian opposition, then Ahmadinejad is already on the right track. Even if he is supporting Bashar against these Islamist groups. Come to think of it, many on the Gulf (Qatar, Saudi, Salafis) also support these two Islamist opposition groups in Syria, which means they are also helping the Iranians. No? This can be confusing. Maybe they are all Bipolar (speaking psychologically, not politically).

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2. UAE and Saudis Tie Dissidents to Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda and Al Capone and……….


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“The United Arab Emirates has reported a plot to destabilize the Gulf Cooperation Council state. Officials said the UAE captured a cell linked to Al Qaida in December. They said the cell consisted of nationals from Saudi Arabia
assigned to conduct a destabilization campaign in the region…………In a statement on Dec. 26, Wam said the plot called for attacks in both Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Wam said the alleged members of what was termed a “deviant group” acquired material for the attacks. This marked the first time that Abu Dhabi reported an Al Qaida plot. Officials said the plot appeared to represent a regional effort by Al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula. Officials said Abu Dhabi and Riyad cooperated in the counter-insurgency investigation………….”

Tying their regional enemies to Al-Qaeda is an old trick by potentates along the Gulf. The Saudis started it by trying to tie the Iranian mullahs (all good Shia’ heretics to the Al Saud) to Al-Qaeda (all good Wahhabi cutthroats: domestically to discredit Al-Qaeda in the eyes of the Wahhabi faithful for cooperating with the Shi’a mullahs, and internationally to further discredit the Iranians in the West. The Saudis probably got the idea from Dick Cheney who tied Saddam Hussein to Al-Qaeda in 2002. But unlike the Cheney fabrication, the Saudi one did not work.
Now the UAE potentates are using that old trick, trying to hook up their Muslim Brotherhood enemies with the Salafi terrorists. In other words, tying the current Egyptian regime to Al-Qaeda. Actually tying their own dissidents to Al-Qaeda, thus discrediting them in American eyes. Just as they, and other Gulf GCC potentates and their media, are also tying the Iranians to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (see my previous post).
Actually everywhere Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood are on opposite sides, especially in Yemen. Ironically, the one place were Al-Qaeda terrorists and the Muslim Brotherhood see eye to eye and cooperate is in Syria. But that Syrian cooperation is encouraged by the GCC potentates and by the GCC Salafists and by the GCC Muslim Brotherhood groups. Once Bashar Al-Assad is out of the way, WTF he will be, then the two sides may decide to settle scores and fight over what is left of Syria, at the cost of thousands more Syrians dead and wounded and many more made into refugees.

Remember Afghanistan in the 1980s and 1990s?
The Mujahideen and Taliban destroyed more of Afghanistan in the 1990s than the Soviet War had done in the 1980s. Hard to believe that any force can destroy an Arab country more than Baathist rule, but it can happen.

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1. UAE Ties Dissidents to Muslim Brotherhood and Iran. Not WYSIWYG …………


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“The rapprochement is of course not without risks. Salafists, now major players in Egyptian politics, are vehemently opposed to any Iranian influence or spread of Shia Islam, which many consider “enemy No 1”. The Gulf states and their regional and international allies also oppose such rapprochement and consider it a direct threat to their security. Yet ties, even intelligence ties, are strengthening. Major Genera Qassem Suleimani, a spy chief and commander of Iran’s Quds Force, reportedly visited Cairo last month for talks with senior officials close to President Mohammed Morsi. Almost at the same time, Egypt’s ambassador to Lebanon, Ashraf Hamdy, told Lebanese newspaper The Daily Star that Egypt would pursue a relationship with Hizbollah as a “real political and military force”. The onus is on regional countries to initiate measures to prevent the most populous Arab country from drifting towards the Iranian orbit, as happened with Iraq. Any alliance between the Iranian regime and the Brotherhood is likely to be more enduring and sustainable than Iran’s alliance with Baathist Syria……………….” The National (UAE)

All dissidents in the United Arab Emirates, fully owned and operated by the Al-Nahayan brothers of Abu Dhabi, are now affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. They are not considered affiliates of Hezbollah UAE which itself is affiliated with Hezbollah Gulf. Not anymore. The rulers, actually the owners, of the UAE have decreed (issued a royal farman) that attention is now shifting away from Lebanese Shi’a residents (if there are any left over there) and toward Egyptians who are now ruled by the Muslim Brotherhood. You might ask me about others: what about Al Qaeda and the Iranians? The latter are now tied to the MB through this unconfirmed tale of Brig. Qassem Suleimani doing the pilgrimage to a hotel in Cairo. Both are now an existential threat to both Netanyahu and the Al Nahayan (and the Al Khalifa too)? Confused by this fast GCC spin of events? We call it the new Gulf whiplash. Things are not what they seem. It is the opposite of WYSIWYG (look it up if you must). Ah, stay tuned, my confusable and confused friend. This is only part one (see the title up there?).

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King of Bahrain Congratulated for Paying Gulf Newspaper to Award Him Meaningless Prize……………


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“`cause you got personality
Walk, personality
Talk, Personality
Smile, Personality
Charm, personality
Love, personality
And of Cause you’ve got
A great big heart………….”

(You’ve Got) Personality
(Lloyd Price)

“His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa has today been congratulated on being crowned as the Human Personality of the Year by a sweeping majority in a poll organized by Kuwaiti Al-Sharq newspapers. Ten thousand personalities from the GCC countries and the Arab World took part in the massive poll. The Shura Council today issued a statement, hailed the Arab honour as a recognition of HM King Hamad statesmanship and crucial role in promoting reforms and leading the march of modernization and democratization…………….”

(The Shoura Council is the group that is fully appointed by the ruling family (Al Khalifa or Al Saud or Al Capone) but pretends it represents the people).

I had thought it was a fully-paid Humanitarian prize, what I (rather irreverently but all in good humor) called in a previous post here Gulf Nobel Prize: Humanitarian Teargas Personality of the Year. Bahrain News Agency says here he won as Human Personality of the Year. Which is puzzling: I have never heard of a Simian Personality of the Year, not since the late Cheeta retired and broke Tarzan’s heart. Maybe it just means the king has a great personality (unlike his uncle), hence the great Lloyd Price song up there.
I had daydreams of nominating myself to the newspaper as Human (or was it Humanitarian) Personality of the Year. I had dreamed of finding some money, perhaps donations, to pay one of these “newspapers” to conduct a “poll” and declare me the winner of the most human or humanitarian or maybe the most popular or at least the smartest person of the year (well, the second smartest, there is always someone). But I was too late; this putz beat me to it.
The Saudi princes, having access to more money, do it in more style. They pay writers to write whole books about their king. They also pay writers to write ‘pieces’ extolling the virtues of the king and various princes, essentially reminding the faithful what great guys they are. Essentially telling the people what a privilege they have to be ruled and robbed by this family and their retainers. Even in Forbes Magazine.


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Islamist Syrian Rebels Seize Strategic Air Base: German Falangista Pilots and Grunge Bands……………


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“Rebels seized a strategic air base in northern Syria today after months of fighting, activists and insurgents said, further weakening President Bashar al-Assad’s grip on the region. Rebels had fought for the base used by military helicopters in Idlib province for months, but it only fell after Islamist units reinforced them earlier this month. The Syrian military struck back hours after fighters captured the base, launching air strikes on the area, the pro-opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said………….”

Regime forces most likely had abandoned that base long before it was seized. Still, it shows that regime control is shrinking, at least in terms of territory if not in terms of ability to inflict death and destruction and misery. Now all the rebels need are a few warplanes or helicopters of their own and some pilots. During the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), German Luftwaffe pilots used to ‘volunteer’ for service on the Fascist Falangista side and they brought their bombers and fighters along (the Nazi warplanes also volunteered along with their fliers). Maybe some Qatari or
Saudi pilots will volunteer for duty in Syria and bring along their F-15s.

Maybe that defected Tlass kid, Manaf, will get a haircut and start a nucleus rebel air force. Right now his hairstyle reminds me of some of the Grunge bands in Seattle rather than a putative military leader of a bunch of grizzly fundamentalist freedom fighters, kidnappers, and assorted cutthroats. 



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GCC Gulf Oligarchs and their Islamists: the Thrill is Gone……………


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For decades some Gulf ruling oligarchs encouraged Islamist movements as one way to counter their main opposition of the time: the secular liberals, be they leftists or just Pan-Arabists or both. That was the era that started in the 1950’s and began to wane in the 1970s. It weakened further in the 1980s when some Arab countries and movements split about the Iran-Iraq war and the Islamist tide was rising. The final nail in the coffin of that era of secular liberal Arab movement came when Saddam Hussein’s tanks rolled into Kuwait in 1990. This is simplifying the story, but roughly it is correct. A brief review:

  • The Al Saud had already established their own theocratic kingdom in partnership with the Wahhabi clerics. It has been a convenient partnership: (a) the princes get complete control of the wealth and the weapons and the politics and the livelihood of the people and, (b) the clerics get control of the soul of the people under the Wahhabi interpretation of Islam. Both (a) and (b) share the keys to the chains that shackle the peoples of the Arabian Peninsula. With the explosion of oil prices and the weakening of Arab secularism after 1970, the Al Saud and their Wahhabi clerics expanded beyond their borders, using the potent powers of money and previously-dormant sectarianism. The results have been spectacular, from their point of view. Wahhabism has spread into places as far as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Malaysia and Indonesia, even Chechnya and the Caucasus. As well as many Arab states, both on the Persian-American Gulf and in places like Egypt under Mubarak, and now Syria. This dual (Al Saud-Wahhabi) control continues in the Arabian Peninsula, but the pressures are rising. The fear is receding and multiple opposition is rising from places like Hijaz and Najd and Qatif. In other Gulf GCC states Islamism has taken different paths.
  • The recent Gulf Islamist rise has been strongest and most threatening in Kuwait. That occurred mainly because the ruling political “elites” encouraged it as a counterweight to the old secular leftist forces. These (once-strong) secular forces often tended to focus on corruption and reform politics while the potentates thought that these issues were not worth the trouble (surprise, surprise). The Islamists in Kuwait (both Salafis and the Muslim Brotherhood) grabbed the opportunity to expand and typically did not seem to care about issues of corruption or political freedom. The “elites” were quite comfortable with the seemingly non-threatening Islamist approach. It was a marriage made in heaven for both sides, but it has had terrible effects on the country both in terms of development and social divisiveness. Besides, the Islamists, as supreme opportunists, were biding their time. A massive crop of clerics and teachers, many of them Salafis educated in Saudi Wahhabi institutions, eventually managed to take effective control of the social agenda and dominate the educational system of the country. In recent years, and in alliance with some tribal elements, they came to dominate the political system as well. The country became dangerously divided. These Islamist fundamentalists (Salafis and Muslim Brothers) now lead the opposition. Ironically they are allied with some aging remnants of the secular liberal forces they had vehemently opposed in the past. What I call the pro-Saudi Wahhabi liberals are also eager allies of the Islamists now, as are some among the sincere reformist youth who are frustrated by corruption. All these current allies had lost out during the decades when the Islamists sided with the ruling “elites” against reform and accountability. Until recent years the (Sunni) Islamist groups of both stripes had claimed that “leftists and liberals and secularists” were the greatest danger to Islam and society. Well, they probably meant the ‘second’ greatest danger (after you know who). The Islamist opportunism and hypocrisy continues. But, as far as their relationship with the ruling “elites”, as B.B. King says in the great old song: the thrill is gone. For now.

  • In Bahrain many (but not all) of the Sunni Islamists bought into the sectarian fear-mongering narrative of the ruling Al Khalifa family. Many now see the Shi’a majority and their demand as a threat to their own influence in historically tolerant and secular Bahrain. The phony legislature is empty of any representative of the the opposition, both Shi’a and Sunni, even though the opposition parties won well over 65% of the vote in the last elections. Yet Bahrainis of all sects are now beginning to notice the danger of foreign mercenaries (Jordanians, Pakistanis, Syrians, etc.) imported by the Al Khalifa in increasing numbers to help keep their absolute power. Meanwhile the ruling family, arguably one of the most corrupt among the Gulf GCC potentates, has continued to systematically loot the country.

  • Qatar, nominally Wahhabi, has found its own “accommodation” with Arab Islamists. It is now the Best Forever Friend of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Gulf, just as a couple of years ago it was the BFF (+F) of both Syria and Iran. It is now as close to the MB as the Saudis are suspicious of it.

  • The UAE has started a surprisingly fierce media war against the Muslim Brotherhood (M. Not just a media war: it is also cracking down on suspected MB inside its territory be they citizens or foreigners. It is now treating the Muslim Brothers as fiercely as it treated Lebanese Shi’as a year or two ago. My funny source tells me that some of the potentates in the UAE had formed close ties with the MB over the years. She tells me that the ruling Al-Nahayan brothers of Abu Dhabi have finally decided to crack down on them. UAE authorities claim they have uncovered a plot against the state, but oddly these plots were uncovered as soon as some academics suggested that the country reform its politics and become more democratic. The arrests are continuing as new plots are uncovered. Relations with MB Egypt are not good, not good at all.
  • As for Oman, I have often opined here, correctly, that the Omanis look across the seas rather than back toward the Arabian Peninsula. Smart Omanis! I have worked with them in the past on GCC economic matters, in my other incarnation, and I know that they go through the motions without conviction. They have little serious interest in either Arab or Gulf matters, but they also realize where they are located. Oman has always been focused on relations overseas: across the Arabian Sea, the Persian-American Gulf, and the Indian Ocean. They don’t really care much about the Peninsula or the wider Arab world.They just go through the proverbial motions.


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