All posts by Mohammed Haider Ghuloum

Dr. Mohammed Haider Ghuloum: trained as an economist, been called a few other names..... الشرقية للبنين- المتنبي- ثانوية الشويخ

Netanyahu Becomes Prime Minister of Canada, Declares Iran Greatest World Threat (Ever)……


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“Canada closes Iran embassy, says Tehran ‘most significant threat’ to world peace. Citing nuclear program, hostility to Israel and assisting Assad, Foreign Minister John Baird said Canada will expel all Iranian diplomats within five days; Netanyahu: Canada took a moral step. Canada has closed its embassy in Iran and will expel all remaining Iranian diplomats in Canada within five days, Foreign Minister John Baird said on Friday, denouncing Tehran as the biggest threat to global security..…………”

No doubt the Iranian help for Assad deserves condemnation: he is, after all a repressive dictator (and a Ba’athist to boot). Yet if diplomatic relations are broken on that basis, then they should be broken as well with countries that help repressive regimes in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia (among other places). As for hostility to Israel, that is true: the Iranian regime is hostile to the Jewish state. Yet it is more than reciprocated: there isn’t a day that Israeli leaders and media (along with some of their toadies in the U.S. Congress) do not threaten an unprovoked and illegal attack on Iran.
The Canadians forgot the Hitler comparison! Bibi will have to call Mr. Harper and remind him.

[email protected]

An American, a Tunisian, an Emirati, and a Dubai Policeman Walk into this Airport Bar………


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“Prosecutors said that BS, a 32-year-old American, was returning to the US on August 27 at about 10pm when he tried to check in at a counter operated by the Tunisian AA, 33. However, when the airline employee noticed the American was not travelling with his company he directed him to a different counter, operated by the correct airline. The traveller was then said to have sworn twice at the airline employee, before turning to his Emirati colleague and using another swear word to insult both of them. He then focused his attention on the Emirati, saying: “Idiot, foolish country”, the court was told. “I could smell alcohol on his breath,” said the Emirati employee. The Tunisian then called airport police and the man was arrested. EA, a 30-year-old Emirati policeman, said that the passenger was brought to him following the Tunisian’s compl
aint. “He suddenly started insulting the UAE and its rulers,” said the policeman, who said he warned the passenger against badmouthing the UAE, but that the man responded by insulting him too………….”

they go again. In the UAE they love to use acronyms for people. Another story, saga, involving BS (BS?), AA, US, EA, UAE, et al.
That American must
have said something mighty nasty about the potentates. “Badmouthing” and
insulting the UAE, my eye! They wouldn’t charge him just for being
annoying, especially since he was leaving the country. Makes you wonder
what he told which potentate to go do with/to/for themselves.


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Oracles of War or Junket Kings: Three U.S. Senators Declare Two New Middle East Wars…………


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“U.S. Senators John McCain, Joe Lieberman and Lindsay Graham on Friday urged Washington to help arm Syria’s rebels with weapons and create a safe zone inside the country for a transition government. They also called for a far tougher position against Iran over its suspected, and seemingly inexorable, drive toward acquiring nuclear weapons capability. McCain blasted President Barack Obama, who defeated him in the 2008 presidential election, for recently setting the “red line” for Syria at use of chemical weapons. “If you’re (Syrian President) Bashar Assad, maybe you interpret that to mean that you can do anything short of chemical weapons before the United States will intervene,” the Republican from Arizona told the Ambrosetti Forum, a gathering of political and business leaders on the shores of Lake Como in Italy…………”

These three U.S. senators seem to spend more time in our region, the Middle East, than in the USA. More time than even some of us spend. They gave up on their early plan to establish their own private base in Iraq after the American (early) withdrawal. They would have called that a ‘settlement’: McCain and Graham violently opposed Lieberman’s suggestion of the term “Kibbutz”: they said it sounded socialistic and un-American; ditto for shtetl. They threatened to storm the beaches of Libya (along with Bernard–Henri Lévy) but were beaten by NATO. They have been trying to liberate Syria and Iran for several years (and Lebanon), but have been frustrated.
Remember: McCain had originally wanted to remain in Iraq for one hundred years (a hundred year Reich?) if necessary, and to retire after that to Arizona where he would run for the job of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Now they are all waiting for Mr. Obama to be defeated in November so that General John Bolton can march through the Middle East with his terrible swift sword again, making it the New New Middle East again.


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Predictable Syrian War: Iranian Suleimani to Assad, French Anti-Aircraft to FSA……………


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“Western intelligence officials say that Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has personally sanctioned the dispatch of the experienced officers to ensure that the Assad regime, Iran’s most important regional ally, survives the threat to its survival. In addition, Iran has shipped hundreds of tons of military equipment, including guns, rockets, and shells, to Syria through the regular air corridor that has been established between Damascus and Tehran. Intelligence officials believe the increased Iranian support has been responsible for the growing effectiveness of the Assad regime’s tactics in forcing anti-government rebel groups on the defensive. In the past few weeks, pro-Assad forces have seized the offensive by launching a series of well-coordinated attacks against rebel strongholds in Damascus and Aleppo. The Iranian operation to support Mr Assad is being masterminded by Qassem Suleimani…………”

“With opposition forces consolidating their hold over enclaves in the country captured from the regime, Francois Hollande’s government senses an opportunity for the West to give the rebels military assistance for the first time, a diplomat has said. Until now Western powers have insisted on giving rebel fighters only “non-lethal” aid, fearing that the armed opposition’s chaotic and fractured organisational structure could allow weapons to fall into the hands of radical Islamist groups. While acknowledging that arming the rebels remains potentially hazardous, France is impressed with the way the opposition is administering towns under its control after it set up local revolutionary councils to impose law and order………”

These Iranians, all they seem to have for export, besides oil and gas and carpets, is the same poor old Qassem Suleimani (and some weapons to to allies in Syria and Lebanon). He flies around more than Ahmadinejad, more than McCain and Lieberman: from Damascus to Yemen to Bahrain to Iraq and Lebanon (never fear, he is always near). Playing the favorite bogeyman of the West, of our oligarchs, of the Salafis, and of the Gulf Wahhabi-liberals. No sightings of him in Tel Aviv or Riyadh yet; but the Likud are looking for evidence that he was in Bulgaria a few weeks ago, maybe dressed as a long-haired teenage tourist with a backpack loaded with explosives
. So predictable, the mullahs: you’d think this Suleimani would delegate for once and send one of his deputies or flunkies.
But then we can say the same for the Europeans: what they mostly export to our region as solutions are weapons. Arms for the FSA bands, arms and chemical weapons for Saddam Hussein, tear gas and bullets for the despots in Bahrain, etc, etc. Even weapons to the Assad regime if only he had played his cards right (and the Syrian people be damned). I bet they would send the same stuff to Iran if the mullahs play their cards right and go kosher.
Meanwhile the Syrian regime is pissed at Egypt’s president Morsi for calling for the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad (and his replacement with the Muslim Brotherhood, of course). It is not clear what Hajj Erdogan of Turkey thinks of all these developments nowadays.


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Of Desperate Housemaids: a Death in Dubai, WTF………………


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“DUBAI // A maid who admitted stabbing a man to death now faces a further charge of having consensual sex. EK, a 28-year-old Ugandan, failed to appear before the Misdemeanour Court today to answer the sex charge, but court records show that she confessed in July to the premeditated murder of her compatriot SK. She told the Criminal Court that she killed the man in self defence on April 7 when he started chasing her around the building they were both living in. “I got scared and picked up a knife and stabbed him but I didn’t see where I stabbed him,” she told judge Hamad Abdul Latif……………The police major AA testified that when the woman appeared at Naif police station she was still screaming: “I killed somebody”. When officers searched her one bedroom apartment they found the knife used in the stabbing under her sofa. During the murder investigation she denied having sex with the man she stabbed. She told investigators that the only man she had sex with was another Ugandan man identified as M and that this happened one month before the killing. She said they had met at a Ugandan restaurant in Jumeirah and had sex twice afterwards. ….……..”

 A saga of EK and SK and AA and M and, finally, WTF. You’d think they are KGB or CIA or Bahraini Intelligence operatives. In Dubai, where interesting things do happen, especially inside Jumeirah restaurants, apparently.
(We can categorize this g
em under ‘Culture’, since I don’t have a category for the other ‘thing’, yet).

[email protected]

European Right Target Hezbollah, Wahhabi Quest for Eternal Candy…………..


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“Europe is embarking on a potentially divisive debate over whether to place the military wing of Lebanese-based Shiite group Hezbollah grouping on its terrorist list, with the U.K. and Dutch governments urging action Friday. Europe has long resisted pressure from Israel and Washington to list Hezbollah, with many member states feeling it was important to keep lines of contact open to a group that plays a key role in Lebanese politics. But after accusations that Hezbollah was behind a bomb attack in July in Burgas, Bulgaria, that killed five Israeli tourists and a Bulgarian bus driver, U.K. Foreign Minister William J. Hague………….…”

The European right wing governments, especially in Britain and Holland are speeding up their attempt at listing Hezbollah. So they were “accused” of being behind a bomb attack. “Accused” quickly by Netanyahu, hardly a credible person in this case. In a case of “suicide” attack, which is not a usual Hezbollah method of operation. Suicides are al-Qaeda type of operation, done by horny young Wahhabi men eager to detonate, drop out, and get to their promised sweet ‘rewards’ of candy on the other side.
This, if approved, will be bad news for peace in Lebanon since Hezbollah is by far the most powerful party in Lebanon, and represents a larger section of Lebanese society than any other party or group or militia or dance troupe. It will be like boycotting the largest section of Lebanese (like boycotting the Pashtun in Afghanistan). It will, however, make the Likud extremely happy: Netanyahu may declare that World War II is finally over.


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New York New York: Ahmadinejad’s Last Hurrah in Seeb e Buzurg…………….


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“Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is preparing to make his final visit to the United Nations Headquarters in New York as president of Iran, where he is scheduled to speak at the 67th Session of the United Nations General Assembly.
Mojtaba Hashemi-Samareh, the senior advisor of President Ahmadinejad, said on Wednesday, “As this is the last appearance for Mr. Ahmadinejad at the United Nations, he will present a summary of his visits and speeches over the past eight years.” As the current chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), Ahmadinejad will also submit a report on the 16th NAM Summit, which was held in Tehran in August. This will be the eighth consecutive year that Ahmadinejad has attended the annual UN General Assembly session………..”

What this senior adviser meant to say was that “this is the last chance for the Big Apple (seeb e buzurg سیب بزرگ in Persian; التفاحة الكبيرة in Arabic; Beeg Apple in some other tongue) to enjoy the company of Ahmadinejad. After that, they won’t have him to kick around anymore, to plagiarize a Nixon phrase. Unless the mayor loses it and decides to invite him for a private visit in the future.
I have been pondering this point (for about 3 minutes): the departure of Ahamdinejad. The end of an era. Will we, the world at large, miss him after he has to hand over the office next July? Who will Bibi Netanyahu have to accommodate him? I mean Hitler, Goering, Goebbels, Himmler, and Rosenberg are all dead, long gone. Without Ahmadinejad, he will have to find a new bête noire, a new alibi if he wants to stay in power and talk many American Jews out of their money.
It all depends on who is elected to replace Ahmadinejad. If it is a cleric, then Netanyahu will have plenty of fuel to play with. So will the Saudis, come to think of it. All they have to do is show a photo of a scowling new leader (unless he is a mirthful cleric). Ever notice how Ahmadinejad is always smiling? Yet he has managed to make himself quite a few enemies in the West; imagine what a scowling ayatollah can do.
Of one thing I am certain: his will be the only UN speech this year listened to by a large world audience and broadcast live by most news networks (especially in the USA).


[email protected]

Arafat’s Body, John Brown’s Body, Pete Seeger’s Battle Hymn, About Easter…………


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“Old John Brown’s body lies moldering in the grave,

While weep the sons of bondage whom he ventured all to save;

But tho he lost his life while struggling for the slave,

His soul is marching on.

John Brown was a hero, undaunted, true and brave,

And Kansas knows his valor when he fought her rights to save;

Now, tho the grass grows green above his grave,

His soul is marching on………….
John Brown’s Body (Pete Seeger)

“Three French investigating magistrates will travel to Ramallah in the West Bank to exhume the remains of the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat so they can take tissue samples to determine what killed him. Mr Arafat died at the age of 75 in the Percy military hospital near Paris in November 2004 from an unexplained illness. There was no autopsy and the French doctors who treated him never announced the cause of his death. New evidence emerged from an investigation in July by the Al Jazeera TV network when the Institut de Radiophysique, in Lausanne, Switzerland, said it had discovered significant traces of the rare radioactive element polonium-210 on the late leader’s clothing and toothbrush provided by his wife…………”

I hear there was a joke (a bad joke) going around late in 1967, after the Israelis captured the West Bank. Someone speculated that maybe Easter would be cancelled that nest year because they had found………. Told you it was a bad joke.
Back to Arafat: now, if I were irreverent and rude I’d speculate: suppose they try to exhume Arafat and the body isn’t there? What would that mean? But since I am not irreverent or rude, I shall not pose that question.


[email protected]

Qorvis of Arabia, Pigs and Lipstick, RMA Sandhurst of the Persian Gulf……………….


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“One of the largest contracts the (Bahrain) regime had was with the DC-based PR firm Qorvis Communications. As Time reported last November, the firm, which also does extensive PR work for Bahrain’s close allies, the Saudi regime, “has a branch dedicated to rehabilitating the reputation of unsavory governments, a niche practice that has seen great demand in the wake of the Arab spring”. Qorvis often led the way in complaining to CNNi about its Bahrain coverage. An internal email from CNN at the beginning of 2012, seen by the Guardian, records the firm’s calling to complain about excessively favorable mentions of Nabeel Rajab, who had been arrested and charged over an anti-regime tweet, and was just this month sentenced to three years in prison for an “illegal demonstration”…………….”

So the GCC Gulf states donate money to Bahrain. The ruling clan, the al-Khalifa potentates, distribute the money this way:

  • X% to hire mercenaries from Pakistan and Jordan and Syria and Yemen and other places to crackdown on their people, raid their homes, and torture them.
  • Y% to hire expensive PR firms and lobbyists in London and Washington and other places to try and polish the image of the ruling al-Khalifa clan. They also influence the Western media, as the case of Amber Lyon and CNN shows.
  • Except that “a pig with lipstick is still a pig’: it also looks like and it especially smells like a pig. Even in Bahrain.
  • Z% to import specialists and weapons from the West and Turkey and Jordan to be used for “crowd control”. Turkey and Jordan are used as fig leaf for Western powers.
  • W% for the purchase of palaces and properties in Europe, Britain being the favorite destination of Bahrain kleptocrats.
  • U% to donate to Sandhurst Academy (RMAS: The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in Surrey, UK) in order to continue graduating the sons of the ruling clan, reportedly at an easier-than-normal special curriculum for the scions of Gulf and Arab potentates.

Not a bad racket, by these Bin Technocrat Bin Kleptocrat shaikhs and potentates, recycling Gulf petro-money around the world, far away from their rebellious protesting captive people.


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U.S. Elections: Self-Hating Arabs, Self-Hating Muslims………


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I was thinking about the U.S. elections, with all the convention circus going on for the second week.
I wonder if any Muslims will vote Republican this year? And what do we call them? What do we call an Arab or a Muslim who votes for the party that has been vilifying and threatening them for the past few years? The party of Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain, Peter King, et al, who vilified Muslims and Islam every day for months this past year. And Romney who is threatening to wage a new war in our homelands and virtually
to make Israel an actual 51st state. A party that threatens to treat the Arabs, in their own region, like past victims of racism in the old American Southwest, the Apaches and Comanches and others, to be terrorized and displaced as so many wild savage animals.
Benjamin Netanyahu has a name for American Jews and other Jews who oppose his policies: he calls them “self-hating Jews“. Ironically a very Hitler-ite way of vilifying your opponent, an irony h
e probably misses.
How many self-hating Muslims and Arabs are out there?

(FYI: there is such a thing as the lesser of two………)

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