Blond Turks, Iranian Issues, and the New European Maginot: Ils ne Passeront Pas………….


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In the past, Turkey defended what it called Iran’s peaceful nuclear energy program and even voted against U.N. sanctions on Iran two years ago. But Turkey’s relationship with Iran has changed, as it began aligning itself with its Western allies on a series of issues. Richard Howitt is a member of the European Parliament’s committee on Turkey. “Turkey has come back into line on Iran. Turkey really lost some trust on the Iran issue and suffered in public relations terms by its opposition to sanctions, which frankly we worked very hard for at the U.N. and EU,” he said.
A factor in Turkey’s changing role is Syria, an important regional ally of Tehran…………

The Turks can all dye their hair blond and adopt German or French as their national language. They still will not be admitted into the European Union. The Turks fought with the West faithfully for more than sixty years, from Korea to being the southern bulwark of NATO during the Cold War. They supplied the labor that post-war Germany needed to revive its economy. Yet the old enemies of the former Warsaw Pact are being quickly admitted into the EU, but not the Turks. Eastern European gangs that deal in drugs, human trafficking, and murder are more welcome than the Turks. They are not considered a threat to Europe’s “culture”, but Turkish mosques are.
Now the Turks are being accommodating again, on the Iranian issues, hoping for some morsels from the European table, hoping for approval “There is a good Muslim boy”. They still won’t allow them in. As the Maginot Line said: Ils ne Passeront Pas.
Of course the old Maginot Line did not work as it was supposed to: it forgot about Bel
(Q: Do the Turks need to be in the European Union?)