Israeli Nuclear Division: another General sets Netanyahu and U.S. Congress Straight……..


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“An insider in Israel’s nuclear program believes that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is employing needless fearmongering when it comes to Iran’s atomic aspirations, in order to further his own political aims. Brigadier General (res.) Uzi Eilam, who for a decade headed the Israel Atomic Energy Commission, does not believe that Tehran is even close to having a bomb, if that is even what it really aspires to. “The Iranian nuclear program will only be operational in another 10 years,” declares Eilam, a senior official in Israel’s atomic program. “Even so, I am not sure that Iran wants the bomb.”………… “

“”Has the world learned a lesson from the mistakes of the past? Today we are again faced with clear facts and before a real danger. Iran calls for our destruction, it develops nuclear weapons.” The stated links between the Holocaust and Iran showed how more than six decades later, the mass murder of Jews during World War II is still a central part of Israel’s psyche……………”

So it seems that former senior Israeli professionals who know a few things tend to discount the nuclear fear being pushed by Mr. Netanyahu. These would be retired chiefs of Mossad, AEC, Defense, etc. 

General Eilam, former head of Israel’s AEC, calls Netanyahu’s nuclear stance politicking and hence fear-mongering for political gain. Naturally the Likud and the U.S Congress, all deeply political animals more than anything else, have a different take. Mr. Netanyahu is already established as the most ‘political’ prime minister in Israeli history, which automatically marks him as the most ‘political’leader in the whole Middle East. Most Arab leaders and potentates don’t need to worry much about ‘politics’ anyway, do they?

Interesting political games have been played by players from Washington and Paris and London and Tel Aviv and Tehran. Republicans tried to influence the 2012 U.S. elections on the weight of that fear-mongering; not that congressional Democrats have been any less warmongering. Arab absolute potentates got into the game early on, secretly urging Washington (and Wikileaks?) to launch a war that would alter the ‘conventional’ balance of power, hissing that Washington must ‘cut off the head of the snake‘.
Then there are the mullahs in Iran who are also divided……….


mhg[email protected]