Libyan Rebels Shoot Khamis Qaddafi for Tenth Time, Turns Out to be Sarkozy Dressed as Beau Geste…..

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Hours earlier, Mahdi al-Harati — the vice chairman of the rebels’ Military Council, the military wing of the National Transitional Council — told CNN that Khamis Gadhafi died after a battle with rebel forces Sunday night in northwest Libya, between the villages of Tarunah and Bani Walid…………CNN News

Later, as The Onion would, or should, report, the Libyan rebels of the TNC announced that they made a “normal everyday honest” mistake about having killed Khamis Qaddafi for the tenth time. They had actually shot Nicolas Sarkozy who was disguised as Beau Geste in the uniform of French special forces sergeant.


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