The Longest Hike: Club Tehran, Club Med…………

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For the first time the two were able to give the details of the isolation in which they lived and the conditions in Tehran’s Evin Prison, where they spent 781 days. “In all the time we spent in detention, we had a total of 15 minutes of telephone calls with our families and one, short visit from our mothers. We had to go on hunger strike repeatedly just to receive letters from our loved ones,” Fattal told reporters. “Many times, too many times, we heard the screams of other prisoners being beaten and there was nothing we could do to help them,” he said, “Solitary confinement was the worst experience of our lives. “It was clear to us from the very beginning that we were hostages,”…………..

I read recently about talk by some Iranian officials about encouraging tourism in Iran. What do you think (rhetorical)?


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