Expanding the Oxymoronic Base: the Republican Drive to Dumb Down the Rest of America………….

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House Republicans are laying the groundwork for another battle with President Obama over spending and domestic policy with a bill that would cut some of his favorite health and education programs, tie the hands of the National Labor Relations Board and eliminate federal grants for Planned Parenthood clinics. The bill, which finances the Departments of Labor, Education and Health and Human Services, would prohibit Mr. Obama from spending more money to carry out the new health care law until all legal challenges to the law were resolved……. The House bill would also block numerous rules intended to protect workers. For example, the National Labor Relations Board could not use any money to enforce a new requirement that employers notify workers of their rights to form and join unions……. the bill would eliminate Pell grants for a million students, or roughly 10 percent of those now eligible, while reducing the cost of the program by $3.5 billion, also 10 percent. Since many states have increased tuition at public colleges, Mr. Hartle said, the bill would mean that “low- and middle-income families will face higher college costs with less student aid.”………. Federal education officials could not enforce a new rule setting stricter standards for profit-making colleges and vocational schools………..

This looks suspiciously like a deliberate drive to dumb down the rest of America. Less educational opportunities, less education, lower quality education: all these point out to a desired end product that forms the base of the Republican Tea Party. Polls and surveys have indicated in recent years that the less educated voters prefer extreme right wing Republican candidates, while the most educated prefer Democrat candidates. This analysis probably applies especially to white voters in Blue states or ‘swing’ states who are more likely to be considered ‘independent’ voters. The Republicans want dumber “independent” voters, presumably dumber than voters in the extremely Red states, which some may consider an oxymoron-ic thing to expect.


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