Progress in Egypt? The Mubarak Junta Appoints an old Mubarak Prime Minister…………..

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The Egyptian people paid in blood, sweat, tears, and fortune for democracy and freedom. They are still sacrificing in Tahrir, throughout Cairo, Alexandria and other regions. Yet the tone-deaf military junta appointed by the dictator Hosni Mubarak is imposing another Mubarak relic, a former prime minister under the dictator (al-Ganzouri), as the new prime minister of the “new” Egypt. No wonder the people of Egypt are not giving up their revolution. No wonder they are willing to sacrifice more to keep their revolution from being hijacked. They know there are plans to abort it, and to maintain the old regime under military control.
The constitution proposed by the SCAF military junta is a travesty of any ‘democratic’ pretensions. It gives the military leaders overall power above all elected leaders and representatives of the people. The fact that the military junta opted for an interim prime minister from among veterans of the dictatorship is a clear signal that they, and their Arab oligarchy friends, will not peacefully yield power to the people.
They are counting on dividing the country to abort the revolution and maintain the old corrupt regime under a new guise.

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