Only a few weeks ago everybody was amazed, gushing at how Donald Trump had so quickly and so easily taken over the Republican Party. Most Party leaders and politicians avoided his rallies and his visits to their states, including Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. They did not want to be tainted with the stigma of Trumpism.
Fast forward to the post-election. Now the Republican Party establishment, in a shorter time period, has performed a feat much greater than what Trump did in winning the nomination and the election.They have absorbed the winner.
How has the Republican establishment so quickly taken over Trump and his movement, and made it their own? To be used to implement their long-held economic and other policy goals? All within two weeks.
In the end Trump “the outsider” is not the winner: he may have become a tool of the “insiders”. The real outsiders, the voters, remain outside.
Mohammed Haider Ghuloum

President-elect Donald Trump apparently is mulling several choices for Secretary of State:
- A disloyal weasel (that would be Mitt Romney, the man who savaged Trump and attacked his integrity the most last spring and summer).
- A loyal weasel, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. He has also taken funds from foreign organizations.
- A detestable man who has campaigned noisily, loudly for the job, after losing out the struggle for Attorney General: former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. He has also taken funds from foreign organizations.
- A likable well-educated knowledgeable man who also carries some personal baggage: General David Petraeus.
- Then there is the most dangerous, least diplomatic of the lot, a man who practically has hand-grenades strapped to his mustache: John Bolton.
Not easy choices. Of course Trump is capable of surprising everybody and pick some surprise choice. But that would further infuriate the media who have been focusing on these names.
A Dark Horse could be Jon Huntsman Jr, former governor and former ambassador who also speaks other languages.
Mohammed Haider Ghuloum
Multidisciplinary: Middle East, North Africa, Gulf, GCC, World, Cosmos…..