Blood Racism in Israel: the Master Race Lives Again, from Moldova to Ethiopia………


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A Kenny G Holiday

“In additional case of discriminatory practices, Yesh Atid MK Pnina Tamano-Shata barred from donating blood because she has “special kind of Jewish-Ethiopian blood”……………….” Magen David Adom refused to allow MK Pnina Tamano-Shata (Yesh Atid) to donate blood, saying she had “the special kind of Jewish-Ethiopian blood.” The staff then told her that she could donate blood, but her donation would be frozen, not used. In the past, the MDA’s refusal to use blood donated from resident of Ethiopian descent has inspired claims of racism, the MDA in response claim they are only trying to minimize risks to blood recipients…………….”

Magen David Adom is supposed to be the Israeli equivalent of the Red Cross or Red Crescent. It is not supposed to be some ‘institute’ created by some Heinrich Himmler from Moldova or thereabouts to distinguish superior blood for tainted blood.
This Nazi-style irrational racism is apparently something that happens often, refusing blood donations from blacks, be they Jews or others, in order to minimize risks. And these are the most educated people in the Middle East! Even we Muslims know better than discriminate between sources of blood,  know that it makes no difference.