An Egyptian Bestseller Book: The Presidency for Dummies……


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I saw the Twitter timeline of Egypt’s military-appointed Interim President Adly Mansoor (@Adlymansoor). I read some of the tweets, and looked deeply at his picture, well as deeply as possible in this case. Trying to see into his soul, such as it is. I suspect it may be a parody account, at least for the sake of Egypt I hope it is a parody account. I believe the photo is not a parody, alas it is real.
Still, I have seen the guy on television, so I started to wonder if there is a book titled “The Presidency for Dummies“. You know the series: Cooking for Dummies, Math for Dummies, XHTML for Dummies, Eating for Dummies, etc. Anyway, if there is such a book as “The Presidency for Dummies”: I suggest that he read it, I also wish Mohammed Morsi had read it one year ago.
Wait, I just remembered another gem. Egypt is in another unusual situation: it now has two deposed presidents both of them awaiting trial, so far. Before the end of this year there may be three of four deposed presidents awaiting trial. I suggest that the book “The Presidency for Dummies” be assigned reading for all Egyptian politicians, nay for all activists from all parties.
