King Faisal the True Winner of Nobel and Conqueror of Communism, Himmler…………


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“From the 1950s to the fall of communism, Saudi Arabia was the steel wall against the spread of communism. In later months in 1975, I have read many books about the Nobel Peace Prize Committee and the mechanism of the nomination for the prize. And it has been mentioned many times that King Faisal was able to stop the spread of communism in the Middle East without the use of force. He used his influence and charisma to achieve this. King Faisal was the first political figure who predicted the fall of communism at the peak of the Cold War. And in September 1975, I sent a registered letter to the Nobel Prize Committee. I sent it from a post office located on East Tremont Avenue in the Bronx, New York. In the letter, I was asking if there were any other candidates for the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize besides Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho and I asked why the 1972 Nobel Peace Prize was blocked and was not awarded to any person or organization. I got no answer and I wasn’t expecting to be answered.
In 1976, one year after the death of King Faisal, a foundation was established in Saudi Arabia and was named King Faisal International Prize……………… And to this day, I always ask myself: Why the blocked 1972 Nobel Peace Prize wasn’t awarded to King Faisal for his efforts to stop the spread of communism……………”

I would have liked to say that the Nobel Committee was antisemitic, that is why King Faisal was passed over, but that can’t be it.
Can you believe this F—Kopf writing in the Saudi daily Arab News? And here Americans have the misconception that they are responsible for the defeat of communism. Republicans think Reagan did it single-handed, while John McCain believes his years at the Hanoi Hilton contributed. Not some too bit absolute monarch.
I would think the late king should get the Nobel Prize for opposing the emancipation of slaves in his country in the 1960s, or was it for supporting it?  Which reminds me, I have never seen the late king smile. They even have photos of Hitler smiling (although not Himmler). I am sure he had a sense of humor, the king not Himmler, but probably well-hidden. After all, he had to have some sense of humor: he was not even from Jordan or anything like that. Obviously the vengeful nephew who shot him had no sense of humor either.
I suspect that maybe it runs in the family, at least among those who are sober.

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