Neck of the woods
“Bashar Assad, the Syrian President, could be allowed a safe passage out of his country and immunity from prosecution, David Cameron said today. Although the move would enrage human rights campaigners, Mr Cameron said it would be worthwhile if it ended the bloodshed in Syria which has resulted in the death of up to 40,000 people. Speaking in Saudi Arabia during his three-day visit to Gulf states and the Middle East, the Prime Minister said it “could be arranged” for President Assad to flee his country. He did not suggest where he might be given sanctuary but made clear that Britain would not offer to be a safe haven. Asked by Al Arabiya television what he would say if the Syrian President asked for asylum, Mr Cameron replied: “Done. Anything, anything to get that man out of the country and to have a safe transition in Syria.” He added: ”Of course, I would favour him facing the full force of international law………………”
If Mr. Al-Assad ever leaves Syria, and he probably will have to at some point, his options are limited. Of course he might just hang on to power by force and terror, the way the Al-Saud and Bahrain and other Arab potentates do. The money is just too good for them to leave the massive prisons they have created. He can go to Russia or Iran or possibly Venezuela or South Africa. Maybe repair to one of the Hariri o Saudi palaces in France. He definitely wouldn’t want to go to Mexico: remember Leon Trotsky!
Back to Cameron: British governments, be they New Labor or Tory or New New Labor or Roundheads, practice a breathtaking level of hypocrisy when it comes to the Middle East. There is no need for me to repeat a list, a litany, of their offenses in this regard. From Tony Blair to David Cameron, and back all the way to Winston Churchill, the last admirable male Tory prime minister. But they are not alone, of course. They are joined in that by American governments, Iranian governments, and many others (including Arabs).
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