Muslim Mobs, Media Savvy Mobs, KFC Mobs, Old Glory Mobs…………


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Ref my last posting. There is one thing many in these countries, in our countries, have in common when angry, when really angry at outside powers. Or when they are angry at local powers but can’t express it freely. Or when the economy is stagnant. Or when they are repressed and frustrated, politically and otherwise (especially ‘otherwise repressed and frustrated‘ in the fun-deprived Middle East). Or when they are irritated by some silly foreign cartoon or a video clip. Or sometimes even when they are genuinely angry at Uncle Sam for his policies.
There is one thing that unify all our mobs, from North Africa all the way to the outer islands of Indonesia. They all raise the flag of the United States, including the Salafis and other al-Qaeda supporters. They raise Old Glory, then they trample on it, all for the benefit of Western television cameras, then they burn it, all for the benefit of the Western television cameras. Our “rebels” and “protesters” now always carry signs in English rather than Arabic. Our mobs have become quite camera savvy and media savvy. CNN and Fox and Sky and the rest love it, no doubt at least partly wishing and hoping it would go on.
Oh, we have also developed a taste for fast American food. Sometimes our mobs raid a McDonald’s or KFC restaurant, ransack it, before eating all the French fries and all the crispy chicken (original recipe is the favorite). Then they may burn it.
