The American right wing has always expressed suspicions, nay abhorrence, at what was often called “world government”. They were always unilateralists, when not isolationists. Odd how they are eagerly adopting multilateral action, by NATO and not the UN. Yet NATO is now a form of world government, ruling the whole world, with the exception of China and India and Iran and some pockets in Latin America. NATO can almost unilaterally start wars and interfere in other countries. Yet the American right wing now wants more of this kind of “international” government (Ron Paul excepted). Selective wold government. Could it have something to do with the fact that NATO is a rich man’s “Golf club”? Of course there is the small matter of Turkish membership, but the Turks got in when they were needed during the early Cold War. They are expendable now that the old cold war has ended. Just as they became expendable to Europe once the Soviet Union fell.
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