Joe Trippi Lobbying for Gulf Apartheid Regime? It is the Money, Stupid!………

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Joe Trippi & Associates is a D.C.-based media firm headed by Democratic political strategist Joe Trippi, (@JoeTrippi) who managed Howard Dean’s 2004 U.S. presidential election campaign. He was hired some time before August by Dr. Saqer Al Khalifa, Ph.D. on behalf of Bahrain’s ministry of information. According to the registration documents, Trippi is tasked with providing “strategic counsel” and assisting “with outreach to members of the media and non-governmental organizations.” The documents don’t mention how much the Bahrain government is paying for the services…….

Now Joe Trippi is selling his services to the despotic Apartheid regime of Bahrain. Oddly, his old Democrat boss Howard Dean is also being paid by the secretive and cultist Iranian opposition Mujahideen Khalq (MEK or MKO), a current favorite of the Republican extreme right-wing. Oddly, again, other Democrat luminaries like former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson have also been paid for the same ‘services’, now he is calling for a tougher stance in the Gulf region.
It is the money, stupid!


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