Saudis Facing a Vegetable Crusade………….

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                                                             BFF                           Veggie Crusade

This right-wing site reports that some Saudis are in an uproar because they think they see Christian crosses in the wooden pillars of some open market in Taif. The people who run the vegetable and fruit businesses and other fundamentalists are urging the authorities to quickly remove these crosses (picture above) before their fruits and vegetables convert to Christianity (a Christian tomato is no more welcome in Saudi Arabia than a Christian zucchini or kussa). As for a Jewish tomato or zucchini, well, as the al-Saud would say: oy vey!
According to Saudi law, no signs of any other religion are allowed.
FYI: all Saudi ‘fruits’ and all Saudi ‘vegetables’ are Muslims, the overwhelming majority of them Muslims of the true Wahhbai faith. Most Saudis who are not ‘vegetables’ have been thrown in prison or gone into exile.
For first time readers of my blog, I love to summarize this: Wahhabism is an uber-fundamentalist sect named after Mohammed Bin Abdulwahhab, an old time shaikh from Nejd in Central Arabia. He was an ally to the al-Saud as are his descendants: they even ‘fraternized’ closely if you know what I mean (if you don’t know what I mean, then you are hopeless). He is not to be confused with the late great Egyptian Mohammed Abdelwahab the musician and singer who was not a fundamentalist, not a Salafi, had probably never heard the word ‘Salafi’ in his life.
(Regular readers need not have read that last paragraph, although I do change it every time, often improving it).