There They Go Again! US Nuclear Experts and Netanyahu have new Slam Dunk Date Estimates for Iran………..


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“Iran to reach ‘key point’ for atom bomb by mid-2014. Islamic Republic could produce enough weapons-grade uranium for one or more nuclear bomb by mid-2014, US experts say, urging Obama to emphasize military option. Iran could produce enough weapon-grade uranium for one or more nuclear bombs by mid-2014, and the United States and its allies should intensify sanctions on Tehran before that point is reached, a report by a group of US nonproliferation experts said. The 154-page report, “US Nonproliferation Strategy for the Changing Middle East,” produced by five nonproliferation experts, was expected to be released on Monday. “Based on the current trajectory of Iran’s nuclear program, we estimate that Iran could reach critical capability in mid-2014,” the report said…………….”

Here we go again. I worry that they will be wrong again and break our hearts, these experts. They have done it so often, that I feel like a fool if I believe them (I could also feel like a fool if the Iranians do develop a nuclear bomb next year). Every year, sometimes every few months or weeks for the past 15 or twenty years, some respected kook in the West or in Israel has warned that the Iranians are months away from having a nuclear weapon. They go on Slam-Dunking us about the mullahs’ nuclear plans.
It doesn’t say so in this latest “slam dunk’ report. But my funny special source on nuclear matters claims that this most recent report was co-written by the David Albright in cooperation with John Bolton and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Minister Field Marshal Al Khalifa Bin Technocrat of the Bahrain Defense Forces (
not sure how he fits in, but that is what she claims or maybe it seemed like fun to include him). She tells me Albright and his co-writers swear that this time they are getting it right, unlike 1995, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 (this last one looks suspicious). Those were the times when they all swore that Iran was months away form a nuclear bomb, cross their hearts and hope to die. Iran never developed the bomb on schedule and these experts did not die.
I hereby issue a Fatwa, I Fatwa, that come December 31 of 2014, the Iranians will still not have their bomb(s) ready. I also issue a supplementary Fatwa that: come December 2015, Western media groupies. In fact, I can go a step or two more, and I Fatwa that: come December 2016, with Bubba and Hillary Clinton ready to re-enter the White House, the Iranians will still………. ad nauseam.
