Back to the Shores of Tripoli: the Salafi Rampage…………….


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                             Neck of the woods

“From the Halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli
We fight our country’s battles
In the air, on land, and sea;
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean;
We are proud to claim the title
Of United States Marine……..”
U.S. Marines Hymn

Egyptian commentators noted that police and security were absent from the US embassy area in Cairo yesterday. Tweeters wrote that the Salafis had an easy job climbing the walls and taking the flag. Theories of conspiracy were all over the place. Overall, the Egyptians have managed to contain the backlash to this “mysterious” film.
Now this has become the most famous film in the world: free publicity by Salafi Wahhabi idiots. Just as the Ayatollah Khomenei gave free publicity to a little-known book by a British author three decades ago: and made it a worldwide best-seller.
The producer of this film wtf it is, couldn’t have paid for better publicity.

As for Libya: it is now becoming a failed state. It is getting the same disease as the Horn of Africa and the Sahel of northwest Africa. A ”potentially” rich failed state. Liberated from the Qaddafi dictatorship by NATO (NOT by the ragtag militias who marched in after the Western planes had done the job. Now it is beset with militia forces not bound to any authority, ideological, various Islamist, and tribal militias. The dictatorial glue that held Libya is coming undone, melted by the fires from NATO bombs last year. Now the marines again storm the shores of Tripoli, well, just to protect the embassy, a task the local “authorities” don’t seem able to do. The embassy killers were not just a “mob”. They were a heavily armed “militia”, not a popular spontaneous mob. Meanwhile, the Salafis, who ironically don’t believe in challenging any authority as long as it is Muslim, are poised to challenge the Arab system. This will not be the last in Libya (or in Egypt).
Salafis thrive on anarchy everywhere. Everywhere except in Saudi Arabia, their ideological mother and the teat that breastfeeds them with ideas and money.


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