Bahrain Kangaroo Court Passes Saudi Sentences on the Opposition………

   Rattlesnake Ridge   Follow ArabiaDeserta on Twitter   

Bahrain sentenced 10 Shi’ite prominent activists and opposition leaders to life in prison on Wednesday on charges of plotting a coup during protests that rocked the Sunni-ruled Gulf island kingdom earlier this year. The sentencing could inflame already simmering tensions in the tiny Gulf Arab state, where small protests have erupted daily since emergency law was lifted on June 1 and may threaten a national dialogue planned to start next month. Among those who received life sentences were Shi’ite dissident Hassan Mushaimaa, leader of hardline opposition group Haq. His group joined two others in calling for the overthrow of Bahrain’s monarchy during mass protests in February and March. Ibrahim Sharif, the Sunni leader of the secular leftist Waad party, was sentenced to five years in prison. Waad and Bahrain’s largest Shi’ite opposition group Wefaq had called for a reform of the kingdom’s monarchy. The defendants were defiant after the verdict, vowing to continue “peaceful” opposition to the royal family……….

First they arrested them en masse, looting their homes in the process, then they tortured them, then they sentenced some to death. Now the al-Khalifa military Kangaroo court has passed its life sentences against opposition leaders. It is as if they, and their al-Saud masters, want to completely destroy the opposition.

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