Right Wing Tycoon Takes Side on Gambling Online…….


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CNBC reports today that Sheldon Adelson, the American Likudnik businessman is trying to get the U.S. Congress to ban online gambling. I doubt that he owns the whole of Congress, so, no dice. Not even all the millions he wasted on Newt Gingrich last year can help him there.
But don’t misunderstand Adelson, there is no morality involved with him, at least not in this case. He is not against gambling, he owns huge gambling interests in Las Vegas. That is how he made his money. He just doesn’t like the online competition. I agree with him on this one, probably the only thing I agree with this right-winger on, but for different reasons since I have no gambling interests in Las Vegas. Come to think of it, I have no gambling interests anywhere. No wonder News Gingrich would not answer my calls.


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