Puzzle of Egyptian Presidents: from a Ram to a Zombie to the next Arab Ass……..


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Egyptian have been blessed, if that term can be used here, with two unique presidents during one year:

  • The first was the elected Mohamed Morsi, whom many of his opponents called “kharoof”. Kharoof means sheep in Arabic, actually a male sheep, a ram. Being like a ram is considered a desirable quality in the West, it indicates strength and stubbornness and a distinct unequal ability to butt heads. Something Mr. Morsi clearly did, which landed him in a military prison after the military coup by the man he had appointed defense minister. But alas some of his people called him a ‘ram‘ in a derogatory sense rather than in admiration: in the Middle East, especially in the Arab world, we don’t appreciate the finer qualities of some five-legged animals. For example, being called a ‘bull‘ is considered a good thing in the West, as long as it is not in a China shop. In our region a bull is considered an insult, a sign of stupidity, which shows how stupid we can be. As for being called an ass, or a jackass or donkey, I would not want to go there, we have too many of those asses who are only willing and eager to replace the maligned rams and bulls. From the looks of things, many of these asses make it.
  • The second Egyptian president of the year is even more questionable if only because he seems invisible, even with his girth. That would be Mr. Adly Mansour, whom I correctly dubbed early on as president Adly Mansour Al Zombie. He did then and he still does look like a zombie.
  • It is not clear who the next president of Egypt will be. Will he be another kharoof (ram)? Will he be another zombie? Or will he be the usual Arab ass?


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