Owning the GCC: What is in a Name? Burj WTF and Al Einstein……..


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My last post about Saudi Arabia.

That is a common phenomenon all over the Gulf GC states. Most streets are named after members of the ruling families, dead or alive. Most public institutions like hospitals, schools, airports, etc, are named after members of ruling families, dead or alive. Most new townships and suburbs are starting to be named after members of the ruling families, dead or alive. Sometimes, when they run out of names of family members, they name them after their in-laws, usually those who supplied them with wives. Dead or alive.
They have even resorted to naming some buildings after the potentates: remember when Burj Dubai was changed to Burj Khalifa? I know somebody who now privately calls it Burj WTF.

If things get really tough and they can’t find enough family names for all the streets and highways, they discover brotherly and sisterly love toward neighboring ruling families. They name a lot of streets after rulers and crown princes and other potentates of other Gulf GCC countries.
A lot of streets and highways are named Al Saud, Al Khalifa, Al Capone, Al Gore, Al Kapong, Al Einstein. But since the Al Saud have more kings and crown princes and princes, they tend to get the most names. Who knows, some day their might be a street named prince Bandar Bin Sultan Al Yamama Avenue.
The people have no chance, do they?


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