Lords of Turkey, Shaikhs of Scotland, Downton Abbey of Anatolia……………


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“5,000 people in Turkey, including a number of famous figures, have obtained a “lady” or “lord” title from the Kincavel region of Scotland since March 2012, according to private broadcaster CNN Türk. A company in Scotland is selling lady and lord titles for 25 U.K. pounds, and the service was brought to Turkey last year. “While I was looking for an extraordinary gift for my girlfriend I found out that a company in the U.K. gave ‘lord’ and ‘lady’ certificates for those who bought one meter-squared of soil in the Kincavel region of Scotland. Afterwards, I contacted the company and took control of Turkish distribution in March 2012,” said Turkish entrepreneur Faruk Kurtoğlu. “Since that time, 5,000 Turks have obtained a legal ‘lord’ or ‘lady’ of Kincavel certificate,”………………”

I knew of a couple of young people in the Gulf who had purchased titles from England some years ago. That was some years ago. Apparently there is/was a way to purchase titles from some English earls who would rather have the money.
But Turks buying questionable titles? I had thought the Turks had more sense than parting with Lira’s for that. That was a shocker when I first read it in Hurriyet. Imagine, a manor in Anatolia with Turkish lords/officers and the dames agonizing over war and peace and love and money, Downton Abbey in Turkish: Lord Ahmet Davutoğlu, Earl Erdogan, Baroness Turkish Delight (at home on the Gulf we’d call her Chabdat El-Faras which is our term for Turkish Delight, the sweet edible variety, back home).
In that case maybe some of our regional shaikhs and princes (and even mullahs) can start selling their titles, provided there is the demand.


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