“If I were King of Bahrain, I’d Burn You Alive Like Hitler Did to the Jews…..”

“Despite assurances from the Saudi government that it is cracking down on religious radicalism, the kingdom’s top clerics continue calling for attacks on Christians across the Arab world. And in the Internet age, these voices of hate have been handed a larger megaphone than ever before. You don’t have to look hard to find examples of religious intolerance emanating from the very top of the Saudi religious hierarchy. On a visit to Kuwait in March, Saudi Arabia’s grand mufti, Abdulaziz al-Sheikh, told the Revival of Islamic Heritage Society — which has been designated as a “specially designated global terrorist” entity by the United States and the United Nations for arming and financing al Qaeda — that it is “necessary to destroy all the churches in the Arabian Peninsula.” And there’s more where that came from. The mufti also believes that proponents of women’s rights are “advocates of evil and misguidance.” These sentiments are particularly troubling as Saudi clerics flock to Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and mobile apps to amplify their messages……….”

I almost burst out laughing when I read the first couple of paragraphs of this. These guys don’t know the depth of it: what they see is the tip of the iceberg. I wonder if they read Arabic, for if they did they would see the lowest depths of Wahhabi confessional, sectarian, and religious hatred. (What I post here is pussycat stuff in comparison). It is the kind of invective, against other faiths and other non-Salafi Muslims that one would not see in the most hateful Neo-Nazi literature or websites. If you think you have seen hatred in white supremacist or anti-Semitic sites and literature, try some of the Salafi garbage that is tweeted or published on websites or posted on YouTube. You would understand it only if you can read Arabic (what is posted in English is some mild stuff for Western eyes, what I call Salafi taqiyya). Like this tweet here (of a type that I read many every day, some milder, many worse):

ابوعزام التميمي@mohad_Altamimy

معليش يالرافضيه لو انا من ملك البحرين علقتكم بأقدامكم
وسكبت البنزين عليكم

واحرقتكم مثل حرق هتلر لليهود. واسجد لله شكرا

Translation:Alright you Rafdhiya (Shia’s): if I were the King of Bahrain, I’d hang you by you feet, pour benene (gasoline) all over you, and burn you just like Hitler did to the Jews. Then I’d prostrate to Allah thanking him Posted 7 AM my local time today  by @mohad_Altamimy  to who is a Bahrain human rights activist.

Arabic is such a beautiful language that it is a sin what these hate-mongers are doing to it, the use they are putting it to. Most of the worst invective and hate messages come from the Gulf GCC region, especially from Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. Many of it is likely typed in official buildings of these two regimes, especially Bahrain.
It is like a “good cop, bad cop” game the princes are playing with their tame palace clerics. The princes play the good “Westernized” polygamous cops who are reasonable, while the clerics show the true dark-ages and intolerant face of Wahhabism.


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