Palace Intellectuals, Schmellectuals, Revolution, and Evolution………..

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I find the intelligentsia’s capacity to continue to lament public sector failings and private sector irresponsibility towards society when they continue to fail at building a relation with society’s broader public — an audacious contradiction. As long as one is a shepherd, (s)he cannot be a champion of the cause of another’s herd. Until public intellectuals realise that they commit the very failings, which they so fiercely criticise the public and private institutions for, societies will continue to view them with as much distanced alienation as they view the former two groups. What we need is an intellectual evolution of enlightenment not a political revolution against government………….

Spoken like a true spokesman for the rulers. I say intellectual schmellectual. We don’t have many intellectuals left in our region anyway: most those opinionators are “palace journalists”. I say revolution over the ruling despots first. You can’t build over the same old corrupt foundations.

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